#lang scribble/doc @(require (file "base.ss")) @title[#:tag "log"]{Logging utilities} @(define-eval log-eval "log.ss") @defmodule[(planet untyped/unlib/log)]{ This module adds some useful features to the core logging functionality of PLT Scheme: @itemize{ @item{an @italic{application log} to which application-level messages may be logged (several Untyped libraries write to this log);} @item{application log messages can be timestamped;} @item{standard debugging information can be included in application log messages;} @item{special application logging macros are provided that allow multiple arguments of any type.}} Application log messages are not reported until a call is made to @scheme[start-log-output], or until a call is made to @scheme[log-receiver]. @defform[(log-fatal* any ...)]{ Adds a fatal error message to the application log. The arguments are formatted them into a single-line log message together with the message level and current time. The time is returned as a SRFI 19 @scheme[time-utc?].} @defform[(log-error* any ...)]{ Adds a non-fatal error message to the application log. Behaviour is similar to that of @scheme[log-fatal*].} @defform[(log-warning* any ...)]{ Adds a warning message to the application log. Behaviour is similar to that of @scheme[log-fatal*].} @defform[(log-info* any ...)]{ Adds an informational message to the application log. Behaviour is similar to that of @scheme[log-fatal*].} @defform[(log-debug* any ...)]{ Adds a debugging message to the application log. Behaviour is similar to that of @scheme[log-fatal*].} @defproc[(start-log-output [level (U 'fatal 'error 'warning 'info 'debug)] [handler handler-procedure default-log-handler]) (-> void?)]{ Starts a thread that handles application lof messages of the specified @scheme[level] or above. Returns a thunk that stops the logging thread and terminates output. @scheme[handler] is called each time a message is logged, and should accept three arguments: @itemize{ @item{the @italic{level} of the message @scheme[(U 'fatal 'error 'warning 'info 'debug)];} @item{the @italic{message} to log (a @scheme[string]);} @item{the @italic{continuation marks} at the point of log entry (a @scheme[continuation-mark-set]).}} If @scheme[handler] is omitted, a @scheme[default-handler-procedure] is used that prints all messages to the @scheme[current-output-port].} @defproc*[([(current-log-formatter) (log-level time-utc? list? -> string?)] [(current-log-formatter [formatter (log-level time-utc? list? -> string?)]) void?])]{ Parameter that customises the formatting of application log messages. The value must be a procedure that takes three arguments: @itemize{ @item{the log level (@scheme['fatal], @scheme['error], @scheme['warning], @scheme['info] or @scheme['debug]);} @item{an entry timestamp (encoded as a SRFI 19 @scheme[time-utc?]);} @item{the list of the arguments passed to the logging macro (@scheme[log-fatal*] or equivalent).}}} } @;{end defmodule}