#lang scribble/manual @(require planet/scribble scribble/racket (for-label racket "main.rkt")) @title{racket-bitsyntax} @author[(author+email "Tony Garnock-Jones" "tonygarnockjones@gmail.com")] @local-table-of-contents[] If you find that this library lacks some feature you need, or you have a suggestion for improving it, please don't hesitate to @link["mailto:tonygarnockjones@gmail.com"]{get in touch with me}! @section{Introduction} This library adds three features to Racket: @itemize[ @item{library support for @italic{bit strings}, a generalization of byte vectors; } @item{syntactic support for extracting integers, floats and sub-bit-strings from bit strings; and} @item{syntactic support for constructing bit strings from integers, floats and other bit strings.} ] It is heavily inspired by Erlang's binaries, bitstrings, and binary pattern-matching. The Erlang documentation provides a good introduction to these features: @itemize[ @item{@link["http://www.erlang.org/doc/reference_manual/expressions.html#id77409"]{Bit syntax expressions} in the Erlang Reference Manual} @item{@link["http://www.erlang.org/doc/programming_examples/bit_syntax.html"]{Bit syntax} in the Programming Examples Manual} ] @section{What is a bit string?} A bit string is either @itemize[ @item{a byte vector, as returned by @racket[bytes] and friends; } @item{a bit-resolution slice of a byte vector, as returned by @racket[sub-bit-string]; or} @item{a splicing-together of two bit strings, as returned by @racket[bit-string-append].} ] The routines in this library are written, except where specified, to handle any of these three representations for bit strings. If you need to flatten a bit string into a contiguous sequence of whole bytes, use @racket[bit-string->bytes] or @racket[bit-string->bytes/align]. @section{API} All the functionality below can be accessed with a single @racket[require]: @(defmodule/this-package main) @subsection{Pattern-matching bit strings} @defform/subs[#:literals (when else = ? :discard :binary :integer :float :signed :unsigned :little-endian :big-endian :native-endian :bytes :bits :default) (bit-string-case value-expr clause ...) ((clause ([bit-string-segment-pattern ...] (when guard-expr) body-expr ...) ([bit-string-segment-pattern ...] body-expr ...) (else body-expr ...)) (bit-string-segment-pattern (:discard maybe-type maybe-signedness maybe-endianness maybe-width) (= expr maybe-type maybe-signedness maybe-endianness maybe-width) (? id maybe-type maybe-signedness maybe-endianness maybe-width)) (maybe-type code:blank (code:line :integer) (code:line :float) (code:line :binary)) (maybe-signedness code:blank (code:line :signed) (code:line :unsigned)) (maybe-endianness code:blank (code:line :big-endian) (code:line :little-endian) (code:line :native-endian)) (maybe-width code:blank (code:line :bytes integer) (code:line :bits integer) (code:line :default)))]{ The @racket[value-expr] is evaluated first. It must evaluate to a bit string---any object for which @racket[bit-string?] would return @racket[#t]. Each @racket[clause] is then tried in turn. The first succeeding clause determines the result of the whole expression. A clause matches successfully if all its @racket[bit-string-segment-pattern]s match some portion of the input, there is no unused input left over at the end, and the @racket[guard-expr] (if there is one) evaluates to a true value. If a @racket[clause] succeeds, then @racket[(begin body-expr ...)] is evaluated, and its result becaomes the result of the whole expression. If none of the @racket[clause]s succeed, and there is an @racket[else] clause, its @racket[body-expr]s are evaluated and returned. If there's no @racket[else] clause and none of the others succeed, an error is signalled. Each @racket[bit-string-segment-pattern] matches zero or more @italic{bits} of the input bit string. The given type, signedness, endianness and width are used to extract a value from the bit string, at which point it is either compared to some other value (if @racket[(= expr)] was used in the segment-pattern), bound to a pattern variable (if @racket[(? id)] was used), or discarded (if @racket[:discard] was used) before matching continues with the next @racket[bit-string-segment-pattern]. The supported segment types are @itemize[ @item{@racket[:integer] -- this is the default. A signed or unsigned, big- or little-endian integer of the given width in bits is read out of the bit string. Unless otherwise specified, integers default to big-endian, unsigned, and eight bits wide. Any width, not just multiples of eight, is supported.} @item{@racket[:float] -- A 32- or 64-bit float in either big- or little-endian byte order is read out of the bit string using @racket[floating-point-bytes->real]. Unless otherwise specified, floats default to big-endian and 64 bits wide. Widths other than 32 or 64 bits are unsupported.} @item{@racket[:binary] -- A sub-bit-string is read out of the bit string. The bit string can be an arbitrary number of bits long, not just a multiple of eight. Unless otherwise specified, the entire rest of the input will be consumed and returned.} ] Each type has a default signedness, endianness, and width in bits, as described above. These can all be overridden individually: @itemize[ @item{@racket[:unsigned] and @racket[:signed] specify that integers should be decoded in an unsigned or signed manner, respectively.} @item{@racket[:big-endian], @racket[:little-endian] and @racket[:native-endian] specify the endianness to use in decoding integers or floats. Specifying @racket[:native-endian] causes Racket to use whatever is the native endianness of the platform the program is currently running on (discovered using @racket[system-big-endian?]).} @item{@racket[:default] causes the decoder to use whatever the default width is for the type specified.} @item{@racket[:bytes integer] causes the decoder to try to consume @racket[integer] bytes of input for this segment-pattern.} @item{@racket[:bits integer] causes the decoder to try to consume @racket[integer] bits of input for this segment-pattern.} ] For example: @racketblock[ (bit-string-case some-input-value ([(= 0 :bytes 2)] 'a) ([(? f :bits 10) (:discard :binary)] (when (and (< f 123) (>= f 100))) 'between-100-and-123) ([(? f :bits 10) (:discard :bits 6)] f) ([(? f :bits 10) (:discard :bits 6) (? rest :binary)] (list f rest)) ) ] This expression analyses @racket[some-input-value], which must be a @racket[(bit-string?)]. It may contain: @itemize[ @item{16 zero bits, in which case the result is @racket['a]; or} @item{a ten-bit big-endian unsigned integer followed by 6 bits which are ignored, where the integer is between 100 (inclusive) and 123 (exclusive), in which case the result is @racket['between-100-and-123]; or} @item{the same as the previous clause, but without the guard; if this succeeds, the result is the ten-bit integer itself; or} @item{the same as the previous clause, but with an arbitrary number of bits following the six discarded bits. The result here is a list containing the ten-bit integer and the trailing bit string.} ] The following code block parses a Pascal-style byte string and decodes it using a UTF-8 codec: @racketblock[ (bit-string-case input-bit-string ([(? len) (? body :binary :bytes len)] (bytes->string/utf-8 (bit-string-pack body)))) ] Notice how the @racket[len] value, which came from the input bit string itself, is used to decide how much of the remaining input to consume. } @subsection{Assembling bit strings from pieces} @defform/subs[#:literals (:binary :integer :float :little-endian :big-endian :native-endian :bytes :bits :default) (bit-string spec ...) ((spec [segment-expr maybe-type maybe-endianness maybe-width] segment-expr) (maybe-type code:blank (code:line :integer) (code:line :float) (code:line :binary)) (maybe-endianness code:blank (code:line :big-endian) (code:line :little-endian) (code:line :native-endian)) (maybe-width code:blank (code:line :bytes integer) (code:line :bits integer) (code:line :default)))]{ This form assembles and encodes a collection of integer, floating-point numbers, and sub-bit-strings into a single bit string. Each of the zero or more @racket[spec]s supplies zero or more bits of the resulting bit string. Each @racket[spec] can specify an integer or floating-point number to encode, or a bit string to copy into the output. If a type is not specified, @racket[:integer] is assumed. If an endianness is (relevant but) not specified, @racket[:big-endian] is assumed. If a width is not given, @racket[:integer]s are encoded as 8-bit quantities, @racket[:float]s are encoded as 64-bit quantities, and @racket[:binary] objects are copied into the output in their entirety. If a width is specified, integers will be truncated or sign-extended to fit, and binaries will be truncated. If a binary is shorter than a specified width, an error is signalled. Floating-point encoding can only be done using 32- or 64-bit widths. For example: @racketblock[ (define (string->pascal/utf-8 str) (let ((bs (string->bytes/utf-8 str))) (bit-string [(bytes-length bs)] [bs :binary]))) ] This subroutine encodes its string argument using a UTF-8 codec, and then assembles it into a Pascal-style string with a prefix length byte. If the encoded string is longer than 255 bytes, note that the length byte will be truncated and so the encoding will be incorrect. A better encoder would ensure that @racket[bs] was not longer than 255 bytes before encoding it as a Pascal string. Note that if you wish to leave all the modifiers at their defaults (that is, @racket[:integer :bits 8]), and the expression you want to encode is held in a variable, you can use the second form of @racket[spec] given above: that is, you can simply mention the variable. For example, the above subroutine could also have been written as follows: @racketblock[ (define (string->pascal/utf-8 str) (let* ((bs (string->bytes/utf-8 str)) (len (bytes-length bs))) (bit-string len [bs :binary]))) ] } @subsection{Bit string utilities} @defproc[(bit-string? [x any?]) boolean?]{ Returns @racket[#t] if its argument is either a @racket[bytes?], a @racket[bit-slice?] or a @racket[splice?]. Returns @racket[#f] otherwise.} @defproc[(bit-string-length [x bit-string?]) integer?]{ Returns the length of its argument, in bits.} @defproc[(bit-string-empty? [x bit-string?]) boolean?]{ Returns @racket[#t] if its argument's @racket[bit-string-length] is zero.} @defproc[(bit-string-append [a bit-string?] [b bit-string?]) bit-string?]{ Appends its arguments, producing a new bit string. Uses @racket[splice] internally when it can't arrange to return a bit string previously constructed. (The practical upshot of this is that you might need to use @racket[bit-string->bytes] to "flatten" appended bit-strings from time to time.)} @defproc[(bit-string-split-at [x bit-string?] [offset integer?]) (values bit-string? bit-string?)]{ Produces two values: the bit-string containing bits [@racket[0]..@racket[offset]) of @racket[x], and the bit-string containing bits [@racket[offset]..@racket[(bit-string-length x)]) of @racket[x]. If offset is negative or greater-or-equal-to the number of bits in @racket[x], an error is signalled.} @defproc[(bit-string-split-at-or-false [x bit-string?] [offset integer?]) (values (or/c bit-string? #f) (or/c bit-string? #f))]{ Like @racket[(bit-string-split-at x offset)], but if @racket[offset] is out of range returns @racket[(values #f #f)] instead of signalling an error. This procedure is used in the implementation of @racket[bit-string-case].} @defproc[(sub-bit-string [x bit-string?] [low-bit integer?] [high-bit integer?]) bit-string?]{ If @racket[(<= 0 low-bit high-bit (sub1 (bit-string-length x)))], returns the bit-string containing bits [@racket[low-bit]..@racket[high-bit]) of @racket[x]. Otherwise, signals an error.} @defproc[(bit-string-ref [x bit-string?] [offset integer?]) (or/c 0 1)]{ Extracts bit number @racket[offset] from @racket[x]. Signals an error if @racket[offset] is negative or greater-than-or-equal-to the length of @racket[x].} @defproc[(bit-string->bytes [x bit-string?]) bytes?]{ Flattens any splices or bit-slices in @racket[x], producing a single contiguous byte vector with @racket[x]'s contents. If @racket[(positive? (remainder (bit-string-length x) 8))], pads out the remaining bits with zeros on the right.} @defproc[(bit-string->bytes/align [x bit-string?] [align-right? boolean?]) bytes?]{ As @racket[bit-string->bytes], but offers the choice of padding on the right (if @racket[align-right?] is @racket[#f]) or on the left (if @racket[align-right?] is @racket[#t]) when padding is required. (Note that to align the bits in @racket[x] on the right is to pad with zeros on the left, and vice versa.)} @defproc[(bit-string-byte-count [x bit-string?]) integer?]{ Returns the smallest number of whole bytes that could contain all the bits in @racket[x].} @defproc[(bit-string-pack! [x bit-string?] [buf bytes?] [offset integer?]) void?]{ Copies the entirety of @racket[x] into @racket[buf], overwriting bits starting with the @racket[offset]th. It is an error for @racket[buf] not to have enough room or for @racket[offset] to be out-of-bounds.} @defproc[(bit-string-pack [x bit-string?]) bit-string?]{ Returns a bit string equivalent to @racket[x] (i.e. with exactly the same bits in the same order) but with any intermediate splices or bit-slices flattened away. The result will either be a @racket[bytes?] of the correct length, or a @racket[bit-slice] referring to a section of a byte vector of length @racket[(bit-string-byte-count x)].} @defproc[(copy-bits! [target bit-string?] [target-offset integer?] [source bit-string?] [source-offset integer?] [count integer?]) void?]{ Overwrites bits [@racket[target-offset]..@racket[(+ target-offset count)]) of @racket[target] with bits [@racket[source-offset]..@racket[(+ source-offset count)]) of @racket[source]. Undefined behaviour results when @racket[(eq? target source)].} @defproc[(bit-string->integer [x bit-string?] [big-endian? boolean?] [signed? boolean?]) integer?]{ Interprets the bits in @racket[x] as an integer, using either a big- or little-endian byte-ordering convention (per @racket[big-endian?]), and either unsigned or two's-complement signed arithmetic (per @racket[signed?]) to produce the result.} @defproc[(integer->bit-string [n integer?] [width integer?] [big-endian? boolean?]) bit-string?]{ Encodes @racket[n] as a bit string of length @racket[width] bits, truncating or sign-extending as required, and using a big- or little-endian byte-ordering convention as per @racket[big-endian?].} @subsection{Debugging utilities} These procedures may be useful for debugging, but should not be relied upon otherwise. @defproc[(bit-slice? [x any?]) boolean?]{ Returns @racket[#t] if and only if @racket[x] is a bit-slice.} @defproc[(bit-slice-binary [x bit-slice?]) bytes?]{ Extracts the underlying byte vector from a bit-slice.} @defproc[(bit-slice-low-bit [x bit-slice?]) integer?] @defproc[(bit-slice-high-bit [x bit-slice?]) integer?]{ Extract the low (inclusive) and high (exclusive) bit indexes, respectively, from a bit-slice. The bit-slice itself represents bits [@racket[low]..@racket[high]) of the underlying byte vector.} @defproc[(splice? [x any?]) boolean?]{ Returns @racket[#t] if and only if @racket[x] is a splice of two bit-strings.} @defproc[(splice-left [x splice?]) bit-string?] @defproc[(splice-right [x splice?]) bit-string?]{ Extract the left and right bit-strings, respectively, that are spliced together by the given splice @racket[x].}