#lang scribble/doc @(require (planet untyped/mirrors/base) (file "base.ss")) @(define-eval xml-eval (for-syntax scheme/base) (planet untyped/mirrors/xml/xml)) @title[#:tag "xml-syntax"]{Constructing XML fragments} @defmodule[(planet untyped/mirrors/xml/syntax)] Mirrors provides the following macros for creating blocks of XML: @defform[(xml xml-expr ...)]{ Builds a block of XML, optimising any immutable blocks of markup into @scheme[!raw] blocks to reduce memory consumption and rendering time. See @secref["xml-expr"] for the syntax of @scheme[xml-expr]. @examples[ #:eval xml-eval (let ([content "content"]) (pretty-print (xml (span (\@ [title "title"]) ,content))))] To prevent double-quoting errors, it is a syntax error to use the following Mirrors quote forms within an @scheme[xml] block: @scheme[xml], @scheme[xml*], @scheme[xml-attrs], @scheme[xml-attrs*], @scheme[opt-xml], @scheme[opt-xml-attr], @scheme[js], @scheme[opt-js]: @interaction[ #:eval xml-eval (xml (xml))] You can get around this restriction using the uppercase form, @scheme[XML], described below.} @defform[(XML xml-expr ...)]{ Like @scheme[xml], but permits the use of the lowercase Mirrors quote forms as @scheme[xml-expr]@schemeidfont{s}: @interaction[ #:eval xml-eval (code:line (XML (xml)) (code:comment "'' tag"))] It is a syntax error to use the following identifiers in expression position within an @scheme[XML] block: @scheme[XML], @scheme[XML*], @scheme[XML-ATTRS], @scheme[XML-ATTRS*], @scheme[OPT-XML], @scheme[OPT-XML-ATTR], @scheme[JS], @scheme[OPT-JS]: @interaction[ #:eval xml-eval (XML (XML))]} @defform[(xml* xml-expr ...)]{ Like @scheme[xml], but skips the optimisation of static markup, leaving the element structure intact for later traversal and manipulation: @examples[ #:eval xml-eval (let ([content "content"]) (pretty-print (xml* (span (\@ [title "title"]) ,content))))]} @defform[(XML* xml-expr ...)]{ Like @scheme[xml*], but follows the same double-quoting rules as @scheme[XML].} @defform[(xml-attrs attr-expr ...)]{ Builds a list of @scheme[attribute] structures. Useful in conjunction with the @scheme[unquote-splicing] form of @scheme[attr-expr]: @interaction[ #:eval xml-eval (let ([attrs (xml-attrs [title "title"] [href "href"])]) (xml->string (xml (a (\@ ,@attrs) "text"))))]} @defform[(XML-ATTRS attr-expr ...)]{ Like @scheme[xml-attrs], but follows the same double-quoting rules as @scheme[XML].} @defform[(opt-xml boolean-expr xml-expr ...)]{ Syntactic shorthand for: @schemeblock[ (if boolean-expr (xml xml-expr ...) (xml))] @examples[ #:eval xml-eval (xml->string (opt-xml #t (span "This span will be printed...."))) (xml->string (opt-xml #f (span "...but this span won't.")))]} @defform[(OPT-XML boolean-expr xml-expr ...)]{ Like @scheme[opt-xml], but follows the same double-quoting rules as @scheme[XML].} @defform*[[(opt-xml-attr id) (opt-xml-attr boolean-expr id) (opt-xml-attr boolean-expr id expr)]]{ Syntactic shorthand for including an optional XML attribute. The full three-argument form expands to: @schemeblock[ (if boolean-expr (xml-attrs [id ,expr]) (xml-attrs))] The two- and one-argument forms are specialisations of the above. The two-argument form expands to: @schemeblock[ (if boolean-expr (xml-attrs [id ,id]) (xml-attrs))] and the one-argument form expands to: @schemeblock[ (if id (xml-attrs [id ,id]) (xml-attrs))] @examples[ #:eval xml-eval (xml->string (xml ,@(for/list ([item (in-range 1 4)]) (define class (if (even? item) "even" #f)) (xml (li (\@ ,(opt-xml-attr class)) "Item " ,item)))))]} @defform*[[(OPT-XML-ATTR id) (OPT-XML-ATTR boolean-expr id) (OPT-XML-ATTR boolean-expr id expr)]]{ Like @scheme[opt-xml-attr], but follows the same double-quoting rules as @scheme[XML].} @section[#:tag "xml-expr"]{XML expression syntax} The forms above use the same XML syntax, inspired by the syntax of Neil van Dyke's @italic{HtmlPrag} package: @schemegrammar*[ #:literals (\@ & U !comment !cdata !pi !raw id xml attribute quotable-value symbol integer) [xml-expr quotable-value (custom-syntax-id xml-expr ...) (tag xml-expr ...) (tag (\@ attr-expr ...) xml-expr ...) (& code-expr) (!comment value-expr) (!cdata value-expr) (!pi value-expr) (!raw value-expr) (unquote xml) (unquote-splicing (listof xml))] [custom-syntax-id (code:line id (code:comment "bound with define-xml-syntax"))] [tag id] [code-expr id integer (unquote (U symbol integer))] [value-expr quotable-value (unquote quotable-value)] [attr-expr (id quotable-value) (id (unquote quotable-value)) (unquote attribute) (unquote-splicing (listof attribute))]] @section{Custom XML syntax} You can extend the XML language by introducing new syntax forms: @defform*[[(define-xml-syntax (id arg ...) xml-expr) (define-xml-syntax id xml-transformer) (define-xml-syntax id xml-transformer expr-transformer)]]{ Defines a custom syntactic form for use in @scheme[xml] and @scheme[xml*] blocks. The first form above behaves like @scheme[define-syntax-rule]. @scheme[xml-expr] should be a regular @scheme[xml] block. @examples[ #:eval xml-eval (define-xml-syntax (!linkto url) (xml (a (\@ [href url]) url))) (xml->string (xml (!linkto "http://www.plt-scheme.org"))) (!linkto "http://www.plt-scheme.org")] The second and third forms behave like @scheme[define-match-expander]. @scheme[xml-transformer] is a syntax transformer procedure used during XML expansion, which accepts an XML form as an input and returns a complete @scheme[xml] or @scheme[xml*] block representing the expansion. @scheme[expr-transformer] is a transformer procedure that is used in regular Scheme expansion. When @scheme[xml-transformer] is omitted, use of the syntax form outside of a XML block results in a syntax error. @examples[ #:eval xml-eval (define-xml-syntax !linkto (lambda (stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ url) #'(xml (a (\@ [href url]) url))])) (lambda (stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ url) #'url]))) (xml->string (xml (!linkto "http://www.plt-scheme.org"))) (!linkto "http://www.plt-scheme.org")]}