#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual scribble/struct scribblings/icons (for-label scheme/base "../science-with-graphics.ss")) @title[#:tag "random-numbers"]{Random Number Generation} @local-table-of-contents[] The PLT Scheme Science Collection provides additional functionality to the PLT Scheme implementation of SRFI 27 by Sabastian Egner, which, in turn, is a 54-bit implementation ofPierre L'Ecuyer's MRG32k3a pseudo-random number generator. The functions described in this chapter are defined in the @filepath{random-source.ss} file in the science collection and are made available using the form: @defmodule[(planet williams/science/random-source)] @section{The SRFI 27 Specification} The following functions are defined in the SRFI specification and are, in purn, provided by the @schemefont{random-source} module. The contract shows here are for documentation purposes only--the PLT Scheme implementation of SRFI does not define contracts for its functions. @defproc[(random-integer (n (integer-in 1 +inf.0))) natural-number/c]{ Returns the next integer in @math{{0, ..., n - 1}} obtained from the @scheme[default-random-source]. Subsequent results of this function appear to be independent uniformly distributed over the range @math{{0, ..., n - 1}}. The argument @scheme[n] must be a positive integer, ptherwise an error is signaled.} @defproc[(random-real) (real-in 0.0 1.0)]{ Returns the next number, @math{x}, @math{0 < x < 1}, obtained from @scheme[default-random-source]. Subsequent results of this procedure appear to be independently uniformly distributed.} @defidform[default-random-source]{ Defines the random source from which @scheme[random-integer] and @scheme[random-real] have been derived using @scheme[random-source-make-integers] and @scheme[random-source-make-reals]. Not that an assignment to @scheme[default-random-source] does not change the behavior of @scheme[random-real] or @scheme[random-integer]; it is strongly recommended not to assign a new value to @scheme[default-random-source].} @defproc[(make-random-source) random-source?]{ Creates a new random source. A random source created with @scheme[make-random-source] represents a deterministic stream of random bits. Each random stream obtained as @scheme[make-random-source] generates the same stream of values unless the state is modified with one of the functions below.} @defproc[(random-source? (x any/c)) boolean?]{ Returns true, @scheme[#t], if @scheme[x] is a random source, otherwise false, @scheme[#f], is returned.} @defproc*[(((random-source-state-ref (s random-source?)) any) ((random-source-state-set! (s random-source?) (state any/c)) any))]{ Get and set the current state of the random source @scheme[s]. The implementation of the internal state of a random source is not defined.} @defproc[(random-source-randomize! (s random-state?)) any]{ Makes an effort to set the state of the random source @scheme[s] to a truly random state.} @defproc[(random-source-pseudo-randomize! (s random-source?) (i natural-number/c) (j natural-number/c)) any]{ Changes the state of the random source @scheme[s] into the initial state of the (@scheme[i], @scheme[j])@superscript{th} independent random source, where @scheme[i] and @scheme[j] are non-negative integers. This procedure provides a mechanism to obtain a large number of independent random sources, indexed by two integers. In contract to @scheme[random-source-randomize!], this procedure is entirely deterministic.} @defproc[(random-source-make-integers (s random-source)) (-> (integer-in 1 +inf.0) natural-number/c)]{ Returns a procedure to generate random integers using the random source @scheme[s]. The resulting argument takes a single argument @scheme[n], which must be a positive integer, and returns the next independent uniformly distributed integer from the interval @math{{0, ..., n - 1}} by advancing the state of the random source @scheme[s].} @defproc*[(((random-source-make-reals (s random-source?)) (-> (real-in 0.0 1.0))) ((random-source-make-reals (s random-source?) (unit (real-in 0.0 1.0))) (-> (real-in 0.0 1.0))))]{ Obtains a procedure @math{rand} to generate random real numbers @math{0 < x < 1} using the random source @scheme[s]. The procedure @math{rand} is called without arguments. The optional parameter @scheme[unit] determines the type of numbers being produced by @math{rand} and the quantization of the output. @scheme[unit] must be a number such that @math{0 < unit < 1}. The numbers created by @math{rand} are of the same numerical type as @scheme[unit] and the potential output values are spaced by at most @scheme[unit]. One can imagine @math{rand} to create numbers as @math{x*unit} where @math{x} is a random integer in @math{{1, ..., floor(1/unit)-1}}. Note, however, that this need not be the way the values are actually created and that the actual resolution of @math{rand} can be much higher than @scheme[unit]. In case @scheme[unit] is absent it defaults to a reasonably small value (related to the width of the mantissa of an efficient number format).} @section{Additional Random Number Functionality} The PLT Scheme Science Collection provides additional functionality to that provided by SRFI 27. @subsection{The @scheme[current-random-source] parameter} The main additional functionality is to define a parameter, @scheme[current-random-source], that provides a separate random source reference for each thread. The default value for this random source reference is @scheme[default-random-source]. The use of the @scheme[current-random-source] parameter overcomes the difficulty with assignment to @scheme[default-random-source]. However, the routines @scheme[random-integer] and @scheme[random-real] use the @scheme[default-random-source] variable and are unaware of the @scheme[current-random-source] parameter. @defparam[current-random-source s random-source?]{ Gets or sets the current random source. A guard procedure ensures that the value of @scheme[current-random-source] is indeed a random source, as determined by @scheme[random-source?], otherwise a type error is raised.} @defform[(with-random-source s body ...+)]{ Evaluates the body with @scheme[current-random-source] bound to the random source @scheme[s].} @defform[(with-new-random-source body ...+)]{ Evaluates the body with @scheme[current-random-source] bound to a newly created random source.} @subsection{Uniform Random Numbers} The PLT Scheme Science Collection provides alternatives to the @scheme[random-integer] and @scheme[random-real] functions that are aware of the @scheme[current-random-source] parameter. The also provide a more convenient interface than @scheme[random-source-make-integers] and @scheme[random-source-make-reals]. @defproc*[(((random-uniform-int (s random-source?) (n (integer-in 1 +inf.0))) natural-number?) ((random-uniform-int (n (integer-in 1 +inf.0))) natural-number?))]{ Returns the next integer in @math{{0, ..., n - 1}} obtained from the random source @scheme[s] or @scheme[(current-random-source)] if @scheme[s] is not specified. Subsequent results of this function appear to be independently uniformly distributed over the range @math{{0, ..., n - 1}}. The argument @scheme[n] must be a positive integer.} @defproc*[(((random-uniform (s random-source?)) (real-in 0.0 1.0)) ((random-uniform) (real-in 0.0 1.0)))]{ Returns the next number @math{x}, @math{0 < x < 1}, obtained from the random source @scheme[s] or @scheme[(current-random-source)] if @scheme[s] is not specified. Subsequent results of this function appear to be independently uniformly distributed.} @subsection{Miscellaneous Functions} These functions provide an alternative set of functions to get or set the state of a random-state. These functions match the conventions for structures in PLT Scheme. @defproc[(random-source-state (s random-source?)) any]{ The same as @scheme[random-source-state-ref].} @defproc[(set-random-source-state! (s random-state?) (state any/c)) any]{ The same as @scheme[random-source-state-set!].} @subsection{Random Source Vectors} These functions provide a convenient method for generating a vector of repeatable random sources. @defproc*[(((make-random-source-vector (n natural-number/c) (i natural-number/c)) (vectorof random-source?)) ((make-random-source-vector (n natural-number/c)) (vector-of random-source?)))]{ Returns a vector of random sources of length @scheme[n]. If @scheme[i] is provided, the @math{j}@superscript{th} random source is initialized using @scheme[(random-source-pseudo-randomize! s i j)]. If @scheme[i] is not provided, the @math{i}@superscript{th} random source is initialized using @scheme[(random-source-pseudo-randomize! s i 0)]. Note that this is not the same as having @scheme[i] default to 0.} @section{Examples} @bold{Example:} Histogram of uniform random numbers. @schememod[ scheme (require (planet williams/science/random-source)) (require (planet williams/science/histogram-with-graphics)) (let ((h (make-histogram-with-ranges-uniform 40 0 1)) (s (make-random-source))) (random-source-randomize! s) (with-random-source s (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i 10000) (void)) (histogram-increment! h (random-uniform)))) (histogram-plot h "Histogram of Uniform Random Numbers"))] The following figure shows an example of the resulting histogram. @image["scribblings/images/random-uniform-hist.bmp"] @bold{Example:} Histogram of uniform random integers. @schememod[ scheme (require (planet williams/science/random-source)) (require (planet williams/science/histogram-with-graphics)) (let ((h (make-discrete-histogram)) (s (make-random-source))) (random-source-randomize! s) (with-random-source s (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i 10000) (void)) (discrete-histogram-increment! h (random-uniform-int 10)))) (discrete-histogram-plot h "Histogram of Uniform Random Integers"))] The following figure shows an example of the resulting histogram. @image["scribblings/images/random-uniform-int-hist.bmp"]