#lang scribble/doc @(require (file "base.ss")) @title[#:tag "syntax"]{Syntax utilities} @defmodule[(planet untyped/unlib/syntax) #:use-sources ((file "../syntax.ss"))]{ Utilities for creating macros and working with syntax. @defproc[(symbolic-identifier=? [stx1 syntax?] [stx2 syntax?]) boolean?]{ Compares two identifiers based on their symbolic representation.} @defproc[(make-id [stx (U syntax? #f)] [arg (U syntax? string? symbol? number?)] ...) syntax?]{ Creates an identifier by appending @scheme[arg]@schemeidfont{s}. Equivalent to: @schemeblock[(datum->syntax stx (string->symbol (apply string-append (map arg->string args))))] where @scheme[arg->string] converts an argument to a string.} @defform/subs[(begin-for-syntax/any-order definition ...) ([definition (define (id arg ...) expr ...) (define id expr)])]{ Like @scheme[begin-for-syntax] except that definitions can refer to previous definitions in the manner of a @scheme[letrec] statement. Only definitions are allowed within the body of the form.} } @;{end defmodule}