(module union mzscheme
  (require "" "" ""
           "" ""
  (require (lib "") (lib "") (lib ""))
  (provide Un #;(rename *Un Un))
  (define (make-union* set)
    (match set
      [(list t) t]
      [_ (make-Union set)]))
  (define (Un . args) 
    (define (flat t) 
      (match t
        [(Union: es) es]
        [_ (list t)]))    
    (define (Values-types t) (match t [(Values: ts) ts]))
    (define (remove-subtypes ts)
      (let loop ([ts* ts] [result '()])
        (cond [(null? ts*) (reverse result)]
              [(ormap (lambda (t) (subtype (car ts*) t)) result) (loop (cdr ts*) result)]
              [else (loop (cdr ts*) (cons (car ts*) result))])))
    ;; a is a Type (not a union type)
    ;; b is a List[Type]
    (define (union2 a b)     
      (define b* (make-union* b))
        [(subtype a b*) (list b*)]
        [(subtype b* a) (list a)]            
        [else (cons a b)]))
    (let ([types (remove-dups (sort (apply append (map flat args)) type<?))])
        [(null? types) (make-union* null)]
        [(andmap Values? types)
         (make-Values (apply map Un (map Values-types types)))]
        [(ormap Values? types)
         (int-err "Un: should not take the union of multiple values with some other type: ~a" types)]
        [else (make-union* #;(remove-subtypes types) (foldr union2 null types))])))
  #;(defintern (Un-intern args) (lambda (_ args) (apply Un args)) args)
  #;(define (*Un . args) (Un-intern args))
  ;(trace Un)
  (define (u-maker args) (apply Un args))
  ;(trace u-maker)
  (set-union-maker! u-maker)