#lang scheme/base
(require (for-syntax scheme/base)
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define-runtime-path default-mime-types-path "mime.types")
(define default-servlet-name "servlet.ss")
(define default-servlet-path (build-path (current-directory) default-servlet-name))
(define default-htdocs-name "htdocs")
(define default-htdocs-path (list (build-path (current-directory) default-htdocs-name)))
(define default-servlet-namespace null)
(define (default-servlet-exn-handler url exn)
(define (format-stack-trace trace)
,@(for/list ([item (in-list trace)])
(format "~a at:~n ~a~n"
(if (car item)
(car item)
"<unknown procedure>")
(if (cdr item)
(format "line ~a, column ~a, in file ~a"
(srcloc-line (cdr item))
(srcloc-column (cdr item))
(srcloc-source (cdr item)))
"<unknown location>")))))
(let ([stylesheet #<<EOF
.section {
margin: 25px font-family: sans-serif border: 1px solid black}
.title {
background-color: #663366 font-size: large padding: 5px color: #FFFFFF}
.section > p {
margin-left: 5px margin-right: 5px}
.section > pre {
background-color: #ffccff margin-left: 5px margin-right: 5px padding: 5px border: 1px solid #ff99ff}
(title "Servlet Error")
(style ([type "text/css"])
(div ([class "section"])
(div ([class "title"]) "Exception")
"Your application raised an exception with the message:"
(pre ,(exn-message exn)))
"Stack trace:"
(continuation-mark-set->context (exn-continuation-marks exn))))))))))