#lang scribble/doc @(require "base.ss") @title[#:style '(toc) #:tag "query-syntax"]{Query syntax} Formally, @scheme[sql] blocks have the syntax below. The parts of the syntax are described in subsequent sections: @defform/subs[ #:literals (select or and unquote inner outer left right asc desc) (sql top) ([top query order expr] [select (select from maybe-what maybe-where maybe-group maybe-having maybe-order maybe-limit maybe-offset maybe-distinct)] [from (code:line #:from source)] [maybe-what (code:line #:what what) (code:line #:what (what ...)) (code:line)] [maybe-where (code:line #:where expr) (code:line #:where #f) (code:line #:where (unquote scheme-expr)) (code:line)] [maybe-group (code:line #:group (group ...)) (code:line #:group (unquote scheme-expr)) (code:line)] [maybe-having (code:line #:having expr) (code:line #:having #f) (code:line)] [maybe-order (code:line #:order (order ...)) (code:line #:order (unquote scheme-expr)) (code:line)] [maybe-limit (code:line #:limit integer) (code:line #:limit #f) (code:line #:limit (unquote scheme-expr)) (code:line)] [maybe-offset (code:line #:offset integer) (code:line #:offset #f) (code:line #:offset (unquote scheme-expr)) (code:line)] [maybe-distinct (code:line #:distinct #t) (code:line #:distinct expr) (code:line #:distinct #f) (code:line #:distinct (unquote scheme-expr)) (code:line)] [source (code:line entity-alias) (code:line query-alias) (code:line query) (code:line (outer source source)) (code:line (inner source source expr)) (code:line (left source source expr)) (code:line (right source source expr)) (code:line (unquote scheme-expr))] [what (code:line expr) (code:line entity-alias) (code:line query-alias) (code:line (unquote scheme-expr))] [group (code:line expr) (code:line entity-alias) (code:line query-alias) (code:line (unquote scheme-expr))] [expr (code:line (or expr ...)) (code:line (and expr ...)) ... attribute-alias expression-alias literal (code:line (unquote scheme-expr))] [order (code:line (asc column)) (code:line (desc column)) (code:line (unquote scheme-expr))])] @include-section{query-from.scrbl} @include-section{query-what.scrbl} @include-section{query-where.scrbl} @include-section{query-order.scrbl} @include-section{query-group.scrbl} @include-section{query-limit.scrbl} @include-section{query-distinct.scrbl} @include-section{query-alias.scrbl} @include-section{query-proc.scrbl}