;;; begin-with-goto.scm  --  Jens Axel Søgaard  -- 7th July 2007

; This file implements a simple begin with gotos.
; For a more general version use tagged-begin.
; See the bottom of this file for examples.

    (label foo)
    (label bar)
    (goto foo))
; =>
#;(letrec ([foo (lambda ()
                  (goto bar))]
           [bar  (lambda ()
                   (goto foo))])

(module begin-with-goto mzscheme
  (provide begin/goto)
   (only (lib "" "srfi") take-while)
   (only (lib "" "srfi") drop-while)
   (only (lib "" "srfi") filter)
   (prefix srfi: (lib "" "srfi"))
   (lib "" "syntax"))
  (define-for-syntax (label? stx)
    (syntax-case stx (label)
      [(label label-name) #t]
      [_else              #f]))
  (define-for-syntax (goto? stx)
    (syntax-case stx (goto)
      [(goto label-name) #t]
      [_else             #f]))
  (define-for-syntax (non-label? stx)
    (not (label? stx)))
  (define-for-syntax (first-label-and-block+more stx)
    (syntax-case stx (label)
      [((label label-name) label-or-expr ...)
       (with-syntax ([(expr ...)
                      (let ([exprs
                             (take-while non-label?
                                         (syntax->list #'(label-or-expr ...)))])
                        (if (null? exprs) (list #'(void)) exprs))]
                      (drop-while non-label?
                                  (syntax->list #'(label-or-expr ...)))])
         (values #'(label-name (expr ...))
  (define-for-syntax (labels-and-exprs->blocks stx)
    (syntax-case stx (label)
      [()     '()]
      [_else  (let-values ([(first more) (first-label-and-block+more stx)])
                (cons first (labels-and-exprs->blocks more)))]))
  (define-for-syntax (name-of-label stx)
    (syntax-case stx (label)
      [(label name) #'name]))
  (define-for-syntax (error-check-begin/goto stx)
    (syntax-case stx ()
      [(_ label-or-expr ...)
       (let* ([labels (filter label? (syntax->list #'(label-or-expr ...)))]
              [names  (map name-of-label labels)])
         ; Are all labels identifiers?
         (for-each (lambda (name)
                     (unless (identifier? name)
                       (raise-syntax-error 'begin/goto
                                           "labels must be identifiers" name)))
         ; Are the duplicate labels?
           [(check-duplicate-identifier names)
            => (lambda (name)
                 (raise-syntax-error 'begin/goto
                                     "duplicate label found: "
  (define-for-syntax (introduce-labels-after-goto stx)
    (syntax-case stx (goto label)
      [((goto label-name) (label label-name1) label-or-expr ...)
       (with-syntax ([((goto label-name) (label label-name1) label-or-expr ...)
         (with-syntax ([(label-or-expr ...)
                         #'(label-or-expr ...))])
           (syntax/loc stx
             ((goto label-name) (label label-name1) label-or-expr ...))))]
      [((goto label-name) expr label-or-expr ...)
       (with-syntax ([((goto label-name) expr label-or-expr ...) stx])
         (with-syntax ([(lab) (generate-temporaries (list #'lab))])
            (syntax/loc stx
              ((goto label-name) (label lab) expr label-or-expr ...)))))]
      [(label-or-expr1 label-or-expr ...)
       (with-syntax ([(label-or-expr ...)
                       #'(label-or-expr ...))])
         (syntax/loc stx
           (label-or-expr1 label-or-expr ...)))]
  (define-syntax (begin/goto stx)
    (error-check-begin/goto stx)
    (syntax-case stx (label)
      [(_ (label start) label-or-expr ...)
       (with-syntax ([(label-or-expr ...) 
                      (introduce-labels-after-goto #'(label-or-expr ...))])
         (with-syntax ([((label-name (expr ... last-expr)) ... (end-label-name (end-expr ...)))
                        (labels-and-exprs->blocks #'((label start) label-or-expr ...))])
           (with-syntax ([(next-label ...)
                          (cdr (syntax->list #'(label-name ... end-label-name)))])
             (with-syntax ([(continue ...)
                            (map (lambda (last-expr next-label)
                                   (syntax-case last-expr (goto)
                                     [(goto name) last-expr]
                                     [_else       #`(begin #,last-expr (#,next-label))]))
                                 (syntax->list #'(last-expr ...))
                                 (syntax->list #'(next-label ...)))])
               (with-syntax ([(name1 ...) 
                              (map name-of-label 
                                   (filter label? (syntax->list #'((label start) label-or-expr ...))))])
                 (with-syntax ([goto (syntax-local-introduce #'goto)])
                   (syntax/loc stx
                         ([(goto) (lambda (stx)
                                    (syntax-case stx (goto)
                                      [(_ name)
                                         (unless (identifier? #'name)
                                           (raise-syntax-error 'goto "identifier expected" #'name))
                                           [(srfi:member #'name (syntax->list #'(name1 ...)) module-identifier=?)
                                            (syntax/loc stx
                                            (raise-syntax-error 'goto "unknown label" stx)]))]
                                       (raise-syntax-error 'goto "expected (goto <label>), got" stx)]))])
                       ([(label-name)      (lambda () expr ... continue)]
                        [(end-label-name)  (lambda () end-expr ...)])
      [(_ expr label-or-expr ...)
       (syntax/loc stx
         (begin/goto (label start) expr label-or-expr ...))]))

;(require begin-with-goto)
;(require (planet "" ("soegaard" "srfi.plt")))
;(check (begin/goto) => (void))
;(check (begin/goto 1) => 1)
;(check (begin/goto 1 2) => 2)
;(check (begin/goto 1 2 3) => 3)
;(check (begin/goto (label l1)) => (void))
;(check (begin/goto (label l1) 1) => 1)
;(check (begin/goto (label l1) 1 2) => 2)
;(check (begin/goto (label l1) (label l2)) => (void))
;(check (begin/goto (label l1) (label l2) 1) => 1)
;(check (begin/goto (label l1) (label l2) 1 2) => 2)
;(check (begin/goto (goto l1) (label l1)) => (void))
;(check (begin/goto (goto l1) (label l1) 1) => 1)
;(check (begin/goto (goto l1) (label l1) 1 2) => 2)
;(check (begin/goto (goto l1) 3 (label l1)) => (void))
;(check (begin/goto (goto l1) 3 (label l1) 1) => 1)
;(check (begin/goto (goto l1) 3 (label l1) 1 2) => 2)
;(check (begin/goto (goto l1) (label l2) (label l1)) => (void))
;(check (begin/goto (goto l1) (label l2) (label l1) 1) => 1)
;(check (begin/goto (goto l1) (label l2) (label l1) 1 2) => 2)
;(check (begin/goto (label l2) (label l1)) => (void))
;(check (begin/goto (label l2) (label l1) 1) => 1)
;(check (begin/goto (label l2) (label l1) 1 2) => 2)
;(check (begin/goto (label l2) (goto l1) (label l1)) => (void))
;(check (begin/goto (label l2) (goto l1) (label l1) 1) => 1)
;(check (begin/goto (label l2) (goto l1) (label l1) 1 2) => 2)
;(check (let ([x 1])
;         (begin/goto (label l1)
;                     (set! x (+ x 1))
;                     (if (= x 10000)
;                         (goto l2)  ; sadly not tail-recursive (use tagged-begin instead)
;                         (goto l1))
;                     (label l2)
;                     x))
;       => 10000)
;(check (let ([x 1])
;         (let/ec return
;           (begin/goto
;             (label l1)
;             (set! x (+ x 1))
;             (if (= x 10000000)
;                 (return x))
;             (goto l1)))) ; this is tail-recursive
;       => 10000000)
;(check (let ([x 1])
;         (let/ec return
;           (begin/goto
;             (label l1)
;             (set! x (+ x 1))
;             (if (= x 10000000)
;                 (return x))
;             (goto l1) ; unless this is tail-recursice, the stack will blow
;             2
;             )))
;       => 10000000)
;;; The following must raise syntax errors
;;(begin/goto (label dup) (label dup))  ; duplicate label
;;(begin/goto (goto l1))                ; non-existing label