#lang scribble/doc @(require (file "base.ss")) @(define snooze-eval (make-snooze-eval)) @title[#:tag "era"]{Entities, relationships and attributes} @(declare-exporting (planet untyped/snooze/snooze)) Snooze attaches @italic{ERA metadata} to persistent struct types, providing information on how to serialize and deserialize structures and create aliases for use in queries: @itemize{ @item{each persistent struct type has an associated @scheme[entity] that provides structural information on structures of that type;} @item{each @scheme[entity] contains, among other things, a list of @scheme[attributes] that provides information on the fields of the struct type;} @item{support for @scheme[relationships] between entities is planned for a future version of Snooze.}} @section{Entities} @defstruct[entity ([name symbol?] [table-name symbol?] [struct-type struct-type?] [constructor (any ... -> persistent-struct?)] [predicate (any -> boolean?)] [attributes (listof attribute?)] [save-pipeline (listof procedure?)] [insert-pipeline (listof procedure?)] [update-pipeline (listof procedure?)] [delete-pipeline (listof procedure?)])]{ Metadata describing a particular @scheme[struct-type]. Pipeline procedures are of type: @schemeblock[ (connection? persistent-struct? -> persistent-struct?)] While the entity itself is useful to application programmers in a number of circumstances, most of the information inside the entity does not need to be accessed form application code. @scheme[define-persistent-struct] automatically binds an identifier of the form @schemeidfont{entity:foo} to the entity for each persistent struct type: @interaction[ #:eval snooze-eval (define-persistent-struct person ([name type:string] [age type:integer])) entity:person]} @defthing[prop:entity property?]{ A structure type property used to attach @scheme[entity] metadata to persistent structure types.} @defproc[(struct-has-entity? [struct any]) boolean?]{ Returns @scheme[#t] if @scheme[struct] is a structure or structure type that has a value for @scheme[prop:entity]. @examples[ #:eval snooze-eval (struct-has-entity? struct:person) (struct-has-entity? (make-person "Dave" 30))]} @defproc[(struct-entity [struct (U struct? struct-type?)]) entity?]{ Returns the value of @scheme[prop:entity] that is associated with @scheme[struct]. @examples[ #:eval snooze-eval (struct-entity struct:person) (struct-entity (make-person "Dave" 30))]} @section{Relationships} Snooze does not currently have explicit support for relationships. These are planned for a future release. For now, the recommended way of creating a relationship between two structures is by using a foreign key field of @scheme[type:integer]: @schemeblock[ (define-persistent-struct person ([name type:string])) (define-persistent-struct pet ([name type:string] [owner-id type:integer]))] A caveat to this approach is that you have to make sure the target structure is saved before you reference its ID for the foreign key: @schemeblock[ (code:comment "This is incorrect.") (code:comment "The person will not have an ID because it has not been saved:") (make-pet "Garfield" (person-id (make-person "Jon"))) (code:comment "This is correct.") (code:comment "The call to save! allocates an ID for the person:") (make-pet "Garfield" (person-id (save! (make-person "Jon"))))] @section{Attributes} @defstruct[attribute ([name symbol?] [column-name symbol?] [entity entity?] [index natural?] [accessor (persistent-struct? -> any)] [mutator (persistent-struct? any -> void?)] [type type?])]{ Metadata describing a particular attribute (or field or column) of an entity. @scheme[define-persistent-struct] automatically binds an identifier of the form @schemeidfont{attr:foo-bar} for each attribute of each persistent struct type: @interaction[ #:eval snooze-eval attr:person-id attr:person-revision attr:person-name attr:person-age]} @defproc[(entity-has-attribute? [entity entity?] [attribute (U attribute? symbol?)]) boolean?]{ Returns @scheme[#t] if @scheme[entity] has the supplied @scheme[attribute], @scheme[#f] otherwise. @scheme[attribute] can be an attribute structure or an attribute name. @examples[ #:eval snooze-eval (entity-has-attribute? entity:person attr:person-name) (entity-has-attribute? entity:person 'name)]} @defproc[(entity-attribute [entity entity?] [name (U attribute? symbol?)]) attribute?]{ Determines if @scheme[entity] has the supplied @scheme[attribute]. Returns the attribute exists; raises @scheme[exn:fail] otherwise. @examples[ #:eval snooze-eval (entity-attribute entity:person attr:person-name) (entity-attribute entity:person 'name) (entity-attribute entity:person 'nom)]} @section{Attribute types} Each attribute has an associated @italic{type} that determines the type of column used in the database. Types come in several flavours, described below. Note that the reflection of a type may be different in different DBMS types. For example, SQLite does not support the SQL @tt{TIMESTAMP} data type, so Snooze uses integers to serialize time values. @defstruct[type ([allows-null? boolean?] [default any])] @defstruct[(boolean-type type) ()]{ Stores @scheme[#t] and @scheme[#f] values. There is no direct Scheme representation of @tt{NULL}; @tt{NULL} values in the database are mapped to @scheme[#f] in Scheme.} @defstruct[(integer-type type) ()]{ Stores integer values. @tt{NULL} values in the database are mapped to @scheme[#f] in Scheme.} @defstruct[(real-type type) ()]{ Stores real number values. @tt{NULL} values in the database are mapped to @scheme[#f] in Scheme.} @defstruct[(string-type type) ([max-length integer?])]{ Stores string values as @tt{VARCHARs} or arbitrary length @tt{TEXTs}. The value of @scheme[max-length] determines the SQL type. @tt{NULL} values in the database are mapped to @scheme[#f] in Scheme.} @defstruct[(symbol-type type) ([max-length integer?])]{ Like @scheme[string-type] but for symbol values.} @defstruct[(time-utc-type type) ([max-length integer?])]{ Stores SRFI 19 UTC times as GMT @tt{TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONEs} (or @tt{INTEGERs} in SQLite). @tt{NULL} values in the database are mapped to @scheme[#f] in Scheme.} @defstruct[(time-tai-type type) ([max-length integer?])]{ Like @scheme[time-utc-type] but for SRFI 19 TAI times.} @section{Shorthand types} Snooze provides a number of short-hand types. The types below all allow and default to @tt{NULL}, and @scheme[type:string] and @scheme[type:symbol] allow data of arbitrary length: @defthing[type:boolean type?] @defthing[type:integer type?] @defthing[type:real type?] @defthing[type:string type?] @defthing[type:symbol type?] @defthing[type:time-utc type?] @defthing[type:time-tai type?] @include-section{persistent-struct-util.scrbl}