#lang planet/scribble @(require (for-label racket)) @title{Better Monads} @defmodule[functional/better-monads] This library is an attempt to facilitate pure functional programming by providing a set of functions and special forms for working with monads. It also provides the definition of several common monads extended in such a way as to make their use in dynamic languages more convenient. The user can define their own monads for later use as well. @section{Usage} What follows is a brief tutorial on the usage of this library. @subsection{mlet*} The most important special form in the library is the @racket[mlet*] syntax, which is the "Schemeish" monadic binding form, roughly equivalent to Haskell's "do" notation. Monads allow you to extend the meaning of variable binding within an @racket[mlet*] expression, and hence @racket[mlet*] is very similar to @racket[let*], in that it takes a series of binding pairs and then evaluates a body of expressions, as in a @racket[begin] form. In fact, at the top level, @racket[mlet*] behaves identically to @racket[let*]: @racketblock[ (require functional/better-monads) (mlet* ((x 10) (y 11)) (+ x y))] By default, @racket[mlet*] performs its bindings in whatever monad is stored in the lexical variable @racket[current-monad], which Better Monads exports as the identity monad (also available in the variable @racket[the-identity-monad]). One difference, which applies to all monads, is that Racket's built-in "match" patterns can be substituted for the symbols in the binding form. For example: @racketblock[ (struct doublet (a b)) (mlet* (((list x y) (list 1 2)) ((doublet q r) (doublet 100 101))) (list x y q r))] Will return @racket['(1 2 100 101)]. @subsection{Working with a Monad} Besides extending @racket[let*] with pattern matching, the library doesn't do much until you start using monads other than @racket[the-identity-monad]. Alternative monads are introduced using the @racket[in:] option in @racket[mlet*]. For instance: @racketblock[ (struct doublet (a b) #:transparent) (mlet* in: the-list-monad ((x '(1 2 3 4)) (y '(a b c d))) (return (doublet x y)))] Will result in: @racketblock[(list (doublet 1 'a) (doublet 1 'b) (doublet 1 'c) (doublet 1 'd) (doublet 2 'a) ...)] And so on, to include all the combinations of the items bound to @racket[x] and @racket[y], which is the behavior of @racket[the-list-monad]. Note the use of the function @racket[return] in the body of the @racket[mlet*] expression. In the context of an @racket[mlet*] expression, the symbosl @racket[bind], and @racket[return] are bound to the appropriate functions in the specified monad. If the monad also defines @racket[plus] and/or @racket[zero], these will also be appropriately bound. Otherwise they will be bound to @racket[#f]. In the lexical scope of an @racket[mlet*] expression, the @racket[current-monad] will be bound to the monad specified after @racket[in:]. @subsection{Defining Additional Monads} The use may define her own monads by creating an instance of the @racket[monad] structure. For instance, we might define the "maybe" monad like this: @racketblock[ (struct Just (val) #:transparent) (struct None () #:transparent) (define (maybe-return item) (Just item)) (define (maybe-bind monadic-value monadic-function) (match monadic-value [(Just val) (monadic-function val)] [(None) monadic-value])) (define the-maybe-monad (monad maybe-bind maybe-return #f #f))] Having done such, we may write: @racketblock[ (mlet* in: the-maybe-monad ((y (Just 10)) (x (Just 11))) (return (+ x y)))] Which evaluates to @racket[(Just 21)]. We might also write: @racketblock[ (mlet* in: the-maybe-monad ((y (Just 10)) (x (None)) (z (Just 13))) (return (+ x y z)))] Which will evaluate to @racket[(None)]. In this example, we bound the monad to a symbol, but monads may be specified anonymously. @subsection{Lagniappe (Bonus Features)} It is often useful to bind values non-monadically during a monadic expression. These can be introduced using the @racket[is:] syntax. For instance: @racketblock[ (mlet* in: the-list-monad ((x '(1 2 3)) (q is: (+ x 10)) (y '(a b c))) (return (list q y)))] Will produce @racket[(list (list 11 a) (list 11 b) ...)]. And so on. The symbol @racket[q] is bound as in a @racket[let] expression for all expressions subsequent. The binding symbol can also be a @racket[match] pattern. @section{Other Forms and Functions} At the moment, the library provides a few extra functions and features. @subsection{monadic-do} The form @racket[monadic-do] provides an alternative, more Haskell-ish, monadic binding form. Each expression (except the last) in the body of a @racket[monadic-do] must be either a binding expression: @racketblock[(pattern <- monadic-value)] A "letting" expression: @racketblock[(pattern is: expression)] Or an expression resulting in a monadic value. The last expression in a monadic-do form can't bind or let any variables, but must evaluate to a monadic value. This version of the form might be more useful for monads like the state monad which have many monadic values for which the resulting binding isn't important. Eg: @racketblock[ (define (state-push value) (lambda (state) (state-doublet 'no-one-cares (cons value state)))) (define state-pop (lambda (state) (state-doublet (car state) (cdr state)))) (monadic-do in: the-state-monad (state-push 10) (state-push 13) (y <- state-pop) (state-push (+ y 100)))] That is, we don't care about the value returned by @racket[state-push] for binding in subsequent expressions. This form threads our values through the monad, but lets us avoid the noise of providing dummy variable names. Bindings to actual symbols is indicated specifically by @racket[<-] for monadic binding and @racket[is:] for regular binding. @subsection{Bundled Monads} The library comes with several monads pre-defined. We've seen most of them already, but its worth remarking on a few peculiarities. @subsubsection{The List Monad} The list monad behaves just like the list monad in Haskell or any other language, in that bind is essentially "map-cat". However, unlike in Haskell, the list monad in this library will "return" non-list values if they appear where a list should be. You can say, eg: @racketblock[ (mlet* in: the-list-monad ((x '(1 2 3)) (y 4)) (return (+ x y)))] When "bind" encounters "4" either in a place where a monadic value or monadic function should be, it replaces it with the "right" value (either @racket[(list 4)] or @racket[(lambda (_) (list 4))], respectively). If you want to return a list, you must @racket[return] it explicitely. @margin-note{Being able to squeeze values into our monad like this is a nice benefit of working with monads in a language with run-time type-checking.} @subsubsection{The State Monad} The state monad is useful for constructing functions of state out of smaller state functions. Monadic values in this monad are functions which take a state and return a @racket[state-doublet] struct. The first part of this doublet is the "proper return value" of the state function, which is the value bound in binding expressions. The second value is the modified state. Like @racket[the-list-monad], @racket[the-state-monad] makes an attempt treat unexpected values correctly. Literals are @racket[return]ed into the monad if they appear where a monadic value should be. Functions can return a simple value, rather than a state-doublet, in which case the bind assumes that the intent was to simple insert that value into the monad without modifying the accumulating state. State functions may also return either a @racket[state-fail] struct or a @racket[(state-error error-value)] struct to indicate failure. Such return values short-circuit all further state function bindings. For the state monad, then, @racket[state-fail] is the monadic zero and @racket[state-error] allows the monad to report errors. @subsection{Other Utility Functions/Forms} It is often convenient to "lift" a function into a monad. This is provided for by a suite of lift functions. Because functions have variable arity in Racket, you must specifiy the number of arguments to lift over, although this can be specified at run time (unlike the Clojure library), up to 20 arguments. Eg: @racketblock[ (define list+ (lift 2 + the-list-monad)) (list+ '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))] Short-cut functions of the form @racket[lift1],@racket[lift2] and so on are also exported. The library also exports @racket[mapm] and @racket[foldlm]. The former takes a monadic function and a list of values and returns a monadic function which returns the list resulting from monadically binding those values through the monad. The latter takes a monadic function, an initial state, and a list of values and returns a monadic function which folds over those values in the monad, returning a monadic value which is the result of that folding. The function @racket[reducem] is the same, but assumes the initial value is the @racket[car] of the list and folds over the @racket[cdr]. @section{Functions/Values} @defproc[(bind [monadic-value any/c] [monadic-function any/c]) [monadic-value any/c]] Binds a @racket[monadic-value] to the free variable in the calculation represented by the @racket[monadic-function]. User defined binds might coerce either argument into an appropriate form, hence the weak contracts. @defproc[(return [item any/c]) (monadic-value any/c)] Inserts @racket[value] into the currently operating monad. @defthing[zero any/c] The currently defined monadic-zero, @racket[#f] if the zero is not defined. @defproc[(plus [mval1 any/c] [mval2 any/c]) (mval any/c)] Combines two monadic values, if the operating is meaningful in the current monad. Will be @racket[#f] otherwise. @defproc[(list-bind [lst (or/c list? any/c)] [list-fun (any/c . -> . (or/c list? any/c))]) (lst list?)] The bind operation for the list monad. Applies the function @racket[list-fun] to each item in @racket[lst], returns the concatenated result as a single list. Non-list values are wrapped in lists if encountered. @defproc[(list-return [item any/c]) (item-in-list list?)] @defproc[(list-plus (a list?) (b list?)) (c list?)] The list-monad plus procedure, equivalent to @racket[append]. @defthing[list-zero list?] Is the empty list. @defthing[the-list-monad monad?] The list monad. The return operation for the list monad. Puts @racket[item] into a list. @defthing[the-identity-monad monad?] The default monad, which does nothing. @defproc[(state-return (item any/c)) (state-function (any/c . -> . state-doublet?))] The state monad return operation. Creates a state function which leaves its input state unmodified and inserts @racket[item] into the proper return value slot of a state doublet. @defproc[(state-promote (object any/c)) (state-function (any/c . -> . (or/c state-doublet? state-error? state-fail?)))] This function promotes non-monadic values into monadic values in the state monad. This is applied to objects before being passed to bind, so that the user can specify simple values instead of wrapping them with return. Handles doublets, errors and failures correctly. "Returns" all other values into the state monad. @defproc[(state-promote-producer (object any/c)) (state-function-function (any/c . -> . (any/c . -> . (or/c state-doublet? state-error? state-fail?))))] Similar to @racket[state-promote] but wraps object into another function so that the result is a monadic function. @defproc[(state-bind [val (or/c (any/c . -> . (or/c state-doublet? state-error? state-fail?))) any/c] [fun (or/c (any/c . -> . (any/c . -> . (or/c state-doublet? state-error? state-fail?))))]) (any/c . -> . (or/c state-doublet? state-error? state-fail?))] The state-monad bind operation. Returns a new state function which applies @racket[val] to the incoming state, extracts the proper return value from the doublet, and creates and applies a new state function to the new state. If either a @racket[state-error] or @racket[state-fail] is encountered, it is passed through. @defproc[(state-plus [sf1 (or/c (any/c . -> . (or/c state-doublet? state-error? state-fail?)))] [sf2 (or/c (any/c . -> . (or/c state-doublet? state-error? state-fail?)))]) (sf (any/c . -> . (or/c state-doublet? state-error? state-fail?)))] Combines two state functions into a third, which applies @racket[sf1], ignores its output, and then applies and returns the result of @racket[sf2]. Errors/failures are handled correctly. @defthing[state-zero (any/c . -> . state-fail?)] The zero of the state monad. Always returns a @racket[state-fail] structure. @defproc[(lift [n (and/c integer? positive?)] [f procedure?] [monad monad?]) (lf procedure?)] Lifts @racket[f] into the monad @racket[monad]. The number of arguments to lift must be provided in @racket[n]. @defproc[(mapm [monad monad?] [f procedure?] [lists list?] ...) (monadic-value any/c)] Create a monadic value in the specified @racket[monad] by applying f to each of the arguments specified in @racket[lists] in turn. Return a monadic value containing a list of the results. @defproc[(foldlm [monad monad?] [f (-> [item any/c] [acc any/c] [result any/c])] [init any/c] [lst list?]) (monadic-value any/c)] Returns a monadic value in the @racket[monad] obtained by applying the monadic function @racket[f] iteratively to the items in list and an accumulator. @defproc[(reducem [monad monad?] [f (-> [item any/c] [acc any/c] [result any/c])] [lst list?]) (monadic-value any/c)] Like @racket[foldlm] but @racket[init] is taken to be @racket[(car lst)] and the tail of the list is folded over. @section{Structures} @defstruct*[monad ([bind (any/c . -> . any/c)] [return (any/c . -> . any/c)] [plus (any/c . -> . any/c)] [zero any/c])] The structure representing a monad. @defstruct*[state-doublet ([proper-return-value any/c] [state any/c])] Represents a value/state pair for the state monad. @defstruct*[state-error ([error-string (or/c string? any/c)] [last-state any/c])] Represents a state-monad error condition. The error string contains information about the error, while @racket[last-state] is the last state before the error. @defstruct*[state-fail ()] Completely dumb state error condition. Provides no error information. Is the state monad's zero. @section{Syntax} @defform[#:id with-monad (with-monad monad body ...)] Introduces a context for the expressions in @racket[body ...] in which the appropriate values, @racket[bind], @racket[plus], @racket[zero], @racket[return], and @racket[current-monad] are bound to the values specified in @racket[monad]. @defform[#:id mlet* #:literals (in:) (mlet* in: monad [binding ...] body ...)] Monadic binding expression. Each binder must be either a @racket[(pattern value)] pair, which binds and destructures monadically, or a @racket[(pattern is: value)] triple which binds and destructures non-monadically. The body is finally evaluated, returning the last value. This is almost always necessarily a monadic value. The @racket[in: monad] part may be neglected, in which case the current lexical @racket[current-monad] is used. @defform[#:id monadic-do (monadic-do in: monad expr ...)] Haskell-flavored monadic expression. Each @racket[expr] must be either a monadic binding expression, like @racket[(pattern <- value)] which introduces the bindings specified by @racket[pattern] through the monad @racket[monad], a regular binding expression like @racket[(pattern is: value)] which does a plain bind, or an expression resulting in a monadic value. The final @racket[expr] must be a monadic value, not a binding form. As in @racket[mlet*], the @racket[in: monad] may be neglected, in which case the current lexically bound @racket[current-monad] is used. @section{Conclusions} This should be enough to get you going. Enjoy the monads!