(module sql-quote-unit mzscheme
  (require (lib "")
           (lib "")
           (lib "")
           (lib ""       "srfi" "1")
           (lib ""     "srfi" "13")
           (lib ""       "srfi" "19")
           (lib "" "srfi" "43"))
  (require (planet "" ("schematics" "spgsql.plt" 2)))
  (require ;(file "spgsql-ssl/")
           (file "../")
           (file "../")
           (file "../")
           (file "../generic/")
           (prefix generic: (file "../generic/")))
  (provide sql-quote@)
  ;; Provides a DBMS specific unit for quoting/unquoting data primitives. See:
  ;;     ../
  ;;     ../generic/
  ;; for more information.
  (define sql-quote@
    (let ([mixin@
           (unit/sig sql-quote^
             (import (generic : sql-quote^))
             ;; quote-id : (U symbol string) -> string
             ;; Quotes a field or table name. In SQLite's case this is
             ;; done by wrapping the name in square brackets
             (define (quote-id identifier)
               (if (symbol? identifier)
                   (string-append "\"" (symbol->string identifier) "\"")
                   (string-append "\"" identifier "\"")))
             ;; quote-data type any -> string
             (define (quote-data type data)
               ; base : base-type
               (let ([base (type-base type)])
                 (cond [(eq? base type:id)
                        (cond [(integer? data) (number->string data)]
                              [(equal? data (type-null type)) "NULL"]
                              [else (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze
                                      (format "Expected data of type (U integer #f), given ~a" data))])]
                       [(eq? base type:revision)
                        (cond [(integer? data) (number->string data)]
                              [(equal? data (type-null type)) "NULL"]
                              [else (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze
                                      (format "Expected data of type (U integer #f), given ~a" data))])]
                       [(eq? base type:text)
                        (cond [(string? data) (string-append "'" (regexp-replace* #rx"'" data "''") "'")]
                              [(equal? data (type-null type)) "NULL"]
                              [else (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze
                                      (format "Expected data of type (U string #f), given ~a" data))])]
                       [(eq? base type:integer)
                        (cond [(integer? data) (number->string data)]
                              [(equal? data (type-null type)) "NULL"]
                              [else (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze
                                      (format "Expected data of type (U integer #f), given ~a" data))])]
                       [(eq? base type:real)
                        (cond [(real? data) (number->string (exact->inexact data))]
                              [(equal? data (type-null type)) "NULL"]
                              [else (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze
                                      (format "Expected data of type (U real #f), given ~a" data))])]
                       [(eq? base type:symbol)
                        (cond [(symbol? data) (string-append "'" (regexp-replace* #rx"'" (symbol->string data) "''") "'")]
                              [(equal? data (type-null type)) "NULL"]
                              [else (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze
                                      (format "Expected data of type (U symbol #f), given ~a\n" data))])]
                       [(eq? base type:boolean)
                        (cond [(eq? data #t) "true"]
                              [(eq? data #f) "false"]
                              [else (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze
                                      (format "Expected data of type (U #t #f), given ~a\n" data))])]
                       [(eq? base type:time-tai)
                        (cond [(time? data)
                               (date->string (time-tai->date data) "'~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M:~S.~N'")]
;                               ; NOTE: PostgreSQL expects dates in ISO 8601 format. There are formats for date->string
;                               ; that write versions of this, but I'm being explicit below and now using them.
;                               ;
;                               ; NOTE: TODO: HACK: There are hacks here to get around a bug in SRFI-19. This bug has been
;                               ; spotted elsewhere and reported appropriately. For example:
;                               ;
;                               ;
;                               ;
;                               ; once this bug has been fixed, the calls to string-append / date->string / string-pad
;                               ; can be replaced with single calls to date->string:
;                               ;
;                               ;     (date->string (time-tai->date data 0) "'~5.~N'")
;                               ;
;                               ; the "requires" statement for SRFI-13 will probably be superfluous once we're not using
;                               ; string-pad anymore.
;                               (cond [(eq? (time-type data) time-tai)
;                                      ; TODO: Change this expression (see comment above):
;                                      (string-append (date->string (time-tai->date data 0) "'~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M:~S.")
;                                                     (string-pad (date->string (time-tai->date data) "~N'") 10 #\0))]
;                                     [(eq? (time-type data) time-utc)
;                                      (let ([data (time-utc->time-tai data)])
;                                        ; TODO: Change this expression (see comment above):
;                                        (string-append (date->string (time-tai->date data 0) "'~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M:~S.")
;                                                       (string-pad (date->string (time-tai->date data) "~N'") 10 #\0)))]
;                                     [else (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze
;                                             (format "Expected data of type (U time-tai time-utc #f), given ~a\n" data))])]
                              [(equal? data (type-null type)) "NULL"]
                              [else (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze
                                      (format "Expected data of type (U time-tai time-utc #f), given ~a\n" data))])])))
             ;; unquote-data : type (U bytes string sql-null) -> any
             (define (unquote-data type data)
               ; base : base-type
               (let ([base (type-base type)])
                 (cond [(eq? base type:text) 
                        (cond [(sql-null? data)      #f]
                              ;[(bytes? data)         (bytes->string/utf-8 data)]
                              [(string? data)        data]
                              [else                  (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze (format "Cannot parse ~a: ~s" type data))])]
                       [(or (eq? base type:id) 
                            (eq? base type:revision)
                            (eq? base type:integer))
                        (cond [(sql-null? data)      #f]
                              [(integer? data)       data]
                              ;[(bytes? data)         (string->number (bytes->string/utf-8 data))]
                              ;[(string? data)        (string->number data)]
                              [else                  (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze (format "Cannot parse ~a: ~s" type data))])]
                       [(eq? base type:real)
                        (cond [(sql-null? data)      #f]
                              [(number? data)        data]
                              ;[(bytes? data)         (string->number (bytes->string/utf-8 data))]
                              ;[(string? data)        (string->number data)]
                              [else                  (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze (format "Cannot parse ~a: ~s" type data))])]
                       [(eq? base type:symbol)
                        (cond [(sql-null? data)      #f]
                              ;[(bytes? data)         (string->symbol (bytes->string/utf-8 data))]
                              [(string? data)        (string->symbol data)]
                              [else                  (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze (format "Cannot parse ~a: ~s" type data))])]
                       [(eq? base type:boolean)
                        (cond [(sql-null? data)      #f]
                              [(boolean? data)       data]
                              ;[(equal? data #"t")    #t]
                              ;[(equal? data "t")     #t]
                              [else                  #f])]
                       [(eq? base type:time-tai)
                        (cond [(sql-null? data)      #f]
                              [(sql-timestamp? data) (date->time-tai (sql-datetime->srfi-date data))]
                              ;[(bytes? data)        (unquote-time-tai (bytes->string/utf-8 data))]
                              ;[(string? data)       (unquote-time-tai data)]
                              [else                 (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze (format "Cannot parse ~a: ~s" type data))])])))
;             ;; iso-8601-regexp-1 : pregexp
;             ;;
;             ;; Matches the yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss part of a timestamp string.
;             (define iso-8601-regexp-1 (pregexp "^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})[ T]([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})"))
;             ;; iso-8601-regexp-2 : pregexp
;             ;;
;             ;; Matches the nanoseconds part of a timestamp string.
;             (define iso-8601-regexp-2 (pregexp "\\.([0-9]{1,9})$"))
;             ;; unquote-time-tai : string -> time
;             (define (unquote-time-tai data)
;               (let ([matches1 (pregexp-match iso-8601-regexp-1 data)]
;                     [matches2 (pregexp-match iso-8601-regexp-2 data)])
;                 (if matches1
;                     (date->time-tai (apply make-srfi:date
;                                            (append
;                                             ; Nanosecond
;                                             (if matches2
;                                                 (list (string->number (string-pad-right (cadr matches2) 9 #\0)))
;                                                 (list 0))
;                                             ; Second minute hour day month year
;                                             (map string->number (reverse (cdr matches1)))
;                                             ; Timezone-offset
;                                             (list 0))))
;                     (raise-exn exn:fail:snooze
;                       (format "Expected ISO 8601 formatted string, received ~a" data)))))
             ;; make-data-unquoter
             ;;     : (list-of type)
             ;;    -> ((U (vector-of (U string #f)) #f) -> (U (vector-of scheme-primitive) #f))
             ;; Creates a procedure that "unquotes" (parses) a vector of data retrieved from a database.
             (define (make-data-unquoter types)
               (let ([types (list->vector types)])
                 (lambda (source)
                   (if source
                       (vector-map (lambda (index type val)
                                     (unquote-data type val))
        (link (original  : sql-quote^ (generic:sql-quote@))
              (variation : sql-quote^ (mixin@ original)))
        (export (open variation)))))