#lang scribble/doc @(require "base.ss") @title[#:tag "exn"]{Exception utilities} @(define-eval exn-eval (planet untyped/unlib/exn)) @defmodule[(planet untyped/unlib/exn)]{ Utilities for raising and handling exceptions. @defform[(raise-exn id message arg ...)]{ Raises an exception with a default set of continuation marks. @scheme[id] is the identifier of the exception's structure type transformer binding (e.g. @scheme[exn] or @scheme[exn:fail]). @scheme[message] and @scheme[args] are passed to the exception's constructor, along with the value of @scheme[current-continuation-marks]. @examples[ #:eval exn-eval (with-handlers ([exn? pretty-print]) (raise-exn exn:fail "Oops!")) (with-handlers ([exn? pretty-print]) (raise-exn exn:fail:syntax "Oops!" (list #'a #'b #'c)))]} @defform[(reraise-exn old-exn new-exn new-message arg ...)]{ Raises @scheme[new-exn] with a message of: @schemeblock[(string-append (exn-message old-exn) ": " new-message)] and the same continuation marks as @scheme[old-exn]. Any additional @scheme[arg]@schemeidfont{s} are passed to the constructor of @scheme[new-exn]. @examples[ #:eval exn-eval (with-handlers ([exn? pretty-print]) (with-handlers ([exn? (lambda (e) (reraise-exn e exn:fail "Looks serious"))]) (raise-exn exn "Oops!")))]} } @;{end defmodule}