#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual (for-label scheme) (for-label "matrix.ss") (for-label srfi/4) (for-label (only-in scheme/foreign _fun))) @title{A Linear Algebra Library for PLT Scheme} This document describes the @filepath{plt-linalg.plt} @PLaneT package. This package provides linear-algebra procedures based on underlying native BLAS and LAPACK libraries. The library makes a reasonable effort to find the BLAS and LAPACK libraries that are installed on your system, but this can fail if they are in a non-standard place. If so, you should modify the search paths in @filepath{blas-lapack.ss}; if you do, please contact @link["mailto:farr@mit.edu"]{Will M. Farr} with the updated search paths so they can be added to the library and benefit other users. The @filepath{plt-linalg.plt} package is released under the @link["http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html"]{GPL Version 2} (see the file @filepath{COPYING} in the collection directory for more information). If you find any bugs, or have feature requests, please contact @link["mailto:farr@mit.edu"]{Will M. Farr}. @section{Vectors} @defmodule[(planet wmfarr/plt-linalg:1:9/vector)] The @filepath{plt-linalg.plt} package represents vectors as f64vectors. @subsection{Contracts for Vectors} @defproc[(f64vector-same-length/c (v f64vector?)) flat-contract?]{ Produces a contract which matches f64vectors of the same length as @scheme[v].} @subsection{Procedures for Vectors} @defproc[(f64vector-norm (v f64vector?)) (>=/c 0)]{ Computes the two-norm of @scheme[v].} @defproc[(f64vector-copy (v f64vector?)) f64vector?]{ Produces a copy of @scheme[v].} @defproc[(f64vector-scale (v f64vector?) (x real?)) f64vector?]{ Produces a new f64vector whose elements are those of @scheme[v] scaled (multiplied) by @scheme[x].} @defproc[(f64vector-add (v1 f64vector?) (v2 (f64vector-same-length/c v1))) f64vector?]{ Produces a new f64vector whose elements are the sum of corresponding elements of @scheme[v1] and @scheme[v2].} @defproc[(f64vector-sub (v1 f64vector?) (v2 (f64vector-same-length/c v1))) f64vector?]{ Produces a new f64vector whose elements are the difference of corresponding elements of @scheme[v1] and @scheme[v2].} @defproc[(f64vector-dot (v1 f64vector?) (v2 (f64vector-same-length/c v1))) real?]{ Computes the dot product of @scheme[v1] and @scheme[v2].} @section{Matrices} @defmodule[(planet wmfarr/plt-linalg:1:9/matrix)] A matrix is represented in the @filepath{plt-linalg.plt} package by a special datastructure: @scheme[(make-matrix rows cols init)]. It contains a contiguous block of memory to hold @scheme[(* rows cols)] double-precision floating-point numbers. Operations on matrices (and vectors) are implemented by interfacing to native BLAS and LAPACK libraries. @subsection{The Matrix Structrue} @defproc[(make-matrix (rows natural-number/c) (cols natural-number/c) (init real?)) real?]{ Constructs a matrix with @scheme[rows] rows and @scheme[cols] columns. The elements of this matrix are all @scheme[init].} @defproc[(matrix (rows natural-number/c) (cols natural-number/c) (elt real?) ...) matrix?]{ Constructs a matrix with the given @scheme[elt ...] as elements. There must be exactly @scheme[(* rows cols)] elements given; the matrix is constructed in column-major order (note @emph{this is not left-to-right order}). Column-major order is sometimes also called "FORTRAN" order, as opposed to "C" order.} @defproc[(matrix-identity (n natural-number/c)) matrix?]{Constructs an @scheme[n] by @scheme[n] identity matrix.} @defproc[(matrix? (obj any/c)) boolean?]{ Type predicate for matrices.} @defproc*[(((matrix-rows (m matrix?)) natural-number/c) ((matrix-cols (m matrix?)) natural-number/c))]{ Selectors.} @defproc*[(((matrix-ref (m matrix?) (i (matrix-valid-row-index/c m)) (j (matrix-valid-col-index/c m))) real?) ((matrix-set! (m matrix?) (i (matrix-valid-row-index/c m)) (j (matrix-valid-col-index/c m)) (x real?)) any))]{ Returns or sets the @scheme[i]-@scheme[j]-th element of @scheme[m]. } @defthing[struct:matrix any/c]{Struture type descriptor for matrix structs.} @defthing[s:matrix any/c]{Transformer binding for matrix struct.} @defthing[_matrix any/c]{Foreign type for matrices. Translates to a pointer to a column-major (i.e. "FORTRAN", not "C" order) block of memory containing the elements of the matrix. Can be used inside @scheme[_fun] syntax in input, output, or input-output forms. In output form, the syntax is @scheme[(_matrix o row-expr col-expr)].} @subsection{Matrix Contracts} Some contracts. @defproc[(matrix-multiplication-compatible/c (m matrix?)) flat-contract?]{Contract matching matrices which can be left-multiplied by @scheme[m].} @defproc*[(((matrix-valid-row-index/c (m matrix?)) flat-contract?) ((matrix-valid-col-index/c (m matrix?)) flat-contract?))]{ Contracts which matches natural numbers which are valid row/col indices for @scheme[m]. (That is, @scheme[x]s such that @scheme[(<= 0 x (sub1 (matrix-rows m)))] or @scheme[(<= 0 x (sub1 (matrix-cols m)))].)} @defthing[matrix-square/c flat-contract?]{Matches square matrices.} @defproc[(matrix-same-dimensions/c (m matrix?)) flat-contract?]{ Matches matrices with the same dimensions as @scheme[m].} @defproc[(matrix-col-vector-compatible/c (m matrix?)) flat-contract?]{ Matches f64vectors which are compatible for multiplication on the left by @scheme[m].} @defproc[(matrix-row-vector-compatible/c (m matrix?)) flat-contract?]{ Matches f64vectors which are compatible for multiplication on the right by @scheme[m].} @defstruct[(exn:singular-matrix exn) ((elt natural-number/c)) #:inspector #f]{Thrown by LU-decomposition routines. @scheme[elt] is the diagonal element of U which is zero.} @subsection{Single-Matrix Operations} @defproc[(matrix-norm (m matrix?)) (>=/c 0)]{Returns the two-norm of a given matrix.} @defproc[(matrix-transpose (m matrix?)) matrix?]{Returns a new matrix which is the transpose of @scheme[m].} @defproc[(matrix-inverse (m square-matrix/c)) matrix?]{Returns the matrix inverse of @scheme[m]. @emph{If you are trying to solve linear equations, it is much more stable (and efficient) to used the @scheme[matrix-solve] or @scheme[matrix-solve-many] procedures.}} @subsection{Matrix-Matrix and Matrix-Vector Operations} @defproc*[(((matrix-add (m1 matrix?) (m2 (matrix-same-dimensions/c m1))) matrix?) ((matrix-sub (m1 matrix?) (m2 (matrix-same-dimensions/c m1))) matrix?))]{ Matrix addition and subtraction. Does not modify arguments.} @defproc[(matrix-scale (m matrix?) (x real?)) matrix?]{Returns a matrix whose elements are those of @scheme[m] scaled by @scheme[x].} @defproc[(matrix-mul (m1 matrix?) (m2 (matrix-multiplication-compatible/c m1))) matrix?]{Matrix multiplication; does not modify its arguments.} @subsection{Solving Linear Systems} @defproc[(matrix-solve (m matrix-square/c) (b (matrix-row-vector-compatible/c m))) (matrix-col-vector-compatible/c m)]{Solves the system @scheme[m]*x = @scheme[b] for x.} @defproc[(matrix-solve-many (m matrix-square/c) (b (matrix-multiplication-compatible/c m))) (matrix-multiplication-compatible/c m)]{ Solves simultaneously many linear systems of the form @scheme[m]*x = @scheme[b] for x.} @defproc[(matrix-solve-least-squares (m matrix?) (b (matrix-row-vector-compatible/c m))) (matrix-col-vector-compatible/c m)]{ Solves @scheme[m]*x = @scheme[b] for x in a least-squares sense using SVD.}