#lang scribble/doc @(require (file "base.ss")) @title[#:tag "symbol"]{Symbol utilities} @(define-eval symbol-eval "symbol.ss") @defmodule[(planet untyped/unlib/symbol)]{ Useful symbol utilities. @defproc[(symbol+false? [item any]) boolean?]{ Returns @scheme[#t] if @scheme[item] is a symbol or #scheme[#f].} @defproc[(gensym/interned [base (U symbol? string?) "g"]) symbol?]{ Like @scheme[gensym] but returns an interned symbol that can be compared with other symbols using @scheme[eq?]. @examples[ #:eval symbol-eval (define sym1 (gensym)) sym1 (eq? sym1 (string->symbol (symbol->string sym1))) (define sym2 (gensym/interned)) sym2 (eq? sym2 (string->symbol (symbol->string sym2)))]} @defproc[(symbol-append [sym symbol?] ...) symbol?]{ The symbol equivalent of @scheme[string-append]. Returns an interned symbol. @examples[ #:eval symbol-eval (symbol-append 'abc 'def 'ghi) (symbol-append 'abc) (symbol-append)]} @defproc[(symbol-length [sym symbol?]) natural?]{ The symbol equivalent of @scheme[string-length]. @examples[ #:eval symbol-eval (symbol-length 'AbC123)]} @defproc[(symbol-upcase [sym symbol?]) symbol?]{ The symbol equivalent of @scheme[string-upcase]. Returns an interned symbol. @examples[ #:eval symbol-eval (symbol-upcase 'AbC123)]} @defproc[(symbol-downcase [sym symbol?]) symbol?]{ The symbol equivalent of @scheme[string-downcase]. Returns an interned symbol. @examples[ #:eval symbol-eval (symbol-downcase 'AbC123)]} @defproc[(number->symbol [num number?]) symbol?]{ The symbol equivalent of @scheme[number->string]. Returns an interned symbol. @examples[ #:eval symbol-eval (number->symbol 123) (number->symbol (/ 1 3))]} @defproc[(symbol->number [sym symbol?]) number?]{ The symbol equivalent of @scheme[string->number]. Returns @scheme[#f] if @scheme[sym] has no numeric equivalent. @examples[ #:eval symbol-eval (symbol->number '|123|) (symbol->number 'abc)]} @defproc[(number+false->symbol+false [num (U number? #f)]) (U symbol? #f)]{ A version of @scheme[number->symbol] that accepts and passes through @scheme[#f].} @defproc[(symbol+false->number+false [sym (U symbol? #f)]) (U number? #f)]{ A version of @scheme[symbol->number] that accepts and passes through @scheme[#f].} @defproc[(string+false->symbol+false [str (U string? #f)]) (U symbol? #f)]{ A version of @scheme[string->symbol] that accepts and passes through @scheme[#f].} @defproc[(symbol+false->string+false [sym (U symbol? #f)]) (U string? #f)]{ A version of @scheme[symbol->string] that accepts and passes through @scheme[#f].} } @;{end defmodule}