(module type-annotation mzscheme
  (require "" "" "" "" "" "")
  (require (lib ""))
  (provide (all-defined))
  (define type-label-symbol 'type-label)
  (define type-ascrip-symbol 'type-ascription)    
  (define (print-size stx)
    (syntax-case stx ()
      [(a . b) (begin
                 (printf/log "Annotation Sexp Pair ~n")
                 (print-size #'a)
                 (print-size #'b))]      
      [_ (printf/log "Annotation Sexp ~n" )]))
  ;; get the type annotation of this syntax
  ;; syntax -> Maybe[Type]
  (define (type-annotation stx)
    (define (pt prop)
      (print-size prop)
      (if (syntax? prop)
          (parse-type prop)
          (parse-type/id stx prop)))
      [(syntax-property stx type-label-symbol) => pt]
      [(syntax-property stx type-ascrip-symbol) => pt]
      [else #f]))
  (define (log/ann stx ty)
    (printf/log "Required Annotated Variable: ~a ~a~n" (syntax-e stx) ty))
  (define (log/extra stx ty ty2)
    (printf/log "Extra Annotated Variable: ~a ~a ~a~n" (syntax-e stx) ty ty2))
  (define (log/noann stx ty)
    (printf/log "Unannotated Variable: ~a ~a~n" (syntax-e stx) ty))

  ;; get the type annotation of this identifier, otherwise error
  ;; identifier -> Type
  (define (get-type stx)
        ([current-orig-stx stx])
        [(type-annotation stx) => (lambda (x) 
                                    (log/ann stx x)
        [(not (syntax-original? stx)) 
         (tc-error "untyped var: ~a" (syntax-e stx))]
         (tc-error "no type information on variable ~a" (syntax-e stx))])))
  ;; get the type annotations on this list of identifiers
  ;; if not all identifiers have annotations, return the supplied inferred type
  ;; list[identifier] type -> list[type]
  (define (get-type/infer stxs e-type)
    (match (list stxs e-type)
      [(list '() (Values: '())) (list)]
      [(list (list stx) (? (lambda (x) (not (Values? x))) ty))
       (cond [(type-annotation stx) => (lambda (ann)
                                         (check-type stx ty ann) 
                                         (log/extra stx ty ann)
                                         (list ann))]
             [else (log/noann stx ty) (list ty)])]
      [(list (list stx ...) (Values: (list ty ...)))
       (map (lambda (stx ty)
              (cond [(type-annotation stx) => (lambda (ann) (check-type stx ty ann) (log/extra stx ty ann) ann)]
                    [else (log/noann stx ty) ty]))
            stx ty)]
      [else (error 'internal-tc-error "Bad")]))
  ;; check that e-type is compatible with ty in context of stx
  ;; otherwise, error
  ;; syntax type type -> void
  (define (check-type stx e-type ty)
    (parameterize ([current-orig-stx stx])
      (unless (subtype e-type ty)
        (tc-error "Body had type:~n~a~nVariable had type:~n~a~n" e-type ty))))