(module sql-quote-unit mzscheme
  (require (lib "")
           (lib "" "srfi" "13")
           (lib "" "srfi" "19")
           (lib "" "srfi" "43"))
  (require (file "../")
           (file "../")
           (file "../")
           (file ""))
  (provide sql-quote@)
  ;; unit sql-quote@ : -> sql-quote^
  (define sql-quote@
    (unit/sig sql-quote^
      ;; quote-id : (U symbol string) -> string
      ;; Quotes a field or table name. In SQLite's case this is
      ;; done by wrapping the name in square brackets: this is
      ;; non-standard SQL and may be different in other databases
      ;; (e.g. MySQL and PostgreSQL).
      (define (quote-id identifier)
        (if (symbol? identifier)
            (string-append "`" (symbol->string identifier) "`")
            (string-append "`" identifier "`")))
      ;; quote-data type any -> string
      (define (quote-data type data)
        ; base : base-type
        (let ([base (type-base type)])
          (cond [(eq? base type:id)
                 (cond [(integer? data) (number->string data)]
                       [(equal? data (type-null type)) "NULL"]
                       [else (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze
                               (format "Expected data of type (U integer #f), given ~a" data))])]
                [(eq? base type:revision)
                 (cond [(integer? data) (number->string data)]
                       [(equal? data (type-null type)) "NULL"]
                       [else (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze
                               (format "Expected data of type (U integer #f), given ~a" data))])]
                [(eq? base type:text)
                 (cond [(string? data) (string-append "'" (regexp-replace* #rx"'" data "''") "'")]
                       [(equal? data (type-null type)) "NULL"]
                       [else (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze
                               (format "Expected data of type (U string #f), given ~a" data))])]
                [(eq? base type:integer)
                 (cond [(integer? data) (number->string data)]
                       [(equal? data (type-null type)) "NULL"]
                       [else (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze
                               (format "Expected data of type (U integer #f), given ~a" data))])]
                [(eq? base type:real)
                 (cond [(real? data) (number->string (exact->inexact data))]
                       [(equal? data (type-null type)) "NULL"]
                       [else (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze
                               (format "Expected data of type (U real #f), given ~a" data))])]
                [(eq? base type:symbol)
                 (cond [(symbol? data) (string-append "'" (regexp-replace* #rx"'" (symbol->string data) "''") "'")]
                       [(equal? data (type-null type)) "NULL"]
                       [else (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze
                               (format "Expected data of type (U symbol #f), given ~a\n" data))])]
                [(eq? base type:boolean)
                 (cond [(eq? data #t) "1"]
                       [(eq? data #f) "0"]
                       [else (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze
                               (format "Expected data of type (U #t #f), given ~a\n" data))])]
                [(eq? base type:time-tai)
                 (cond [(time? data)
                        (cond [(eq? (time-type data) time-tai)
                               (string-append (number->string (time-second data))
                                              (string-pad (number->string (time-nanosecond data)) 9 #\0))]
                              [(eq? (time-type data) time-utc) 
                               (let ([data (time-utc->time-tai data)])
                                 (string-append (number->string (time-second data))
                                                (string-pad (number->string (time-nanosecond data)) 9 #\0)))]
                              [else (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze
                                      (format "Expected data of type (U time-tai time-utc #f), given ~a\n" data))])]
                       [(equal? data (type-null type)) "NULL"]
                       [else (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze
                               (format "Expected data of type (U time-tai time-utc #f), given ~a\n" data))])])))
      ;; unquote-data : type string -> any
      (define (unquote-data type data)
        ; base : base-type
        (let ([base (type-base type)])
          (cond [(eq? base type:text) data]
                [(or (eq? base type:id) 
                     (eq? base type:revision)
                     (eq? base type:integer)
                     (eq? base type:real))
                 (if data
                     (string->number data)
                [(eq? base type:symbol)
                 (if data
                     (string->symbol data)
                [(eq? base type:boolean)
                 (if (equal? data "1") 
                [(eq? base type:time-tai)
                 (if data
                     (cond [(> (string-length data) 9)
                            (let* ([sec  (string->number (string-drop-right data 9))]
                                   [nano (string->number (string-take-right data 9))])
                              (make-time time-tai nano sec))]
                           [(let* ([nano (string->number data)])
                              (make-time time-tai (if nano nano 0) 0))])
      ;; make-data-unquoter
      ;;     : (list-of type)
      ;;    -> ((U (vector-of (U string #f)) #f) -> (U (vector-of scheme-primitive) #f))
      ;; Creates a procedure that "unquotes" (parses) a vector of data retrieved from a database.
      (define (make-data-unquoter types)
        (let ([types (list->vector types)])
          (lambda (source)
            (if source
                (vector-map (lambda (index type val)
                              (unquote-data type val))