#lang racket

(require "error-msgs.rkt")
(require "../utilities.rkt")

(require (for-syntax syntax/parse))
(require (for-syntax racket/syntax))
(require (for-syntax "../utilities.rkt"))
(require (for-syntax syntax/stx))
(require (for-syntax "indent.rkt"))

(require (prefix-in pysem:
                    (only-in "../semantics/beginner-syntax.rkt"

(define-syntax (pypar-done stx)
  (pypar-syntax-error "done: not allowed outside of an if statement" stx))
(define-syntax (pypar-else stx)
  (pypar-syntax-error "else: not allowed outside of an if statement" stx))
(define-syntax (pypar-elif stx)
  (pypar-syntax-error "elif: not allowed outside of an if statement" stx))

(define-syntax (pypar:if stx)
  (define-syntax-class elif-expr
    #:description "elif expression"
    #:literals (pypar-elif)
    (pattern (pypar-elif test:expr then:expr)))
  (define-syntax-class else-expr
    #:description "else expression"
    #:literals (pypar-else)
    (pattern (pypar-else then:expr)))
  (syntax-parse stx
    #:literals (pypar-done)
    [(kw test:expr then:expr eli:elif-expr ...+ pypar-done)
     (with-syntax* ([sloc (syntax->vector stx)]
                    [els (syntax/loc #'done (pypar-else (fell-through sloc)))])
       (syntax/loc stx
         (kw test then eli ... els)))]
    [(kw test:expr then:expr eli:elif-expr ... els:else-expr)
     (let ([elif-list (syntax->list (syntax (eli ...)))]
           [els-stx (syntax els)])
       #;(check-indent 'SLGC #'kw #'test)
       (check-indent 'SLGC #'kw #'then)
       ; check the indentation of the elif branches
       (for-each (lambda (s)
                   (let ([elif-kw (stx-car s)]
                         [elif-test (stx-car (stx-cdr s))]
                         [elif-then (stx-car (stx-cdr (stx-cdr s)))])
                     (check-indent 'SLSC #'kw elif-kw)
                     (check-indent 'SLGC elif-kw elif-then)))
       (check-indent 'SLSC #'kw (stx-car els-stx))
       (check-indent 'SLGC (stx-car els-stx) (stx-car (stx-cdr els-stx)))
       (syntax/loc stx
          [test then]
          [eli.test eli.then]
          [else els.then])))]))

(define (fell-through sloc)
  (raise-pyret-error MSG-COND-FELLTHROUGH

(provide (rename-out [pypar:if if])
         (rename-out [pypar-else else])
         (rename-out [pypar-elif elif])
         (rename-out [pypar-done done]))