(module info (lib "infotab.ss" "setup")
(define name "spgsql")
(define compile-omit-files '("samples/sample1.ss"))
(define blurb
'("The spgsql library provides a high-level interface to PostgreSQL "
"database servers. It is implemented in Scheme and requires "
"no C client libraries."))
(define primary-file "spgsql.ss")
(define homepage "http://schematics.sourceforge.net/spgsql.html")
(define version "5.0")
(define doc.txt "doc.txt")
(define categories '(net))
(define release-notes
'("This major revision adds SSL and local socket connections, "
"an expanded high-level query interface, and automatic conversion "
"of SQL scalar data to Scheme types. "
"It drops support for older (pre-7.3) versions of PostgreSQL.")))