#lang scribble/doc @(require "base.ss") @title[#:tag "list"]{List utilities} @(define-eval list-eval (planet untyped/unlib/list)) @defmodule[(planet untyped/unlib/list)]{ Utilities for lists.} @;{end defmodule} @section{Regular lists} @defproc[(make-list* [num natural?] [items (cons any (listof any))]) list?]{ Like @scheme[make-list] from SRFI 1 but capable of building a list from cycles of several @scheme[items]. @examples[ #:eval list-eval (make-list* 10 '(1 2 3))]} @defform/subs[(assemble-list clause ...) ([clause [expression item ...]])]{ Syntax for accumulating a list of @scheme[item]@schemeidfont{s}. Each @scheme[clause] contains a boolean @scheme[expression] and zero or more @scheme[item]@schemeidfont{s}: the items are added to the list if and only if the expression is non-@scheme[#f]: @examples[ #:eval list-eval (define-values (x y z) (values 1 2 3)) (assemble-list [(odd? x) 100 x] [(odd? y) 200 y] [(odd? x) 300 z])]} @defproc[(in-list/cycle [items (cons any (listof any))]) sequence?]{ Like @scheme[in-list] but creates a sequence that cycles through @scheme[items] indefinitely. @examples[ #:eval list-eval (for/list ([i (in-range 0 10)] [j (in-list/cycle '(1 2 3))]) (list i j))]} @defproc[(list-swap [lis list?] [index1 natural?] [index2 natural?]) list?]{ Returns a copy of @scheme[lis] with the values at @scheme[index1] and @scheme[index2] swapped over. @examples[ #:eval list-eval (list-swap '(1 2 3 4 5) 1 3) (list-swap '(1 2 3 4 5) 1 5)]} @defproc[(list-delimit [lis list?] [delim any]) list?]{ Inserts @scheme[delim] between each pair of consecutive items in @scheme[lis]. Useful for assembling x-expressions in web applications. @examples[ #:eval list-eval (list-delimit '(1 2 3 4 5) ", ")]} @defproc[(list-pad [lis list?] [target-length natural?] [item any #f]) list?]{ Creates a new list by repeatedly adds @scheme[item] to the left of @scheme[lis] until the @scheme[target-length] is reached. @scheme[lis] is returned if it is already @scheme[target-length] or longer. @examples[ #:eval list-eval (list-pad '(1 2 3) 5) (list-pad '(1 2 3) 5 #t) (list-pad '(1 2 3 4 5) 3)]} @defproc[(list-pad-right [lis list?] [target-length natural?] [item any #f]) list?]{ Creates a new list by repeatedly adds @scheme[item] to the right of @scheme[lis] until the @scheme[target-length] is reached. @scheme[lis] is returned if it is already @scheme[target-length] or longer. @examples[ #:eval list-eval (list-pad-right '(1 2 3) 5) (list-pad-right '(1 2 3) 5 #t) (list-pad-right '(1 2 3 4 5) 3)]} @defproc[(list-ref? [lis list?] [n natural?]) boolean?]{ Returns @scheme[#t] if @scheme[lis] contains @scheme[n] or more items. @examples[ #:eval list-eval (list-ref? '() 0) (list-ref? '(1 2 3) 0) (list-ref? '(1 2 3) 3)]} @defproc[(list-diff [a list?] [b list?] [same? (any any -> boolean?) equal?]) (values list? list? list?)]{ Compares members of @scheme[a] and @scheme[b] using @scheme[same?] and returns three lists: @itemize{ @item{members of @scheme[a] that aren't in @scheme[b];} @item{members of @scheme[b] that aren't in @scheme[a];} @item{members that are in @scheme[a] and @scheme[b].}} @examples[ #:eval list-eval (call-with-values (lambda () (list-diff (list 1 2 3 5 7 11) (list 1 3 5 7 9))) list)]} @defproc[(merge-sorted-lists [list1 list?] [list2 list?] [same? (any any -> boolean?)] [less-than? (any any -> boolean?)]) list?]{ Merges @scheme[list1] and @scheme[list2] in @tt{O(n)} time. The result is a sorted list of items from both lists, with all duplicates removed. Duplicates are detected using the supplied predicate @scheme[same?]. Items are taken from list1 when duplicates are detected. The procedure assumes @scheme[list1] and @scheme[list2] are sorted in ascending order according to the supplied predicate @scheme[less-than?]. More formally, for each pair of consecutive items @scheme[a] and @scheme[b] in either list, @scheme[(less-than? a b)] must be @scheme[#t]. @examples[ #:eval list-eval (merge-sorted-lists '(1 3 5) '(2 4) = <) (merge-sorted-lists '("a" "b" "c") '("b" "c" "d") string=? string boolean) equal?]) (alistof a b)]{ Returns a copy of @scheme[alist] with the value mapped to @scheme[key] replaced with @scheme[val]. If @scheme[key] does not appear in @scheme[alist], a new pair is added to the end. The order of existing keys in @scheme[alist] is preserved. The optional @scheme[same?] argument is used to check for key equality. @examples[ #:eval list-eval (alist-set 'a 5 '((a . 1) (b . 2))) (alist-set 'c 5 '((a . 1) (b . 2)))]} @defproc[(alist-delete [key any] [alist (listof pair?)]) (listof pair?)]{ Reprovided from SRFI 1. Returns a copy of @scheme[alist] with @scheme[key] removed. @examples[ #:eval list-eval (alist-delete 'a '((a . 1) (b . 2))) (alist-delete 'c '((a . 1) (b . 2)))]} @defproc[(alist-map [proc (key val -> ans)] [alist (listof (cons key val))]) (listof ans)]{ Maps @scheme[proc] over @scheme[alist], returning a list of the results. @examples[ #:eval list-eval (alist-map + '((1 . 2) (3 . 4) (5 . 6)))]} @defproc[(alist-for-each [proc (key val -> void?)] [alist (listof (cons key val))]) void?]{ Applies @scheme[proc] to each item in @scheme[alist] for its side effects. @examples[ #:eval list-eval (define (print-pair key val) (printf "~a = ~a, " key val)) (alist-for-each print-pair '((1 . 2) (3 . 4) (5 . 6)))]} @defproc[(alist-merge [alist1 (listof pair?)] [alist2 (listof pair?)] [prefer (U 'first 'second) 'first]) (alistof pair?)]{ Merges @scheme[alist1] and @scheme[alist2], merging colliding keys together. @scheme[prefer] determines which alist the value is taken from if keys collide. @scheme[equal?] is used as a key comparison function. The order of keys is preserved where possible. @examples[ #:eval list-eval (alist-merge '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)) '((b . 20) (c . 30) (d . 40))) (alist-merge '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)) '((b . 20) (c . 30) (d . 40)) 'second)]}