;;; Time-stamp: <2010-03-17 12:38:42 nhw>
;;; Copyright (C) by Noel Welsh.

;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it
;;; and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
;;; General Public License as published by the Free Software
;;; Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
;;; your option) any later version.

;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be
;;; useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
;;; implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
;;; PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
;;; License for more details.

;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser
;;; General Public License along with this library; if not,
;;; write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
;;; Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

;;; Author: Noel Welsh <>
;; Commentary:

#lang scheme/base

 (planet schematics/schemeunit:3/base)
 (planet schematics/schemeunit:3/test)
 (only-in (planet williams/science:3/science)
          mean variance standard-deviation t-distribution-pdf)

(require (for-syntax
          (lib "" "setup")))





;; Record run times

;; cpu-time : (() -> any) -> integer
(define (cpu-time thunk)
  (let-values (([result cpu real gc] (time-apply thunk null)))

;; (() -> any) -> (vectorof integer)
(define (benchmark-time* thunk)
   (for/list ([i (in-range 10)])
     (begin0 (cpu-time thunk)

(define-syntax benchmark-time
  (syntax-rules ()
    [(benchmark-time expr ...)
     (benchmark-time* (lambda () expr ...))]))

;; Analyse run times

;; (vectorof number) (vectorof number) -> (U #t #f)
;; Implementation of one-tailed Student t-test with equal
;; number of samples and equal variance
;; #t if the means are significantly different at the 0.05 level
(define (t-test? times1 times2)
  (define p 0.05)
  (define n (vector-length times1))
  (define std-dev (sqrt (/ (variance times1) (variance times2) 2)))
  (define t (/ (- (mean times1) (mean times2)) (* std-dev (sqrt (/ 2 n)))))
  (< (t-distribution-pdf t (- (* 2 n) 2)) p))

;; struct statististics : float float float float float
;; slowdown > 1 indicates 1 is slower than 2
(define-struct statistics (mean1 mean2 std-dev1 std-dev2 slowdown))

(define (times->statistics times1 times2)
  (make-statistics (mean times1)
                   (mean times2)
                   (standard-deviation times1)
                   (standard-deviation times2)
                   (/ (mean times1) (mean times2))))

(define (compare-times times1 times2 operator printer verbose?)
  (let* ([m1 (mean times1)]
         [m2 (mean times2)]
         [success? (operator m1 m2)])
    (when verbose?
      (printer (times->statistics times1 times2) success?))

(define ((current-output-printer name1 name2 comparison) statistics success?)
  (if success?
      (printf "~a was ~a than ~a\n" name1 comparison name2)
      (printf "~a was NOT ~a than ~a\n" name1 comparison name2))
  (display "------------------------------------------------------------\n")
  (printf "Statistics for ~a\n" name1)
  (printf "Mean:     ~a\n" (statistics-mean1 statistics))
  (printf "Std dev.: ~a\n" (statistics-std-dev1 statistics))
  (printf "Statistics for ~a\n" name2)
  (printf "Mean:     ~a\n" (statistics-mean2 statistics))
  (printf "Std dev.: ~a\n" (statistics-std-dev2 statistics))
  (printf "~a took ~a the time of ~a\n" name1 (statistics-slowdown statistics) name2)
  (display "------------------------------------------------------------\n"))

(define (faster*? name1 times1 name2 times2 [verbose? #t])
  (compare-times times1 times2 <
                 (current-output-printer name1 name2 "faster")

(define-syntax faster?
  (syntax-rules ()
    [(faster? [name1 expr1 ...] [name2 expr2 ...])
     (faster*? name1 (benchmark-time expr1 ...)
               name2 (benchmark-time expr2 ...))]))

(define (as-fast*? name1 times1 name2 times2 [verbose? #t])
  (compare-times times1 times2 <=
                 (current-output-printer name1 name2 "as fast")

(define-syntax as-fast?
  (syntax-rules ()
    [(as-fast? [name1 expr1 ...] [name2 expr2 ...])
     (as-fast*? name1 (benchmark-time expr1 ...)
                name2 (benchmark-time expr2 ...))]))

;; SchemeUnit Checks

(define ((check-printer name1 name2 comparison) statistics success?)
  (if success?
       (('name1 name1)
        ('name2 name2)
        ('mean1 (statistics-mean1 statistics))
        ('mean2 (statistics-mean2 statistics))
        ('std-dev1 (statistics-std-dev1 statistics))
        ('std-dev2 (statistics-std-dev2 statistics))
        ('slowdown (statistics-slowdown statistics))
        ('message (format "~a was not ~a than ~a" name1 comparison name2)))

(define-check (check-faster name1 thunk1 name2 thunk2)
  (compare-times (benchmark-time* thunk1)
                 (benchmark-time* thunk2)
                 (check-printer name1 name2 "faster")

(define-check (check-as-fast name1 thunk1 name2 thunk2)
  (compare-times (benchmark-time* thunk1)
                 (benchmark-time* thunk2)
                 (check-printer name1 name2 "as fast")

(define-check (check-faster-times times1 times2)
  (compare-times times1
                 (check-printer "1" "2" "faster")

;; Benchmark Test Case

;; syntax this-expression-benchmark-log-file : () -> path
(define-syntax (this-expression-benchmark-log-file stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
     ;; The expressions generating directory and file-name
     ;; below are cut'n'paste from
     ;; this-expression-source-directory and
     ;; this-expression-file-name from in MzLib.  I
     ;; tried to use the macros (as so maintain
     ;; abstraction) but just couldn't get the things to
     ;; pickup the right source location.
           (let* ([source (syntax-source stx)]
                  [source (and (path? source) source)]
                  [local (or (current-load-relative-directory) (current-directory))]
                  [dir (path->main-collects-relative
                        (or (and source (file-exists? source)
                                 (let-values ([(base file dir?) (split-path source)])
                                   (and (path? base)
                                        (path->complete-path base local))))
             (if (and (pair? dir) (eq? 'collects (car dir)))
                 (with-syntax ([d dir])
                   #'(main-collects-relative->path 'd))
                 (with-syntax ([d (if (bytes? dir) dir (path->bytes dir))])
                   #'(bytes->path d))))]
           (let* ([f (syntax-source stx)]
                  [f (and f (path? f) (file-exists? f)
                          (let-values ([(base file dir?) (split-path f)]) file))])
             (if f
                 (with-syntax ([f (path->bytes f)]) #'(bytes->path f))
       (syntax/loc stx
           (path->string file-name)

;; syntax benchmark-case : expr ... -> test-case
(define-syntax (benchmark-case stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ name expr ...)
     (with-syntax ([log-file
         (let* ([test-thunk (lambda () expr ...)]
                [times (benchmark-time* test-thunk)]
                [previous-run (find-most-recent-run log-file name)])
           (when previous-run
             (check-faster-times times (run-times previous-run)))
           (add-run log-file name times)

;; faster? : (() -> any) (() -> any) : (U #t #f)
;; True if thunk1 is faster than thunk2, false otherwise
;;(define (faster? thunk1 thunk2)
;;  (let ([time1 (collect-and-time thunk1)]
;;        [time2 (collect-and-time thunk2)])
;;    (< (mean time1) (mean time2))))