#lang setup/infotab

(define name "snooze")

(define blurb 
  '((p "An Object Relational Mapping (ORM) system. "
       "Snooze lets you define special MzScheme structs called " 
       (tt "persistent-structs") " and serialize them to an SQLite "
       "or PostgreSQL database.")))

(define release-notes
  '((p "New features:")
    (ul (li "a completely new procedural query language that supports nested subqueries, "
            "expressions on columns, aggregate functions and DISTINCT, GROUP and "
            "HAVING clauses;")
        (li "a new syntax wrapper for the query language, allowing briefer queries;")
        (li "full support for nested transactions in PostgreSQL (including rollback of "
            "persistent structs to keep them synced with changes in the database);")
        (li "an experimental audit trail feature (warning: the interface is likely to "
            "change in a future release).")
        (li "persistent-structs are now serializable with " (tt "scheme/serialize") "."))
    (p "Known issues:")
    (ul (li "transaction support and pipelines have not been fully documented;")
        (li "a bug in SQLite causes all queries with nested joins in them to fail: "
            "a solution to this problem is being worked on."))))

(define primary-file "")

(define url "")

(define categories '(devtools io))

(define scribblings '(("scribblings/snooze.scrbl" (multi-page))))

(define required-core-version "")

(define repositories '("4.x"))