;; Copyright 2000-2005 Ryan Culpepper
;; Released under the terms of the modified BSD license (see the file
;; COPYRIGHT for terms).

(module exceptions mzscheme
  (require "../"
           (rename "../private/" connection% connection%)
  (require (lib "")
           (planet "" ("schematics" "schemeunit.plt" 2)))
  (provide exception-test)

  (define BAD-PORT 5555)
  (define BAD-USER "johndoe")
  (define BAD-DATABASE "invaliddb")
  (define BAD-PASSWORD "snark")

  ;; NOTE:
  ;; These tests are currently very brittle. This should improve once the
  ;; new SQL error code gets implemented.

  (define exception-test

       (let [(c (connect HOST PORT DATABASE USER PASSWORD))]
         (check-pred object? c)
         (check-true (is-a? c connection<%>))))

       "Bad user"
       (check-exn (pg-error? "Could not connect to server")
                  (lambda () (connect HOST BAD-PORT DATABASE USER PASSWORD))))

       "Bad database"
       (check-exn (pg-error? "Error after authentication")
                  (lambda () (connect HOST PORT BAD-DATABASE USER PASSWORD))))

       "Bad user"
        (pg-error? "Authentication failed")
        (lambda () (connect HOST PORT DATABASE BAD-USER PASSWORD))))

       "Bad password"
       (check-exn (pg-error? "")
                  (lambda () (connect HOST PORT DATABASE USER BAD-PASSWORD))))
       "No password"
       (check-exn (pg-error? "")
                  (lambda () (connect HOST PORT DATABASE USER #f)))))

      "connection locking"

       "Query while disconnected"
       (let [(cu (make-object connection%))]
         (check-exn (spgsql-error? exn:spgsql:user 'lock)
                    (lambda () (send cu query "select * from pg_class")))))

       "Connect while ready"
        (lambda (c)
           (spgsql-error? exn:spgsql:user 'lock)
           (lambda ()
             (send c connect HOST PORT DATABASE USER SSL SSL-ENCRYPT)))))))

      "query methods"

       "query - multiple statements"
        (lambda (c)
           (spgsql-error? exn:spgsql:user 'expected-single-result)
           (lambda ()
             (send c query "select N from the_numbers; select null"))))))

       "query-list - multiple fields"
        (lambda (c)
          (check-exn (spgsql-error? exn:spgsql:user 'expected-single-field)
                     (lambda ()
                       (send c query-list "select N, N from the_numbers"))))))

       "query-list - ErrorResult"
        (lambda (c)
          (check-exn (spgsql-error? exn:spgsql:query)
                     (lambda ()
                       (send c query-list "select * from nothere"))))))

       "query-tuple - multiple rows"
        (lambda (c)
          (check-exn (spgsql-error? exn:spgsql:user 'expected-single-row)
                     (lambda ()
                       (send c query-tuple
                             "select N, description from the_numbers"))))))

       "query-tuple - ErrorResult"
        (lambda (c)
           (spgsql-error? exn:spgsql:query)
           (lambda () (send c query-tuple "select * from nothere"))))))

       "query-value - multiple fields"
        (lambda (c)
          (check-exn (spgsql-error? exn:spgsql:user 'expected-single-row)
                     (lambda ()
                       (send c query-value
                             "select N, description from the_numbers"))))))

       "query-value - multiple rows"
        (lambda (c)
          (check-exn (spgsql-error? exn:spgsql:user 'expected-single-row)
                     (lambda ()
                       (send c query-value
                             "select N from the_numbers"))))))

       "exec - ErrorResult"
        (lambda (c)
          (check-exn (spgsql-error? exn:spgsql:query)
                     (lambda () (send c exec "select * from nothere"))))))

       "exec - Check violation"
        (lambda (c)
           (spgsql-error? exn:spgsql:constraint)
           (lambda () (send c exec
                            "insert into constrained values (-1, 2)"))))))

       "exec - Constraint violation"
        (lambda (c)
           (spgsql-error? exn:spgsql:constraint)
           (lambda ()
             (send c exec
                   "insert into constrained values (1, 1)"))))))

       "mapfilter - not a recordset"
        (lambda (c)
           (spgsql-error? exn:spgsql:user 'expected-single-recordset)
           (lambda () (send c mapfilter
                            "insert into the_numbers values (1024, 'a lot')"
                            void void))))))

       "mapfilter - sql not a string"
        (lambda (c)
           (spgsql-error? exn:spgsql:user 'expected-sql-string)
           (lambda () (send c mapfilter void void void))))))

       "mapfilter - non-procedure"
        (lambda (c)
          (check-exn (spgsql-error? exn:spgsql:user 'expected-procedure)
                     (lambda () (send c mapfilter "select 5" 'fish void)))
          (check-exn (spgsql-error? exn:spgsql:user 'expected-procedure)
                     (lambda () (send c mapfilter "select 5" void 17)))))))))