#lang scribble/doc @(require (file "base.ss")) @title[#:tag "profile"]{Profiling tools} @(define-eval profile-eval srfi/1 "profile.ss") @defmodule[(planet untyped/unlib/profile)]{ Simple profiling tools. @defstruct[timer ([name symbol?])]{ Structure used to record a running total time. Only one timer can be running at a time per thread. The accumulated time associated with a timer can be retrieved using @scheme[timer-value] and printed by printing the timer.} @defproc[(profile [timer timer?] [fn procedure?] [arg any] ...) any]{ Applies @scheme[fn] to @scheme[args] and returns the result. Measures the time taken to apply @scheme[fn] and adds it to the running total in @scheme[timer]. Timers are only updated when control passes into or out of a @scheme[profile] form.} @examples[ #:eval profile-eval (define t1 (make-timer 't1)) (profile t1 foldl + 0 (iota 1000000)) t1] @defform[(with-timer timer expr ...)]{ Syntactic shorthand for: @schemeblock[ (profile timer (lambda () expr ...))]} @defproc[(timer-value [timer timer?]) number?]{ Returns the current value of @scheme[timer]. Timers are only updated when control passes into or out of a @scheme[profile] form.} @defproc[(timer-reset! [timer timer?]) void?]{ Resets @scheme[timer] to zero.} @defproc[(current-timer) timer?]{ Returns the timer that is currently running.} @defproc[(all-timers) (listof timer?)]{ Returns a list of all timers created with @scheme[make-timer] or @scheme[define-timer], plus a single predefined timer called @scheme['top].} @defform[(define-timer id)]{ Syntactic shorthand for: @schemeblock[(define id (make-timer 'id))]} } @;{end defmodule}