#lang scribble/doc @(require (file "base.ss")) @title[#:tag "syntax"]{Syntax utilities} @(define-eval syntax-eval (planet untyped/unlib/syntax)) @defmodule[(planet untyped/unlib/syntax)]{ Utilities for creating macros and working with syntax. @defproc[(symbolic-identifier=? [stx1 syntax?] [stx2 syntax?]) boolean?]{ Compares two identifiers based on their symbolic representation.} @defproc[(make-id [stx (U syntax? #f)] [arg (U syntax? string? symbol? number?)] ...) syntax?]{ Creates an identifier by appending @scheme[arg]@schemeidfont{s}. Equivalent to: @schemeblock[(datum->syntax stx (string->symbol (apply string-append (map arg->string args))))] where @scheme[arg->string] converts an argument to a string.} @defproc[(syntax-location-string [stx syntax?]) string?]{ Returns a string describing the source location of @scheme[stx] (for example @scheme["myfile.ss:123:45"]).} @defform/subs[(begin-for-syntax/any-order definition ...) ([definition (define (id arg ...) expr ...) (define id expr)])]{ Like @scheme[begin-for-syntax] except that definitions can refer to previous definitions in the manner of a @scheme[letrec] statement. Only definitions are allowed within the body of the form.} @defproc[(dotted-identifier? [stx syntax?] [min-parts (U natural? #f) 2] [max-parts (U natural? #f) #f]) boolean?]{ Returns @scheme[#f] if @scheme[stx] represents an identifier comprised of one or more @italic{parts} joined by dots. Parts can be zero-length. The @scheme[min-parts] and @scheme[max-parts] arguments can be used limit the number of allowed parts (both limits are inclusive). @examples[ #:eval syntax-eval (dotted-identifier? #'a) (dotted-identifier? #'.a) (dotted-identifier? #'a.b) (dotted-identifier? #'a.) (dotted-identifier? #'a.b.c 3 3) (dotted-identifier? #'a 1)]} @defproc[(simple-dotted-identifier? [stx syntax?] [min-parts (U natural? #f) 2] [max-parts (U natural? #f) #f]) boolean?]{ Like @scheme[dotted-identifier?] except all parts must be a minimum length of 1. @examples[ #:eval syntax-eval (simple-dotted-identifier? #'a) (simple-dotted-identifier? #'a.b) (simple-dotted-identifier? #'.a) (simple-dotted-identifier? #'a.)]} @defproc[(dotted-identifier-count [dotted-id-stx identifier?]) natural?]{ Returns the number of parts in @scheme[dotted-id-stx]. @examples[ #:eval syntax-eval (dotted-identifier-count #'a) (dotted-identifier-count #'a.b) (dotted-identifier-count #'a.b.c) (dotted-identifier-count #'.a)]} @defproc[(dotted-identifier-split [dotted-id-stx identifier?]) (listof identifier?)]{ Splits @scheme[dotted-id-stx] into its constituent parts. @examples[ #:eval syntax-eval (map syntax->datum (dotted-identifier-split #'a)) (map syntax->datum (dotted-identifier-split #'a.b)) (map syntax->datum (dotted-identifier-split #'a.b.c)) (map syntax->datum (dotted-identifier-split #'.a))]} } @;{end defmodule}