#lang scribble/doc @(require "base.ss") @title[#:tag "contract"]{Contract utilities} @(define-eval contract-eval scheme/contract (planet untyped/unlib/contract)) @defmodule[(planet untyped/unlib/contract)]{ Utilities for use with the PLT contract library. @defproc[(arity/c [arity natural?]) flat-contact?]{ Returns a flat contract that requires the input to be procedure that accepts the specified number of (non-keyword) arguments. The procedure may, in addition, accept more and/or fewer arguments and any number of keyword arguments. @examples[ #:eval contract-eval (define c (arity/c 2)) (contract-first-order-passes? c (lambda (a b) (void))) (contract-first-order-passes? c (lambda (a b c) (void))) (contract-first-order-passes? c (lambda (a [b #f]) (void))) (contract-first-order-passes? c (lambda (a b #:c c) (void))) (contract-first-order-passes? c (lambda (a #:b b) (void)))]} } @;{end defmodule}