#lang setup/infotab

(define name                 "User Script Plugin")
(define drracket-tools       '(("tool.rkt")))
(define drracket-tool-names  '("Script Plugin"))
(define drracket-tool-icons  '(#f))

(define scribblings '(("scribblings/manual/manual.scrbl" () (tool 3.2))))

(define blurb 
  '("Easily make plugin scripts for DrRacket." 
    (p (it "Script examples:")
       " Word completion, Regexp-replace in current file, Code snippets, Table spacing (auto-spacer), Color chooser, Title/sections comment maker...")))

(define required-core-version  "5.0")
(define repositories           '("4.x"))
(define categories             '(devtools))

(define can-be-loaded-with  'none)
(define primary-file        "tool.rkt")

(define version "1.6")
(define release-notes
     (li "Added persistent dict entry: scripts can be made persistent (loaded only once, share memory among invocations)")
     (li "Added script: def-signatures (on-screen quick signature description of the function, no need to launch a browser")