#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual planet/scribble (for-label (file "main.rkt") ;(this-package-in main) racket slideshow )) @title{LaTex for Slideshow} @author[@author+email["Stephen Chang" "stchang@racket-lang.org"]] This package provides a way to use LaTex code directly in Slideshow. @defmodule[(planet stchang/slideshow-tex)] @section{Requirements} This package requires the following to be installed: @itemlist{@item{Latex}@item{an updated geometry.sty that includes newgeometry. Check @link["http://ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/geometry/"]{here} to download and for install directions.}@item{imagemagick}} @section{How to Use} @defproc[(tex [str string?] ...) pict?]{Converts input LaTex code into pict for use in Slideshow} - Inserts input strings into LaTex document (in math mode) and compiles to pdf. - Uses ImageMagick to convert pdf to png file. (Temporary files are created in directory "slideshow-texfiles/" and are named "texfile<#>." where <#> is the @racket[equal-hash-code] of the input string and is the appropriate extension. All temporary files except png file are deleted after the conversion is done.) - Returns @racket[pict] using @racket[bitmap] - Results of compilation are cached and an existing png file (identified with unique hash) is used instead of recompiling. Example: @verbatim{> (tex "\\lambda x.x")} @image{example.png}