1 Introduction
3 Example

Date Chooser: A simple date gui control.

Chen Xiao <chenxiao770117@gmail.com>

1 Introduction

Use gui and draw toolkit to make a date gui control. Only need specify the parent, width, height, you’ll have a date control on the parent ui.

It looks like:

click triangle button to change date.The always is a valid date. For example, if current date is 20120229, click year down button, the date will change to 20110228, because 20110229 is not a valid date, so it will turned to be a valid date below it.


 (require (planet simmone/date-chooser:1:=0/date-chooser))


date-chooser% : class?

  superclass: object%


(send a-date-chooser get-date)  date?


(send a-date-chooser set-date new-date)  void?

  new-date : date?


(new date-chooser% 
    [parent-gui parent-gui] 
    [width width] 
    [height height] 
    [[choosed-date choosed-date] 
    [font font]] 
    [background-color background-color] 
    [text-color text-color] 
    [border-color border-color] 
    [button-down-border-color button-down-border-color] 
    [button-down-fill-color button-down-fill-color] 
    [button-up-border-color button-up-border-color] 
    [button-up-fill-color button-up-fill-color]) 
  (is-a?/c date-chooser%)
  parent-gui : (or/c (is-a?/c frame%) (is-a?/c dialog%) (is-a?/c panel%) (is-a?/c pane%))
  width : exact-positive-integer?
  height : exact-positive-integer?
  choosed-date : date? = (current-date)
  font : (is-a?/c font%) = (make-object font%)
  background-color : (or/c string? (is-a?/c color%))
  text-color : (or/c string? (is-a?/c color%))
  border-color : (or/c string? (is-a?/c color%))
  button-down-border-color : (or/c string? (is-a?/c color%))
  button-down-fill-color : (or/c string? (is-a?/c color%))
  button-up-border-color : (or/c string? (is-a?/c color%))
  button-up-fill-color : (or/c string? (is-a?/c color%))
The parent-gui is the container, the date-chooser% is placed in center of it. If date-chooser%’s width or height is larger than the container, so some content will not displayed.

The width and height only point out the date-chooser% control will ocuppy how much space.The real size of the control depends on font%.So you need to justify width and height to fit the font%’s size.

The button-...-color used to set button’s effect. Set them if you need.

3 Example

#lang racket


(require (planet "date-chooser.rkt" ("simmone" "date-chooser.plt" 1 0)))


(require racket/gui racket/draw racket/date)


(define-values (screen-width screen-height) (get-display-size))


(define app-width 300)


(define app-height 520)


(define test-frame (new frame%

                      [label "DateChooser Example"]

                      [width app-width]

                      [height app-height]

                      [x (- (quotient screen-width 2) (quotient app-width 2))]

                      [y (- (quotient screen-height 2) (quotient app-height 2))]


(new date-chooser%

     [parent-gui test-frame]

     [width 140]

     [height 60]

     [choosed-date (seconds->date (find-seconds 0 0 0 1 1 2012))])


(new date-chooser%

     [parent-gui test-frame]

     [width 140]

     [height 60]

     [choosed-date (seconds->date (find-seconds 0 0 0 1 1 2012))]

     [background-color "blue"]

     [text-color "white"])


(new date-chooser%

     [parent-gui test-frame]

     [width 300]

     [height 100]

     [choosed-date (seconds->date (find-seconds 0 0 0 1 1 2012))]

     [font (make-object font% 30 'default)]


     [text-color "white"])


(new date-chooser%

     [parent-gui test-frame]

     [width 300]

     [height 100]

     [choosed-date (seconds->date (find-seconds 0 0 0 1 1 2012))]

     [font (make-object font% 30 'default 'slant 'bold)])


(new date-chooser%

     [parent-gui test-frame]

     [width 300]

     [height 100]

     [choosed-date (seconds->date (find-seconds 0 0 0 1 1 2012))]

     [font (make-object font% 30 'default)]


     [text-color "white"]

     [border-color "red"])


(new date-chooser%

     [parent-gui test-frame]

     [width 300]

     [height 100]

     [choosed-date (seconds->date (find-seconds 0 0 0 1 1 2012))]

     [font (make-object font% 30 'default)]

     [border-color "red"]

     [button-down-border-color "brown"]

     [button-down-fill-color "gold"]

     [button-up-border-color "darkred"]

     [button-up-fill-color "olive"])


(send test-frame show #t)