#lang scribble/doc @(require (file "base.ss")) @(define-eval xml-eval (planet untyped/mirrors/xml/xml)) @title[#:tag "xml-response"]{Rendering XML and sending XML responses} @defmodule[(planet untyped/mirrors/xml/xml)] @section{Rendering XML in string form} @defproc[(xml->string [val xml?]) string?]{ Renders an XML item as a compact string, with no line breaks and no indentation. Mirrors does not contain a procedure for rendering XML as a multi-line string. This is largely because such a facility would be at odds with the pre-rendering behaviour of the @scheme[xml] macro. If you want to debug the XML or XHTML output of our web application, you may want to try one of the variety of HTML and XML prettification add-ons that are available for Firefox.} @section{Sending HTTP responses with XML and XHTML content} The PLT web server has built-in support for the ``@italic{xexpr}'' representation of the PLT @italic{xml} package. This lets you write request handling procedures in short-hand: @schememod[ scheme/base (require web-server/servlet xml/xml) (code:comment "request -> xexpr") (define (start initial-request) '(head (body "Hello world.")))] instead of manually creating an HTTP response using @scheme[make-respone/full]: @schememod[ scheme/base (require web-server/servlet xml/xml) (code:comment "request -> response") (define (start initial-request) (make-response/full 200 "Okay" (current-seconds) #"text/html; charset=utf-8" null (list (xexpr->string '(head (body "Hello world."))))))] Naturally, the PLT web server does not have built-in support for Mirrors XML expressions. Mirrors provides a couple of useful procedures to help you send responses: @defproc[(make-xml-response [#:code code integer? 200] [#:message message (U string? bytes?) #"OK"] [#:seconds seconds integer? (current-seconds)] [#:mime-type mime-type (U string? bytes?) #"text/xml; charset=utf-8"] [#:headers headers (alistof symbol? string?) no-cache-http-headers] [content xml?]) response/full?]{ Takes an @scheme[xml] expression argument and wraps it in an HTTP response object that can be used with the PLT web server (including procedures such as @scheme[send/suspend] and @scheme[send/suspend/dispatch]). The keyword arguments correspond to the first five arguments of @scheme[make-response/full].} @defproc[(make-html-response [#:code code integer? 200] [#:message message (U string? bytes?) #"OK"] [#:seconds seconds integer? (current-seconds)] [#:mime-type mime-type (U string? bytes?) #"text/html; charset=utf-8"] [#:headers headers (alistof symbol? string?) no-cache-http-headers] [content xml?]) response/full?]{ Like @scheme[make-xml-response] but with a default MIME type of @scheme{text/html}.}