#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual scribble/struct (for-label scheme/base plot/plot "../simulation-with-graphics.ss")) @title[#:style '(toc) #:tag "simulation"]{@bold{Simulation Collection:} Reference Manual} PLT Scheme Simulation Collection @(make-element 'newline '()) Reference Manual @(make-element 'newline '()) Edition 3.1 November 2008 @(author+email @tt{M. Douglas Williams} "m.douglas.williams@gmail.com") The PLT Scheme Simulation Collection implements a combined discrete and continuous event simulation engine for developing simulation models in @link["http://www.plt-scheme.org"]{PLT Scheme}. The simulation engine: @itemize{ @item{Provides a process-based, discrete event simulation engine} @item{Supports combined discrete and continuous simulation models} @item{Provides automatic data collection} @item{Is designed to facilitate construction of component-based simulation models} } The source code is distributed with the simulation collection and licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1 @cite["LGPL"]. All of the functionality defined in this manual is exported by the simulation collection and accessed using one of the following forms, depending on whether or not the graphics routines are needed: @defmodule*[((planet williams/simulation/simulation-with-graphics) (planet williams/simulation/simulation))] © 2003-2008, M. Douglas Williams Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License". @local-table-of-contents[] @include-section["introduction.scrbl"] @include-section["using.scrbl"] @include-section["env-basic.scrbl"] @include-section["control-basic.scrbl"] @include-section["events.scrbl"] @include-section["processes.scrbl"] @include-section["resources.scrbl"] @include-section["data-collection.scrbl"] @include-section["monitors.scrbl"] @include-section["sets.scrbl"] @include-section["continuous-simulation.scrbl"] @include-section["simulation-classes.scrbl"] @include-section["control-advanced.scrbl"] @include-section["env-hier.scrbl"] @include-section["components.scrbl"] @include-section["simpy.scrbl"] @include-section["gfdl.scrbl"] @(bibliography (bib-entry #:key "LGPL" #:title "GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1" #:author "Free Software Foundation, Inc." #:date "February 1999" #:url "http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html") (bib-entry #:key "FDL" #:title "GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2" #:author "Free Software Foundation, Inc." #:date "November 2002" #:url "http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html") (bib-entry #:key "Fayek02" #:title "Introduction to Combined Discrete-Continuous Simulation Using SIMSCRIPT II.5" #:author "Adbel-Moaty M. Fayek" #:date "2002" #:url "http://www.caci.com/asl/pdf/contin.pdf") (bib-entry #:key "Russell99" #:title "Building Simulation Models with SIMSCRIPT II.5" #:is-book? #t #:author "E.C. Russell" #:date "February 1999" #:url "http://www.caciasl.com/cust_center/ss3docs/zbuildin.pdf") (bib-entry #:key "Williams90" #:title "Construction of Dynamic Stochastic Simulation Models Using Knowledge-Based Techniques" #:is-book? #t #:author "M.D. Williams" #:date "1990") (bib-entry #:key "Williams96" #:title "Design of a Knowledge-Based Simulation Environment" #:author "M.D. Williams, E.C. Gorman, and S.G. Shiva" #:location "Simulation 67:2, pp. 121-135" #:date "August 1996") ) @index-section[]