#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label "ft-read-only-text.rkt" (except-in scheme/gui/base send-event))) @title{@bold{Read Only Text}} @author["Sam Anklesaria"] @defmodule[ft-read-only-text] This module is meant for use with the @schememodname[frtime] language. It defines an editor that can have its contents set reactively, but not interactively. @defclass[ft-read-only-text% text% (editor<%>)]{ @defconstructor[([text behavior?] [line-spacing (and/c real? (not/c negative?)) 1.0] [tab-stops (listof real?) null] [auto-wrap any/c #t])]{The @scheme[text] argument takes an behavior carrying the text to use at any time.} @defmethod[(set-text [text string?]) void?]{Sets the entire text to the given string.} }