#lang scheme

(require "../../mred-plugin.ss"

;;; TODO: deleting a tab-panel with children is buggy
;;; (some children are not "active children" for delete-child)

(define tab-panel-preview%
  (class tab-panel% (super-new)
    ;(define single-panel (new panel:single% [parent this]))
    ;(define/public (get-single-panel) single-panel)
    (define child-panels '())
    (define/public (add-child-panel p label)
      (set! child-panels (append child-panels (list p)))
      (send this append label)
      (when (> (length child-panels) 1)
        (super delete-child p))) ; super and not 'send this...' !
     ; other possibility: give the 'deleted style to not-first children
    (define/public (active-child n)
      (if (empty? child-panels)
          (controller-select-mred-id (send this get-mred-id))
          (let ([child-panel (list-ref child-panels n)])
            (send this change-children 
                  (λ(children) (list child-panel)))
            ;(send single-panel active-child child-panel)
            (controller-select-mred-id (send child-panel get-mred-id))
    (define/override (delete-child c)
      (super delete-child c)
      (send this delete (list-pos child-panels c))
      (set! child-panels (remq c child-panels))
      (send this refresh)

 [type 'tab-panel]
 [tooltip "Tab Panel"]
 [button-group "Containers"]
 [widget-class tab-panel-preview%]
 ; here we could now use `precode' to avoid writing this class each time:
  (class tab-panel% (super-new)
    ;(define single-panel (new panel:single% [parent this]))
    ;(define/public (get-single-panel) single-panel)
    (define child-panels '())
    (define/public (add-child-panel p label)
      (set! child-panels (append child-panels (list p)))
      (send this append label)
      ; without this, all the panels will be shown initially
      ; (we only want the first child to be shown at first)
      (when (> (length child-panels) 1)
        (send this delete-child p)))
    (define/public (active-child n)
      (send this change-children 
            (lambda (children) 
              (list (list-ref child-panels n)))))
      ;(send single-panel active-child (list-ref child-panels n)))
      ;(send this active-child (list-ref child-panels n)))
 [parent-class container-classes]
 [necessary '(parent choices)]     ; necessary properties
 [options '()]
 ( ; widget properties
  [choices '()]
  [callback (prop:code (λ(tp e)
                         (send tp active-child (send tp get-selection))))] 
  [style (prop:some-of '(no-border deleted) '())]
  [enabled #t]
  [vert-margin 0]
  [horiz-margin 0]
  [border 0]
  [spacing 0]
  [alignment (alignment-values 'center 'center)]
  [min-width  0]
  [min-height 0]
  [stretchable-width  #t]
  [stretchable-height #t]