#lang scribble/doc @(require "base.ss") @title[#:tag "id+revision"]{IDs and revisions} Every persistent struct has an @italic{ID} and a @italic{revision}. The ID acts as a primary key in the database, and the revision helps protect against concurrent database updates. @defproc[(struct-id [struct persistent-struct?]) (U integer? #f)]{ Returns the ID of @scheme[struct], or @scheme[#f] if @scheme[struct] is not saved in the database. @italic{Warning: Use @scheme[struct-saved?] rather than @scheme[struct-id] to check whether or not a struct has been saved to the database. Changes in later versions of Snooze may affect whether @scheme[struct-id] returns @scheme[#f] for unsaved structs.}} @defproc[(set-struct-id! [struct persistent-struct?] [id (U integer? #f)]) void?]{ Sets the @scheme[id] of @scheme[struct]. You should not normally have to use this procedure: Snooze does this automatically when you save or delete a struct.} @defproc[(struct-revision [struct persistent-struct?]) (U integer? #f)]{ Returns the last revision number of @scheme[struct], or @scheme[#f] if @scheme[struct] is not saved in the database. The revision number is set to @scheme[0] when a structure is first saved and is incremented on each subsequent save. Snooze raises @scheme[exn:fail:snooze:revision] if a structure has an incompatible revision number when you try to save it. This protects against common concurrency problems.} @defproc[(set-struct-revision! [struct persistent-struct?] [rev (U integer? #f)]) void?]{ Sets the revision number of @scheme[struct] to @scheme[rev]. You should not normally have to use this procedure: Snooze does this automatically when you save or delete a struct.} @defproc[(struct-saved? [struct persistent-struct?]) boolean?]{ Returns @scheme[#t] if @scheme[struct] has been saved to the database and @scheme[#f] if it has not.}