spgsql: PostgreSQL connectivity
_spgsql_: PostgreSQL connectivity
By Ryan Culpepper (ryanc at plt-scheme dot org)
This manual documents spgsql version 5.2 (PLaneT version 2 2).
Keywords: _spgsql_, _postgresql_, _postgres_, _database_, _db_
- Introduction
- Connection API
- Query API
- SQL Types and Conversions
- Usage Notes
- Changes from version 4
- Acknowledgments
The spgsql library provides a high-level interface to PostgreSQL
database servers. It does not rely on any locally-installed PostgreSQL
client libraries: spgsql is everything you need to connect PLT Scheme
to a PostgreSQL server.
The spgsql library is object-based, using (lib "class.ss") objects,
but connection objects do not contain query state, only connection
state. The query methods are functional in spirit: queries return
results; they do not stow them away in the connection for later
manipulation and retrieval. The higher-order query methods are
patterned after the standard higher-order list processing functions.
Since spgsql does not use foreign connectivity libraries, it works
seamlessly with PLT Scheme's resource management systems. The library
communicates with servers using normal, custodian-managed
ports. Consequently, communication blocks only the thread performing
the communication, unlike some FFI-based approaches.
Spgsql 5 (that is, PLaneT major version 2) only works with PostgreSQL
servers version 7.4 and later. For older servers, use spgsql 4
(PLaneT major version 1).
Connection API
Use the following require line to load spgsql:
(require (planet "spgsql.ss" ("schematics" "spgsql.plt" 2 0)))
Of course, you must also require (lib "class.ss") in order to call a
connection's methods.
Creating connections
Use the following procedures to create a connection:
> (connect <connection-keyword-arguments>)
connect : <connection-keyword-arguments> -> connection
Creates a connection to a PostgreSQL server. The 'connect' procedure
recognizes the keyword arguments listed below. Only the user and
database arguments are mandatory; the other arguments have default
values. If neither server hostname nor socket path is specified, the
connection defaults to a TCP connection to "localhost".
When successful, 'connect' returns a connection object. If the
connection cannot be made, 'connect' raises an exception.
The server to make a TCP connection to. Defaults to "localhost".
The TCP port the server is listening on. Defaults to 5432.
The path of the local socket to connect to. You cannot specify
both the socket option and the server ano/or port option.
Local socket connections are only available on Linux (x86) and
Mac OS X, at present.
The database user name to connect as. Mandatory argument.
The database to connect to. Mandatory argument.
The user's password. Defaults to #f, meaning no password. If the
backend demands a password and none was given, 'connect' raises
an authentication error.
Defaults to #f. Unless explicitly set to true, spgsql will raise
an error if the backend requests the user's password to be sent
un-hashed (regardless of whether the connection is encrypted
with SSL).
Determines whether to attempt an SSL connection and whether to
fall back to non-SSL if that fails. The default is 'no. Only
compatible with TCP connections.
- 'yes: attempt an SSL connection and raise an error if
the backend refuses SSL
- 'optional: attempt an SSL connection but fall back to
non-SSL mode if the backend refuses SSL
- 'no: do not attempt SSL connection
(connect #:server "db.mysite.tla"
#:port 5432
#:database "webappdb"
#:user "webapp"
#:password "ultra5ecret")
(connect #:user "me"
#:database "me"
#:password "icecream")
;; Typical socket path on some PostgreSQL configurations
(connect #:socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
#:user "me"
#:database "me")
A connection contains the following administrative methods:
> (send a-connection disconnect)
disconnect : -> void
Disconnects from the server.
> (send a-connection connected?)
connected? : -> boolean
Returns true if the connection is connected.
Query API
High-level Query Interface
Spgsql implements a high-level, functional query interface. Once
connected, connection objects are relatively stateless. When a query
method is invoked, it either returns a result or, if the query caused
an error, raises an exception. Different query methods impose
different constraints on the query results and offer different
mechanisms for processing the results.
The spgsql query interface does not expose any low-level
machinery. Programmers who want cursors should use SQL-language
cursors via the "DECLARE CURSOR", "MOVE", and "FETCH" statements.
A Statement is one of:
- a string containing a single SQL statement
- an opaque value returned by 'prepare' or 'prepare-multiple' (see below)
A connection supports the following high-level query methods:
> (send a-connection exec a-statement ...)
exec : Statement ... -> void
Executes SQL statements for effect and discards the result(s).
Calling 'exec' on multiple statements at once may be more efficient
than calling 'exec' multiple times on the statements individually.
Note: The set of statements passed to 'exec' are executed within
their own "mini-transaction"; if any statement fails, the effects of
all previous statements in the set are rolled back.
(send c exec "create table the_numbers (n integer, name varchar)"
"insert into the_numbers (n, name) values (0, 'zero')")
> (send a-connection query-list a-statement)
query-list : Statement -> (list-of value)
Executes a SQL query which must return a recordset of exactly one
column; returns the list of (single) values from the query.
> (send a-connection query-row a-statement)
query-row : Statement -> (vector-of value)
Executes a SQL query which must return a recordset of exactly one
row; returns its (single) row result as a vector.
> (send a-connection query-maybe-row a-statement)
query-maybe-row : Statement -> (vector-of value) or #f
Like 'query-row', but the query may return zero rows; in that case,
the method returns false.
> (send a-connection query-value a-statement)
query-value : Statement -> value
Executes a SQL query which must return a recordset of exactly one
column and exactly one row; returns its single value result.
> (send a-connection query-maybe-value a-statement)
query-maybe-value : Statement -> value or #f
Like 'query-value', but the query may return zero rows; in that
case, the method returns false.
> (send a-connection map a-statement proc)
map : Statement (field ... -> 'a) -> (list-of 'a)
Executes a SQL query and applies the given function to the contents
of each row, returning a list of results.
> (send a-connection for-each a-statement proc)
for-each : Statement (field ... -> void) -> void
Executes a SQL query and applies the given function to the contents
of each row, discarding the results.
> (send a-connection mapfilter a-statement map-proc filter-proc)
mapfilter : Statement (field ... -> 'a) (field ... -> boolean) -> (list-of 'a)
Like 'map', but applies the map procedure (given first) to only
those rows which satisfy the given predicate (given second).
> (send a-connection fold a-statement proc init)
fold : Statement ('a field ... -> 'a) 'a -> 'a
Left fold over the results of the query.
Connections also support methods for preparing parameterized
queries. A parameterized query may be executed any number of times
with different values for its parameters.
A parameterized query is written with positional arguments. For example:
select * from the_numbers where num > $1;
A Preparable is:
- a string containing a single SQL statement
The following methods provide a convenient functional interface for
common uses of parameterized prepared statements:
> (send a-connection prepare-exec a-preparable)
prepare-exec : Preparable -> param ... -> void
> (send a-connection prepare-query-list a-preparable)
prepare-query-list : Preparable -> param ... -> (list-of value)
> (send a-connection prepare-query-row a-preparable)
prepare-query-row : Preparable -> param ... -> (vector-of value)
> (send a-connection prepare-query-maybe-row a-preparable)
prepare-query-maybe-row : Preparable -> param ... -> (vector-of value) or #f
> (send a-connection prepare-query-value a-preparable)
prepare-query-value : Preparable -> param ... -> value
> (send a-connection prepare-query-maybe-value a-preparable)
prepare-query-maybe-value : Preparable -> param ... -> value or #f
> (send a-connection prepare-map a-preparable proc)
prepare-map : Preparable ('a ... -> 'b) -> param ... -> (list-of 'b)
> (send a-connection prepare-for-each a-preparable proc)
prepare-for-each : Preparable ('a ... -> void) -> param ... -> void
> (send a-connection prepare-mapfilter a-preparable map-proc filter-proc)
prepare-mapfilter : Preparable ('a ... -> 'b) ('a ... -> boolean)
-> param ... -> (list-of 'b)
> (send a-connection prepare-fold a-preparable proc init)
prepare-fold : Preparable ('b 'a ... -> 'b) 'b -> param ... -> 'b
Each of these methods prepares the parameterized SQL statement for
later execution and returns a closure. The closure accepts the
parameter values and executes the prepared statement, processing the
results like the corresponding query method.
A prepared-statement closure may be executed any number of times.
It is possible to prepare a statement that contains no parameters;
the resulting procedure should be called with zero arguments.
Unlike 'exec', 'prepare-exec' only accepts a single statement.
Low-level Query API
In addition to the high-level query API, spgsql connections support
the following methods for preparing, binding, and executing queries:
A QueryResult is one of:
- (make-SimpleResult string)
- (make-Recordset (list-of FieldInfo) (list-of (vector-of datum)))
A FieldInfo is (make-FieldInfo string)
> (struct SimpleResult (command))
> (struct Recordset (info data))
> (struct FieldInfo (name))
> (send a-connection query a-statement)
query : Statement -> QueryResult
> (send a-connection query-multiple some-statements)
query-multiple : (list-of Statement) -> (list-of QueryResult)
Executes queries, returning structures that describe the
results. Unlike the high-level query methods, 'query-multiple'
supports a mixture of recordset-returning queries and effect-only
> (send a-connection prepare a-preparable)
prepare : Preparable -> PreparedStatement
> (send a-connection prepare-multiple some-preparables)
prepare-multiple : (list-of Preparable) -> (list-of PreparedStatement)
Prepare parameterized queries. The resulting PreparedStatements are
tied to the connection object that prepared them; it is an error to
use them with any other connection.
> (send a-connection bind-prepared-statement a-preparedstatement params)
bind-prepared-statement : PreparedStatement (list-of param) -> Statement
Fill in a parameterized prepared query with its parameters. The
resulting Statement can be executed with 'query-multiple' or any of
the high-level query methods, but it must be used with the same
connection object.
(let ([get-name-pst
(send c prepare "select name from the_numbers where n = $1")])
(let ([get-name1 (send c bind-prepared-statement get-name-pst (list 1))]
[get-name2 (send c bind-prepared-statement get-name-pst (list 2))])
(send c query-multiple (list get-name1 get-name2))))
(list (make-Recordset (list (make-FieldInfo "name")) (list "one"))
(make-Recordset (list (make-FieldInfo "name")) (list "two")))
SQL Types and Conversions
For most basic SQL types, connections automatically process query
results and paramterized query parameters to convert between Scheme
values and SQL external representations. When there is no automatic
conversion to or from a SQL type, you must supply or accept a string
containing the SQL value's external representation.
;; Basic datatypes
(send c query-value "select 18") => 18
(send c query-value "select false") => #f
;; Unsupported conversions
(send c query-value "select '{1,2,3}'::int[]") => "{1,2,3}"
(send c query-value "select point (1,2)") => "(1,2)"
SQL NULL values are always translated into the unique 'sql-null' value.
> sql-null
> (sql-null? a-value)
sql-null? : value -> boolean
A special value and predicate used to represent NULL values in
query results.
Here are the SQL types known to spgsql with their corresponding Scheme
representations. The type is listed in the notation accepted by
spgsql; it generally corresponds to the SQL notation with spaces
replaced by dashes.
Type Name Aliases Scheme datatype
--------------------------- ----------------------- ---------------
bigint int8 exact integer
bigserial serial8 exact integer
boolean bool boolean
bytea bytes
character-varying varchar string
character char string
date sql-date
double-precision double float8 inexact real
integer int int4 exact integer
numeric decimal number
real float4 inexact real
smallint int2 exact integer
serial serial4 exact integer
text string
time-without-time-zone time sql-time
time-with-time-zone timetz sql-time
timestamp-without-time-zone timestamp sql-timestamp
timestamp-with-time-zone timestamptz sql-timestamp
oid exact integer
A SQL value of type 'numeric'/'decimal' is always converted to either
an exact rational or +nan.0. When converting Scheme values to SQL
'numeric', exact rational values representable by finite decimal
strings are converted without loss of precision. Other real values are
converted to decimals with a loss of precision.
PostgreSQL defines other datatypes, such as network addresses and
various geometric concepts. These are not supported by spgsql.
Array types are also not currently supported by spgsql. Support may be
added in a future version.
SQL Data
Spgsql provides datatypes for a few SQL types that have no close
analogues in Scheme.
> (struct sql-date (year month day))
> (struct sql-time (hour minute second nanosecond tz))
> (struct sql-timestamp (year month day hour minute second nanosecond tz))
Representations of SQL dates, times, and timestamps. The 'tz'
field may be false to indicate no time zone information.
The sql-time and sql-timestamp structures store fractional seconds
to nanosecond accuracy for compatibility with SRFI 19. Not, however,
that PostgreSQL only supports microsecond time accuracy. Fractional
seconds are rounded to the nearest microsecond when they are stored
in the database.
> (sql-datetime->srfi-date a-sql-date-or-time)
sql-datetime->srfi-date : (union sql-date sql-time sql-timestamp) -> date
> (srfi-date->sql-date a-date)
srfi-date->sql-date : date -> sql-date
> (srfi-date->sql-time a-date)
srfi-date->sql-time : date -> sql-time
> (srfi-date->sql-time-tz a-date)
srfi-date->sql-time-tz : date -> sql-time
> (srfi-date->sql-timestamp a-date)
srfi-date->sql-timestamp : date -> sql-timestamp
> (srfi-date->sql-timestamp-tz a-date)
srfi-date->sql-timestamp-tz : date -> sql-timestamp
Converts between this library's date and time values and SRFI 19's
date values. SRFI dates store more information than SQL dates and
times, so converting a SQL time to a SRFI date, for example, puts
zeroes in the year, month, and day fields.
Creating SQL Strings
The 'format-sql' and 'concat-sql' macros help construct SQL query
strings safely:
> (format-sql format-string ... type-spec ...) SYNTAX
Encodes each tagged datum to a SQL literal expression and inserts it
into the format string. The result is a string. A type-spec has one
of the following forms, categorized by the SQL statement context it
is used in:
SQL literal expressions:
- [type-identifier expr]
Converts the result of 'expr' to the SQL type named by
'type-identifier'. The 'type-identifier' must be a syntactic
identifier naming a SQL type, and 'expr' must evaluate to a
value of the appropriate Scheme datatype.
Example: This code generates a query that returns all numbers
greater than the value of the Scheme variable 'lower-bound':
(format-sql "select n from the_numbers where n >= ~a"
[int4 lower-bound])
Warning: the type name is not checked. You must avoid specifying
type names that contain SQL delimiters such as ')' or '--'.
- [#:trust expr type-string]
Performs minimal escaping on the value of 'expr', which must be
a string that is a suitable external representation for the SQL
type named by 'type-string'.
Example: Generates a query for boxes containing the origin:
(format-sql "select b from some_boxes where ~a <@ b"
[#:trust "(0,0)" "point"]
Warning: the type name is not checked. You must avoid specifying
type names that contain SQL delimiters such as ')' or '--'.
SQL identifiers:
- [#:name expr]
- [#:Name expr]
Quotes a SQL identifier (eg, table name or field name). The
expression must produce a string. Using '#:name' performs the
default case conversion on the name. The following are
[#:name "table"] = [#:name "TABLE"] = [#:name "TaBlE"]
If '#:Name' is used, the case of the name is preserved.
(format-sql "select n from ~a"
[#:name "the_numbers"])
SQL code:
- [#:sql expr]
Splices in a string containing arbitrary SQL code. No escaping
of is done, but whitespace is added around the spliced code.
(format-sql "select n from ~a ~a"
[#:name "the_numbers"]
[#:sql (if only-pos? "where n > 0" "")])
Note: The format string must contain only '~a' placeholders (using
'~s' placeholders would generally result in invalid SQL). Literal
'~' characters may be written as '~~'.
> (concat-sql string-or-type-spec ...) SYNTAX
Composes a SQL string by concatenating the literal strings and the
interpretations of the type-specs (as above; see 'format-sql').
Whitespace is added after every fragment. Unlike 'format-sql', the
'~' character has no special meaning within the strings.
(concat-sql "select n"
"from" [#:name "the_numbers"]
[#:sql (if only-pos? "where n > 0" "")])
Usage Notes
Connections are internally synchronized: it is safe to perform
concurrent queries on the same connection object from different
threads (by direct query methods or prepared query procedures).
The extent of the synchronization covers only the communication with
the server, not the processing of returned results. Clients requiring
synchronized processing of query results must implement the
synchronization themselves.
(Synchronization was added in spgsql version 5.1.)
Connecting to a Server
By default, many PostgreSQL servers only listen on local domain
sockets. spgsql 5 provides experimental support for communication over
local domain sockets, but only on Linux (x86) and Mac OS X.
To find the socket path, look in the directory named by the
'unix_socket_directory' variable in postgresql.conf. For example, on
Ubuntu Feisty Fawn running PostgreSQL 8.2, the socket directory is
'/var/run/postgresql' and the special file is at
If local socket communication is not available, the server must be
reconfigured to listen to a TCP port and restarted. See the PostgreSQL
manual for information on doing this.
Passwords and Authentication
PostgreSQL also comes with a configuration file (pg_hba.conf) which
lists accepted authentication methods. It is often necessary to add
lines to this file that describe what authentication method is used
for TCP connections. By default, spgsql only supports cleartext and
md5-hashed passwords, and it does not send cleartext passwords unless
explicitly ordered to.
Server Parameters
The spgsql library only understands the the UTF-8 client encoding.
Connections set the encoding when they are created; no server
configuration or user action is necessary. This library does not
support other encodings. If the server changes the client
encoding---for example, in response to a SET statement issued by
the user---the connection automatically disconnects and raises an
Changes from version 4
Version 5 of spgsql is not source-compatible with prior versions. This
section outlines the substantial differences.
The old 'connect' procedure with fixed arguments has been replaced by
a procedure taking keyword arguments.
Support for crypt()-passwords has been dropped.
All queries are now restricted to a single SQL statement. Support for
COPY statements has been dropped.
The old low-level query methods, such as 'query', have been changed or
removed. The new low-level query methods use different datatypes.
The high-level query methods are mostly the same. The 'fold-right'
method has been dropped, and the old misnamed 'query-tuple' method has
been renamed 'query-row' in anticipation of a proper tuple
representation in the future.
Type conversions are enabled automatically and cannot be
disabled. Unconverted data is represented as strings. Future
releases may add the capability to configure type conversions.
The 'sql-format' procedure has been replaced with the 'format-sql'
Errors and Events
The exception hierarchy has been dropped. There is no way to tell a
fatal error from a nonfatal error by the exception object; use the
'connected?' method instead. Generally, internal errors and
communication errors are fatal; query errors and user errors are not.
The 'set-notification-handler' and 'set-notice-handler' methods have
been dropped. Future releases may restore the capability to react to
asynchronous events.
Thanks to Dave Gurnell and Noel Welsh for help implementing SSL
connections. Further thanks to Dave Gurnell for helping to implement,
test, and document date and time handling. Thanks to Mike Burns and
Doug Orleans for help updating spgsql to PLT Scheme 30x.