#lang scribble/doc @(require "base.ss") @(define snooze-eval (make-snooze-eval)) @title[#:tag "query-struct"]{Underlying query structures} @defmodule[(planet untyped/snooze:2/sql/sql-struct)]{ The @scheme[sql:foo] procedures described above create and return structures of a number of types, listed for completeness below. It is rare that an application programmer has to interact directly with these structures: most of the forms below not provided via @scheme[(planet untyped/snooze)]. @defstruct[query ([what (listof column?)] [distinct (U expression? #t #f)] [from source?] [where (U expression? #f)] [group (listof expression?)] [order (listof order?)] [having (U expression? #f)] [limit (U integer? #f)] [offset (U integer? #f)] [local-columns (listof column?)] [imported-columns (listof column?)] [extract-info (U entity? type? (listof (U entity? type?)))])]{ A query or subquery: the result of an @scheme[sql:select] expression or equivalent. @scheme[local-columns], @scheme[imported-columns] and @scheme[extract-info] are used internally within Snooze.} The following are used in @scheme[#:from] clauses and as shortcuts in @scheme[#:what] and @scheme[#:group] clauses: @defstruct[source ()]{ A query data source.} @defstruct[(source-alias source) ([name symbol?] [value (U entity? query?)])] { An alias of an entity or subquery.} @defstruct[(entity-alias source-alias) ()]{ An alias for an entity.} @defstruct[(query-alias source-alias) ()]{ An alias for a subquery.} @defstruct[(join source) ([op (U 'inner 'outer 'left 'right)] [left source?] [right source?] [on (U expression? #f)])]{ A join over two other sources. @scheme[on] is required if @scheme[op] is @scheme['inner], @scheme['left] or @scheme['right], and forbidden if @scheme[op] is @scheme['outer].} The following represent expressions and columns used in @scheme[#:what], @scheme[#:where] and @scheme[#:having] clauses and the conditions in inner, left and right joins: @defstruct[expression ([type type?])]{ An expression used in a @scheme[#:where] or @scheme[#:having] statement or a join condition.} @defstruct[(column expression) ([name symbol?])]{ A named column in a @scheme[#:what] or @scheme[#:group] clause.} @defstruct[(attribute-alias column) ([entity entity-alias?] [attribute attribute?])]{ A column containing the value of an ERA attribute.} @defstruct[(expression-alias column) ([value expression?])]{ A column containing the result of an SQL expression.} @defstruct[(function expression) ([op symbol?] [args (listof (U expression? special-argument))])]{ An SQL operator (e.g. @tt{+}) or function call (e.g. @tt{floor} or @tt{count}). Most functions take other expressions as arguments. Some special functions such as @scheme{sql:in} and @tt{sql:count*} have arguments of special types.} @defstruct[(aggregate function) ()]{ An aggregate function call.} @defstruct[(literal expression) ([value any])]{ A literal value. The interpretation of @scheme[value] depends on the expression type.} @defstruct[order ([expression expression?] [direction (U 'asc 'desc)])]{ A term in an @scheme[#:order] statement.} } @;{end defmodule}