#lang scheme/gui
(require srfi/43)
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define table-panel%
(class panel%
(init parent)
(unless (or (is-a? parent frame%) (is-a? parent dialog%)
(is-a? parent panel%) (is-a? parent pane%))
(error (format "initialization for table-panel%: expected argument that is an instance of frame%, dialog%, panel%, or pane% for required initialization parent, given ~a"
(init ((dimensions-init dimensions) '(1 1)))
(unless (and (list? dimensions-init)
(= (length dimensions-init) 2)
(exact-positive-integer? (first dimensions-init))
(exact-positive-integer? (second dimensions-init)))
(error (format "initialization for table-panel%: expected argument that is a list of two exact positive integers for initialization dimensions, given ~a"
(init ((major-axis-init major-axis) 'row))
(unless (memq major-axis-init '(row column))
(error "initialization for table-panel%: expected argument that is one of 'row or 'column for initialization major-axis, given ~a"
(init ((column-stretchability-init column-stretchability) 'any))
(unless (memq column-stretchability-init '(#t any every #f))
(error "initialization for table-panel%: expected argument that is one of #f, 'any, 'every or #f for initialization column-stretchability, given ~a"
(init ((row-stretchability-init row-stretchability) 'any))
(unless (memq row-stretchability-init '(#t any every #f))
(error "initialization for table-panel%: expected argument that is one of #f, 'any, 'every or #f for initialization row-stretchability, given ~a"
(super-instantiate (parent))
(define major-axis major-axis-init)
(define n-rows (first dimensions-init))
(define n-columns (second dimensions-init))
(define column-stretchability column-stretchability-init)
(define row-stretchability row-stretchability-init)
(inherit border)
(inherit spacing)
(inherit get-alignment)
(define/public (get-dimensions)
(values n-rows n-columns))
(define/public (set-dimensions n-columns-value n-rows-value)
(unless (and (exact-positive-integer? n-columns-value)
(exact-positive-integer? n-rows-value))
(error 'set-dimensions
"expects two arguments that are both exact positive integers, given ~a and ~a"
n-columns-value n-rows-value))
(set! n-columns n-columns-value)
(set! n-rows n-rows-value))
(define/public (get-major-axis)
(define/public (set-major-axis major-axis-value)
(unless (memq major-axis-value '(row column))
(error 'set-major-axis
"expected argument that is one of 'row or 'column, given ~a"
(set! major-axis major-axis-value))
(define/public (get-column-stretchability)
(define/public (set-column-stretchability column-stretchability-value)
(unless (memq column-stretchability-value '(#t any every #f))
(error 'set-column-stretchability
"expected argument that is one of #t, 'any, 'every, or #t, given ~a"
(set! column-stretchability column-stretchability-value))
(define/public (get-row-stretchability)
(define/public (set-row-stretchability row-stretchability-value)
(unless (memq row-stretchability-value '(#t any every #f))
(error 'set-row-stretchability
"expected argument that is one of #t, 'any, 'every, or #t, given ~a"
(set! row-stretchability row-stretchability-value))
(define (dereference-index i)
(case major-axis
(let-values (((row column) (quotient/remainder i n-columns)))
(values row column)))
(let-values (((column row) (quotient/remainder i n-rows)))
(values row column)))))
(define (compute-sizes info)
(let* ((column-widths (make-vector n-columns 0))
(row-heights (make-vector n-rows 0))
(make-vector n-columns
(if (memq column-stretchability '(#t 'every))
#t #f)))
(make-vector n-rows
(if (memq row-stretchability '(#t 'every))
#t #f))))
(for ((child-info (in-list info))
(i (in-naturals)))
(let-values (((row column) (dereference-index i)))
(let ((child-width (first child-info))
(child-height (second child-info))
(child-horiz-stretch? (third child-info))
(child-vert-stretch? (fourth child-info)))
(vector-set! column-widths column
(max child-width (vector-ref column-widths column)))
(vector-set! row-heights row
(max child-height (vector-ref row-heights row)))
(case column-stretchability
(vector-set! column-stretchabilities? column
(or child-horiz-stretch?
(vector-ref column-stretchabilities? column))))
(vector-set! column-stretchabilities? column
(and child-horiz-stretch?
(vector-ref column-stretchabilities? column)))))
(case row-stretchability
(vector-set! row-stretchabilities? row
(or child-vert-stretch?
(vector-ref row-stretchabilities? row))))
(vector-set! row-stretchabilities? row
(and child-vert-stretch?
(vector-ref row-stretchabilities? row))))))))
(values column-widths row-heights
column-stretchabilities? row-stretchabilities?)))
(define (adjust-sizes column-widths row-heights
column-stretchabilities? row-stretchabilities?
width height)
(let* ((total-column-width
(lambda (i total-width width)
(+ total-width width))
0 column-widths))
(lambda (i total-height height)
(+ total-height height))
0 row-heights))
(+ total-column-width (border) (* (- n-columns 1) (spacing))))
(+ total-row-height (border) (* (- n-rows 1) (spacing))))
(delta-width (- width total-width))
(delta-height (- height total-height)))
(when (> delta-width 0)
(let ((total-column-stretchable-width
(lambda (i total-stretchable-width stretchable? width)
(if stretchable?
(+ total-stretchable-width width)
0 column-stretchabilities? column-widths)))
(for ((i (in-naturals))
(stretchable? (in-vector column-stretchabilities?))
(width (in-vector column-widths)))
(when (and stretchable? (> total-column-stretchable-width 0))
(let* ((ratio (/ width total-column-stretchable-width))
(quota (round (* ratio delta-width))))
(vector-set! column-widths i
(+ (vector-ref column-widths i) quota))
(set! total-column-stretchable-width
(- total-column-stretchable-width width))
(set! delta-width (- delta-width quota)))))))
(when (> delta-height 0)
(let ((total-row-stretchable-height
(lambda (i total-stretchable-height stretchable? height)
(if stretchable?
(+ total-stretchable-height height)
0 row-stretchabilities? row-heights)))
(for ((i (in-naturals))
(stretchable? (in-vector row-stretchabilities?))
(height (in-vector row-heights)))
(when (and stretchable? (> total-row-stretchable-height 0))
(let* ((ratio (/ height total-row-stretchable-height))
(quota (round (* ratio delta-height))))
(vector-set! row-heights i
(+ (vector-ref row-heights i) quota))
(set! total-row-stretchable-height
(- total-row-stretchable-height height))
(set! delta-height (- delta-height quota)))))))
(define (compute-offsets column-widths row-heights)
(lambda (i x)
(values x (+ x (vector-ref column-widths i) (spacing))))
(vector-length column-widths) (border))
(lambda (i x)
(values x (+ x (vector-ref row-heights i) (spacing))))
(vector-length row-heights) (border))))
(define/override (container-size info)
(let-values (((column-widths row-heights
column-stretchabilities? row-stretchabilities?)
(compute-sizes info)))
(lambda (i total-width column-width)
(+ total-width column-width (spacing)))
(* (border) 2) column-widths)
(lambda (i total-height row-height)
(+ total-height row-height (spacing)))
(* (border) 2) row-heights))))
(define (place-child
column-width row-height
column-stretchable? row-stretchable?
column-offset row-offset
(let* ((child-width (first child-info))
(child-height (second child-info))
(horiz-stretch? (third child-info))
(vert-stretch? (fourth child-info))
(delta-width (- column-width child-width))
(delta-height (- row-height child-height)))
(unless (= delta-width 0)
(if horiz-stretch?
(set! child-width column-width)
(let-values (((horiz-alignment vert-alignment)
(case horiz-alignment
(set! column-offset
(+ column-offset (quotient delta-width 2))))
(set! column-offset
(+ column-offset delta-width)))))))
(unless (= delta-height 0)
(if vert-stretch?
(set! child-height row-height)
(let-values (((horiz-alignent vert-alignment)
(case vert-alignment
(set! row-offset
(+ row-offset (quotient delta-height 2))))
(set! row-offset
(+ row-offset delta-height)))))))
(list column-offset row-offset child-width child-height)))
(define/override (place-children info width height)
(let-values (((column-widths row-heights
column-stretchabilities? row-stretchabilities?)
(compute-sizes info)))
(adjust-sizes column-widths row-heights
column-stretchabilities? row-stretchabilities?
width height)
(let-values (((column-offsets row-offsets)
(compute-offsets column-widths row-heights)))
(for/list ((child-info (in-list info))
(i (in-naturals)))
(let-values (((row column) (dereference-index i)))
(vector-ref column-widths column)
(vector-ref row-heights row)
(vector-ref column-stretchabilities? column)
(vector-ref row-stretchabilities? row)
(vector-ref column-offsets column)
(vector-ref row-offsets row)