#lang scheme
(require (planet "main.rkt" ("samsergey" "rewrite.plt" 1 0))

;; Transformation of algebraic (arythmetic) expression
;; given in infix form to parenthesized prefix form.
;; This function uses singlefold rewriting with
;; explicit recursion.
(define/. infix->prefix
  ; The order of rewriting rules corresponds
  ; to the precedence of operations.
  `(,x __1  +  ,y __1) --> (list '+ (infix->prefix x) (infix->prefix y))
  `(,x __1  -  ,y __1) --> (list '- (infix->prefix x) (infix->prefix y))
  `(,x __1  *  ,y __1) --> (list '* (infix->prefix x) (infix->prefix y))
  `(,x __1  /  ,y __1) --> (list '/ (infix->prefix x) (infix->prefix y))
  ; rewriting for general funtions
  `(,f ,x __1)         --> (list f (infix->prefix x))
  ; treating the expressions in parenthesis
  `(,x)                -->  (infix->prefix x))

(check-equal? (infix->prefix '(1))              1)
(check-equal? (infix->prefix '(1 + 2 * x))      '(+ 1 (* 2 x)))
(check-equal? (infix->prefix '((a + b) * c))    '(* (+ a b) c))
(check-equal? (infix->prefix '(2 * sin(2 * x))) '(* 2 (sin (* 2 x))))

;; Transformation from parenthesized prefix form
;; to postfix (reverse polish notation)
(define ((nest f g) x y) (f (g x) y))

(define/. prefix->RPN
  (cons f x) --> (foldl (nest append prefix->RPN) (list f) x)
  x --> (list x))

(define infix->RPN (compose prefix->RPN infix->prefix))

(check-equal? (infix->RPN '(1))              '(1))
(check-equal? (infix->RPN '(1 + 2 * x))      '(x 2 * 1 +))
(check-equal? (infix->RPN '((a + b) * c))    '(c b a + *))
(check-equal? (infix->RPN '(2 * sin(2 * x))) '(x 2 * sin 2 *))

;; Calculation of expression, given in reverse polish notation
(define (calculate-RPN expr)
  ; interpretation of operations
  (define/. read-stack
    (? number? n) s      --> (cons n s)
    '+ (list x y s ___)  --> (cons (+ x y) s) 
    '- (list x y s ___)  --> (cons (- x y) s) 
    '* (list x y s ___)  --> (cons (* x y) s) 
    '/ (list x y s ___)  --> (cons (/ x y) s) 
    x s --> (error "Expression contains unknown operation:" x))
  ; If after interpretation stack contains one entry, return it.
   ((/. `(,s) --> s) 
    (reverse (foldl read-stack '() expr))))

(check-eq? (calculate-RPN (infix->RPN '(1)))                  1)
(check-eq? (calculate-RPN (infix->RPN '(1 + 2 * 3)))          7)
(check-eq? (calculate-RPN (infix->RPN '((1 + 2) * 3)))        9)
(check-eq? (calculate-RPN (infix->RPN '((1 + 2) * (3 - 4)))) -3)
(check-eq? (calculate-RPN (infix->RPN '((1 + 2) / (3 - 4)))) -3)