(module era-private mzscheme
  (require (lib "")
           (lib "")
           (lib "")
           (all-except (lib "" "srfi" "1") any)
           (lib "" "srfi" "26"))
  (require (planet "" ("untyped" "unlib.plt" 2))
           (planet "" ("untyped" "unlib.plt" 2))
           (planet "" ("untyped" "unlib.plt" 2)))
  (require (file "")
           (file ""))
  ; Structures and properties --------------------
  ;; prop:entity
  ;; Property attached to persistent structs, that describes
  ;; the layout of the databse tables used to hold persistent
  ;; information. It is automatically created by
  ;; (define-persistent-struct) wouldn't normally be directly
  ;; accessed by the programmer.
  ;; has-entity? : any -> boolean
  ;; Returns #t if the argument is a persistent struct with
  ;; attached "entity" metadata.
  ;; struct-entity : any -> (U entity #f) | exn:fail:contract
  ;; Returns the "entity" object associated with a persistent
  ;; struct. This is wrapped in a non-starred version below that
  ;; raises exn:fail:snooze instead of exn:fail:contract.
    (prop:entity has-entity? struct-entity)
    (make-struct-type-property 'entity))
  ;; persistent-struct? : any -> boolean
  ;; Whether or not something is a persistent struct depends purely
  ;; on whether or not it is bound to an entity.
  (define persistent-struct? has-entity?)
  ;; struct entity
  ;;     : symbol
  ;;       constructor
  ;;       getter
  ;;       setter
  ;;       (list-of (U attribute relation))
  ;;       (list-of (conn struct -> integer))
  ;;       (list-of (conn struct -> integer))
  ;;       (list-of (conn struct -> integer))
  ;;       (list-of (conn struct -> integer))
  (define-struct entity
    (name constructor getter setter fields save-pipeline insert-pipeline update-pipeline delete-pipeline)

  ;; struct attribute : symbol symbol
  (define-struct attribute
    (name type)
  ; Procedures -----------------------------------
  ;; add-entity-field! : entity field -> void
  (define (add-entity-field! entity field)
      (entity-fields entity)
      (list field))))
  ;; get-id : persistent-struct -> (U integer #f)
  (define (get-id struct)
    (let* ((entity (struct-entity struct))
           (getter (entity-getter entity)))
      (getter struct 0)))
  ;; set-id! : persistent-struct (U integer #f) -> void
  (define (set-id! struct id)
    (let* ((entity (struct-entity struct))
           (setter (entity-setter entity)))
      (setter struct 0 id)))
  ;; get-revision : persistent-struct -> (U integer #f)
  (define (get-revision struct)
    (let* ((entity (struct-entity struct))
           (getter (entity-getter entity)))
      (getter struct 1)))
  ;; set-revision!/internal : persistent-struct (U integer #f) -> void
  ;; Sets the revision number on this struct. Use set-revision! from
  ;; if you want to set the revision number and remember
  ;; the old value for transaction rollback (this bit of hackery is to
  ;; get around a cyclic dependency between and
  (define (set-revision!/internal struct id)
    (let* ((entity (struct-entity struct))
           (setter (entity-setter entity)))
      (setter struct 1 id)))
  ;; has-attribute? : entity symbol -> boolean
  (define (has-attribute? entity name)
    (if (find (lambda (attr)
                (eq? (attribute-name attr) name))
              (entity-fields entity))
  ;; get-attribute : entity symbol -> attribute
  (define (get-attribute entity name)
    (let ((attrs (entity-fields entity)))
      (let ([attr 
             (find (lambda (attr)
                     (eq? (attribute-name attr) name))
        (if attr
            (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze
              (format "Could not find attribute \"~a\" in entity ~a" name entity))))))
  ;; get-attribute-index : entity symbol -> integer
  ;; Returns the index of the specified attribute as it appears in the
  ;; persistent struct:
  ;;   - the id is at index 0
  ;;   - other attributes are arranged from index 1 upwards
  (define (get-attribute-index entity name)
    (let loop ([index 0] ; Skip ID
               [attrs (entity-fields entity)]) ; Skip ID
        [(null? attrs)
         (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze
           (format "Could not find attribute \"~a\" in entity ~a" name entity))]
        [(eq? name (attribute-name (car attrs))) index]
        [else (loop (add1 index) (cdr attrs))])))
  ;; get-attribute-value : persistent-struct symbol -> any
  (define (get-attribute-value struct name)
    (let ([entity (struct-entity struct)])
      (let loop ([names (map attribute-name (entity-fields entity))]
                 [vals (cdr (vector->list (struct->vector struct)))])
        (cond [(null? names)
               (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze
                 (format "Could not find attribute \"~a\" in struct ~a" name struct))]
              [(eq? name (car names))
               (car vals)]
              [else (loop (cdr names) (cdr vals))]))))
  ;; get-attribute-values : persistent-struct -> (list-of any)
  (define (get-attribute-values struct)
    (cdr (vector->list (struct->vector struct))))
  ;; set-attribute-value! persistent-struct symbol any -> nothing
  (define (set-attribute-value! struct name value)
    (let* ([entity (struct-entity struct)]
           [index (get-attribute-index entity name)])
      ((entity-setter entity) struct index value)))
  ; TODO: 2007-10-10: Commented out for removal:
  ; ;; map-attributes/entity : (symbol type -> any) entity -> (list-of any)
  ; ;;
  ; ;; Maps the supplied procedure over all attributes in the entity except the
  ; ;; ID and revision attributes.
  ; (define (map-attributes/entity body entity)
  ;   (map
  ;    body
  ;    (cddr (map attribute-name (entity-fields entity)))   ; cddr skips id and revision
  ;    (cddr (map attribute-type (entity-fields entity))))) ; cddr skips id and revision
  ; TODO: 2007-10-10: Commented out for removal:
  ; ;; map-attributes/struct : (symbol type any -> any) persistent-struct -> (list-of any)
  ; ;;
  ; ;; Maps the supplied procedure over all attributes in the persistent struct except the
  ; ;; ID and revision attributes.
  ; (define (map-attributes/struct body struct)
  ;   (let ([entity (struct-entity struct)])
  ;     (map body
  ;          (cddr (map attribute-name (entity-fields entity))) ; cddr skips id and revision
  ;          (cddr (map attribute-type (entity-fields entity))) ; cddr skips id and revision
  ;          (cdddr (vector->list (struct->vector struct))))))  ; cdddr skips structure identifier, id and revision

  ; TODO: 2007-10-10: Commented out for removal:
  ; ;; for-each-attribute/entity : (symbol type -> any) entity -> nothing
  ; ;;
  ; ;; Applies the supplied procedure to all attributes in the entity except the
  ; ;; ID and revision attributes.
  ; (define (for-each-attribute/entity body entity)
  ;   (for-each body
  ;             (cddr (map attribute-name (entity-fields entity)))   ; cddr skips id and revision
  ;             (cddr (map attribute-type (entity-fields entity))))) ; cddr skips id and revision
  ; TODO: 2007-10-10: Commented out for removal:
  ; ;; for-each-attribute/struct : (symbol type any -> any) persistent-struct -> nothing
  ; ;;
  ; ;; Applies the supplied procedure to all attributes in the entity except the
  ; ;; ID and revision attributes.
  ; (define (for-each-attribute/struct body struct)
  ;   (let ([entity (struct-entity struct)])
  ;     (for-each body
  ;               (cddr (map attribute-name (entity-fields entity))) ; cddr skips id and revision
  ;               (cddr (map attribute-type (entity-fields entity))) ; cddr skips id and revision
  ;               (cdddr (vector->list (struct->vector struct))))))  ; cdddr skips structure identifier, id and revision
  ;; persistent-struct->alist : persistent-struct -> (list-of (cons symbol any))
  ;; Creates an association list containing all attributes of the supplied structure,
  ;; including id and revision.
  (define (persistent-struct->alist struct)
    (map (match-lambda*
           [(list (struct attribute (name type)) val)
            (cons name val)])
         (entity-fields (struct-entity struct))
         (get-attribute-values struct)))
  ; TODO: 2007-10-10: Commented out for removal:
  ; ;; persistent-struct->hash-table : persistent-struct -> hash-table
  ; ;;
  ; ;; Creates a hash table containing all attributes of the supplied structure,
  ; ;; including id and revision.
  ; (define (persistent-struct->hash-table struct)
  ;   (let ([table (make-hash-table)])
  ;     (hash-table-put! table 'id (get-id struct))
  ;     (hash-table-put! table 'revision (get-revision struct))
  ;     (for-each-attribute/struct
  ;      (lambda (id type value)
  ;        (hash-table-put! table id value))
  ;      struct)
  ;     table))
  ; TODO: 2007-10-10: Commented out for removal:
  ; ;; make-blank-persistent-struct : entity -> persistent-struct
  ; ;;
  ; ;; Creates a blank persistent struct with #f id, #f revision and default
  ; ;; values for all data attributes.
  ; (define (make-blank-persistent-struct entity)
  ;   (apply (entity-constructor entity)
  ;          (map (match-lambda
  ;                 [(struct attribute (name type))
  ;                  (type-initial type)])
  ;               (entity-fields entity))))
  ;; check-keyword-arguments : property-list symbol (list-of symbol) -> void | exn:fail:contract
  (define (check-keyword-arguments keys entity-name attribute-names)
    (for-each (lambda (key)
                (when (and (keyword? key) (not (memq (string->symbol (keyword->string key)) attribute-names)))
                  (raise-exn exn:fail:contract
                    (format "Attribute not found: ~a in ~a." key entity-name))))
  ;; make-persistent-struct/defaults : entity [#:id any] ... -> persistent-struct
  (define/kw (make-persistent-struct/defaults entity #:other-keys keys)
    (let ([attribute-names (cddr (map attribute-name (entity-fields entity)))]
          [attribute-types (cddr (map attribute-type (entity-fields entity)))])
      (check-keyword-arguments keys (entity-name entity) attribute-names)
      (apply (entity-constructor entity)
             (cons* #f
                    (map (lambda (name type)
                           (keyword-get keys 
                                        (string->keyword (symbol->string name))
                                        (cut type-initial type)))
  ;; copy-persistent-struct : persistent-struct [#:fiend-name any] ... -> persistent-struct
  (define/kw (copy-persistent-struct old-struct #:other-keys keys)
    (let* ([entity          (struct-entity old-struct)]
           [attribute-names (map attribute-name (entity-fields entity))]
           [attribute-types (map attribute-type (entity-fields entity))]
           [existing-values (get-attribute-values old-struct)]
           [new-struct      (apply (entity-constructor entity)
                                   (map (lambda (name type val)
                                          (keyword-get keys 
                                                       (string->keyword (symbol->string name))
                                                       (lambda () val)))
      (set-id! new-struct (get-id old-struct))
      (set-revision!/internal new-struct (get-revision old-struct))
  ; TODO: 2007-10-10: Commented out for removal:
  ; ;; hash-table->persistent-struct : entity hash-table -> persistent-struct
  ; ;;
  ; ;; Creates a new persistent-struct, populating it with attribute values from
  ; ;; the supplied hash table. The hash table is checked for each argument in the
  ; ;; structure constructor: if there is a key 'attribute-name in the table, the
  ; ;; associated value is passed to the constructor as the value of that attribute.
  ; ;; Otherwise, the relevant default attribute value is passed instead.
  ; ;;
  ; ;; Note that, as this procedure maps through the constructor arguments, IDs
  ; ;; and revisions are *not* copied from the hash table.
  ; (define (hash-table->persistent-struct entity table)
  ;   (apply
  ;    (entity-constructor entity)
  ;    (cons*
  ;     #f
  ;     #f
  ;     (map-attributes/entity
  ;      (lambda (name type)
  ;        (hash-table-get/default table name (type-null type)))
  ;      entity))))
  ;; set-attributes/alist! : persistent-struct (alist-of symbol any) -> void
  ;; Updates a persistent struct with values from an alist. The procedure
  ;; iterates through the data attributes in the structure: if there is a key
  ;; 'attribute-name in the list, the associated value is copied into the
  ;; structure.
  ;; Note that, this procedure does *not* update the id or revision attributes
  ;; in the structure.
  (define (set-attributes/alist! struct fields)
    (let ([entity (struct-entity struct)])
      (alist-for-each (lambda (name value)
                        (unless (or (eq? name 'id) 
                                    (eq? name 'revision)
                                    (not (has-attribute? entity name)))
                          (set-attribute-value! struct name value)))
  ; TODO: 2007-10-10: Commented out for removal:
  ; ;; set-attributes/hash-table! : persistent-struct hash-table -> void
  ; ;;
  ; ;; Updates a persistent struct with values from a hash table. The procedure
  ; ;; iterates through the data attributes in the structure: if there is a key
  ; ;; 'attribute-name in the table, the associated value is copied into the
  ; ;; structure.
  ; ;;
  ; ;; Note that, this procedure does *not* update the id or revision attributes
  ; ;; in the structure.
  ; (define (set-attributes/hash-table! struct table)
  ;   (let ([entity (struct-entity struct)])
  ;     (hash-table-for-each
  ;      table
  ;      (lambda (name value)
  ;        (unless (or (eq? name 'id)
  ;                    (eq? name 'revision)
  ;                    (not (has-attribute? entity name)))
  ;          (set-attribute-value! struct name value))))))

  ; Provide statements ---------------------------
  (provide prop:entity
   [struct-entity                   (-> persistent-struct? entity?)]
   [struct entity                   ([name symbol?]
                                     [constructor     procedure?]
                                     [getter          procedure?]
                                     [setter          procedure?]
                                     [fields          (listof attribute?)]
                                     [save-pipeline   (listof stage?)]
                                     [insert-pipeline (listof stage?)]
                                     [update-pipeline (listof stage?)]
                                     [delete-pipeline (listof stage?)])]
   [struct attribute                ([name symbol?]
                                     [type type?])]
   [get-id                          (-> persistent-struct? (or/c integer? false/c))]
   [set-id!                         (-> persistent-struct? (or/c integer? false/c) void?)]
   [get-revision                    (-> persistent-struct? (or/c integer? false/c))]
   [has-attribute?                  (-> entity? symbol? boolean?)]
   [get-attribute                   (-> entity? symbol? attribute?)]
   [get-attribute-index             (-> entity? symbol? integer?)]
   [get-attribute-value             (-> persistent-struct? symbol? any/c)]
   [get-attribute-values            (-> persistent-struct? list?)]
   [set-attribute-value!            (-> persistent-struct? symbol? any/c void?)]
   ; TODO: 2007-10-10: Commented out for removal:
   ; [map-attributes/entity           (-> (-> symbol? type? any/c) entity? list?)]
   ; [map-attributes/struct           (-> (-> symbol? type? any/c any/c) persistent-struct? list?)]
   ; [for-each-attribute/entity       (-> (-> symbol? type? any/c) entity? any/c)]
   ; [for-each-attribute/struct       (-> (-> symbol? type? any/c any/c) persistent-struct? any/c)]
   [persistent-struct->alist        (-> persistent-struct? (listof (cons/c symbol? any/c)))]
   ; TODO: 2007-10-10: Commented out for removal:
   ; [persistent-struct->hash-table   (-> persistent-struct? hash-table?)]
   ; [make-blank-persistent-struct    (-> entity? persistent-struct?)]
   [make-persistent-struct/defaults (->* (entity?) list? (persistent-struct?))]
   [copy-persistent-struct          (->* (persistent-struct?) list? (persistent-struct?))]
   ; TODO: 2007-10-10: Commented out for removal:
   ; [hash-table->persistent-struct   (-> entity? hash-table? persistent-struct?)]
   ; [set-attributes/hash-table!      (-> persistent-struct? hash-table? void?)]
   [set-attributes/alist!           (-> persistent-struct? (listof (cons/c symbol? any/c)) void?)])