#lang scribble/doc @(require (file "base.ss")) @(define snooze-eval (make-snooze-eval)) @title[#:tag "persistent-struct-util"]{Persistent structure utilities} @defproc[(struct-attributes [struct persistent-struct?]) list?]{ Returns a list of the values of the attributes of @scheme[struct] (including its ID and revision). @examples[ #:eval snooze-eval (define-persistent-struct person ([name type:string] [age type:integer])) (define dave (make-person "Dave" 30)) (struct-attributes dave)]} @defproc[(struct-has-attribute? [struct persistent-struct?] [name (U attribute? symbol?)]) boolean?]{ Returns @scheme[#t] if @scheme[struct] has an attribute with the supplied @scheme[name], @scheme[#f] otherwise. @examples[ #:eval snooze-eval (struct-has-attribute? dave attr:person-name) (struct-has-attribute? dave 'age) (struct-has-attribute? dave 'nom)]} @defproc[(struct-attribute [struct persistent-struct?] [name (U attribute? symbol?)]) any]{ Returns the value from @scheme[struct] of the attribute with the supplied @scheme[name]. Raises @scheme[exn:fail:contract] if @scheme[struct] does not have a corresponding attribute. @examples[ #:eval snooze-eval (struct-attribute dave attr:person-name) (struct-attribute dave 'age) (struct-attribute dave 'nom)]} @defproc[(set-struct-attribute! [struct persistent-struct?] [name (U attribute? symbol?)] [value any]) void?]{ Mutates @scheme[struct], setting the @scheme[value] of the attribute with the supplied @scheme[name]. @examples[ #:eval snooze-eval (set-struct-attribute! dave attr:person-name "Noel") (set-struct-attribute! dave 'age #f) (struct-attributes dave)]} @defproc[(set-struct-attributes! [struct persistent-struct?] [vals list?]) void?]{ Mutates @scheme[struct], setting the values of all its attributes. @scheme[vals] must contain an ID, a revision, and one value for each attribute of @scheme[struct] in the order specified inthe @scheme[define-persistent-struct] form. @examples[ #:eval snooze-eval (set-struct-attributes! dave (list #f #f "Dave" 30)) (struct-attributes dave)]} @defproc[(make-persistent-struct/defaults [entity entity?] [attr (U attribute? symbol?)] [value any] [attr2 (U attribute? symbol?)] [value2 any] ...) persistent-struct?]{ Returns a new persistent of the supplied type, with default values for all attributes except those specified in the arguments. Used in the implementation of the keyword constructor created by @scheme[define-persistent-struct]. Each @scheme[attr] must be followed by a corresponding @scheme[value]. @examples[ #:eval snooze-eval (make-persistent-struct/defaults entity:person attr:person-name "Noel")]} @defproc[(copy-persistent-struct [struct persistent-struct?] [attr (U attribute? symbol?)] [value any] [attr2 (U attribute? symbol?)] [value2 any] ...) persistent-struct?]{ Returns a new persistent structure with the same type and attributes of @scheme[struct], except where new values are supplied in the arguments. Used in the implentation of the copy procedure created by @scheme[define-persistent-struct]. Each @scheme[attr] must be followed by a corresponding @scheme[value].} @defproc[(update-persistent-struct-from-copy! [struct persistent-struct?] [copy persistent-struct?]) persistent-struct?]{ Mutates @scheme[struct] to be the same as @scheme[copy]. Used when rolling back cancelled transactions. @examples[ #:eval snooze-eval (copy-persistent-struct dave attr:person-name "Noel")]}