#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{Chebyshev Integral and Friends} This module provides functions related to the evaluation of Chebyshev integrals @(centered (image/plain "chebyshev.png")) plus a few generally helpful functions. @defproc[(chebyshev-integral [p int?] [q (and/c int? (>/c -1))])procedure?]{ evaluates the Chebyshev integral using integration by parts to produce a function of x. Because of the technique used, p and q are limited to integers, and q must be non-negative.} @defproc[(eval-over-range [a number?] [b number?] [f procedure?]) number?]{ returns @bold{f(b) - f(a)}, as when evaluating a definite integral. Since the @racket[chebyshev-integral] assumes the integral constant is zero, a typical use of these two functions might be something like @racketblock[(let [(f (chebyshev-integral 1 2))] (eval-over-range 0 1 f))]} @defproc[(x^y [x number?] [y number?]) number?] returns @bold{x@superscript{y}}.