#lang racket
(require (only-in "sequences.rkt"
(require (prefix-in pysem: "../semantics/beginner-funs.rkt"))
(require (prefix-in pysem: "../semantics/beginner-syntax.rkt"))
(require (prefix-in pysem: (only-in "../semantics/hash-percents.rkt"
(require "../utilities.rkt")
(require "error-msgs.rkt")
(require (for-syntax "../utilities.rkt"))
(require (for-syntax "indent.rkt"))
(require (for-syntax "error-msgs.rkt"))
(define-syntax (pypar:+ stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
(pypar-syntax-error MSG-PLUS-NO-ARGS stx)]
[(op_ e_)
(let ((op (syntax op_))
(e (syntax e_)))
(check-indent 'SLGC op e)
(with-syntax ([oppos (syntax->vector op)]
[epos (syntax->vector e)])
(syntax/loc stx
(do-unary '+ e_ oppos epos))))]
[(op l_ r_)
(let ([l (syntax l_)]
[r (syntax r_)])
(check-indent 'SLGC l (syntax op))
(check-indent 'SLGC (syntax op) r)
(with-syntax ([lpos (syntax->vector l)]
[rpos (syntax->vector r)])
(syntax/loc stx
(pypar:do+ l_ r_ lpos rpos))))]))
(define (pypar:do+ l r lpos rpos)
(if (number? l)
(if (number? r)
(pysem:#%app pysem:+ l r)
(raise-pyret-error (msg-unexpected '+ "a number" r)
(sequence+ l r lpos rpos)))
(define-syntax (pypar:- stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
(pypar-syntax-error MSG-MINUS-NO-ARGS
[(op_ arg_)
(let ((op (syntax op_))
(arg (syntax arg_)))
(check-indent 'SLGC op arg)
(with-syntax ([oppos (syntax->vector op)]
[argpos (syntax->vector arg)])
(syntax/loc stx
(do-unary '- arg_ oppos argpos))))]
[(op l_ r_)
(let ([l (syntax l_)]
[r (syntax r_)])
(check-indent 'SLGC l (syntax op))
(check-indent 'SLGC (syntax op) r)
(with-syntax ([lpos (syntax->vector l)]
[rpos (syntax->vector r)])
(syntax/loc stx
(pypar:do- l_ r_ lpos rpos))))]))
(define (pypar:do- l r lpos rpos)
(if (number? l)
(if (number? r)
(pysem:#%app pysem:- l r)
(raise-pyret-error (msg-unexpected '- "a number" r)
(raise-pyret-error (msg-unexpected '- "a number" l)
(define (do-unary op arg oppos argpos)
(let ([proc (case op
[(+) +]
[(-) -]
[else (error 'do-unary "function not recognized: ~e" op)])])
(if (number? arg)
(proc arg)
(raise-pyret-error (format (string-append "~a: when one argument is given, "
"it must be a number")
(define-syntax (pypar:* stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
(pypar-syntax-error MSG-TIMES-NO-ARGS
[(op_ l_ r_)
(let ((op (syntax op_))
(l (syntax l_))
(r (syntax r_)))
(check-indent 'SLGC l op)
(check-indent 'SLGC op r)
(with-syntax ([oppos (syntax->vector op)]
[lpos (syntax->vector l)]
[rpos (syntax->vector r)])
(syntax/loc stx
(pypar:do* l_ r_ lpos rpos oppos))))]))
(define (pypar:do* l r lpos rpos oppos)
[(and (number? l)
(number? r))
(pysem:#%app pysem:* l r)]
[(and (number? l)
(sequence? r))
(sequence* l r)]
[(and (number? r)
(sequence? l))
(sequence* r l)]
(raise-pyret-error "*: this operator must be applied to numbers or sequences"
(define-syntax (pypar:/ stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
(pypar-syntax-error MSG-DIVIDE-NO-ARGS
[(op_ l_ r_)
(let ((op (syntax op_))
(l (syntax l_))
(r (syntax r_)))
(check-indent 'SLGC l op)
(check-indent 'SLGC op r)
(with-syntax ([wholeloc (syntax->vector stx)]
[lloc (syntax->vector l)]
[rloc (syntax->vector r)])
(syntax/loc stx
(pypar:do-divide l_ r_ wholeloc lloc rloc))))]))
(define (pypar:do-divide l r wholeloc lloc rloc)
(if (not (number? l))
(raise-pyret-error (msg-unexpected '/ "a number" l)
(if (not (number? r))
(raise-pyret-error (msg-unexpected '/ "a number" r)
(if (zero? r)
(raise-pyret-error MSG-DIVISION-BY-ZERO
(pysem:#%app pysem:/ l r)))))
(define-syntax (pypar:% stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_) (pypar-syntax-error MSG-MOD-NO-ARGS
[(op_ l_ r_)
(let ((op (syntax op_))
(l (syntax l_))
(r (syntax r_)))
(check-indent 'SLGC l op)
(check-indent 'SLGC op r)
(with-syntax ([wholeloc (syntax->vector stx)]
[lloc (syntax->vector l)]
[rloc (syntax->vector r)])
(syntax/loc stx
(pypar:do% l_ r_ wholeloc lloc rloc))))]))
(define (pypar:do% l r wloc lloc rloc)
(check-argument-values '% (list (vector l number? "a number" lloc)
(vector r number? "a number" rloc)))
(if (zero? r)
(raise-pyret-error MSG-MOD-BY-ZERO
(pysem:#%app pysem:modulo l r)))
(define-syntax (pypar:** stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_) (pypar-syntax-error MSG-EXPT-NO-ARGS
[(op_ l_ r_)
(let ((op (syntax op_))
(l (syntax l_))
(r (syntax r_)))
(check-indent 'SLGC l op)
(check-indent 'SLGC op r)
(with-syntax ([lloc (syntax->vector l)]
[rloc (syntax->vector r)])
(syntax/loc stx
(pypar:do** l_ r_ lloc rloc))))]))
(define (pypar:do** l r lloc rloc)
(check-argument-values '** (list (vector l number? "a number" lloc)
(vector r number? "a number" rloc)))
(pysem:#%app pysem:expt l r))
(provide (rename-out [pypar:+ +]
[pypar:- -]
[pypar:* *]
[pypar:/ /]
[pypar:% %]
[pypar:** **]))
(define-syntax (pypar:not stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
(identifier? #'id)
(pypar-syntax-error MSG-NOT-NO-ARGS
(pypar-syntax-error MSG-NOT-NO-ARGS
[(kw expr)
(check-indent 'SLGC #'kw #'expr)
(syntax/loc stx
(pysem:#%app pysem:not expr))]))
(define-syntax (make-binary-op stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ macro-name function-name real-name semantics error-message)
(syntax/loc stx
(define-syntax (macro-name stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
(pypar-syntax-error error-message stx)]
[(_ expr)
(pypar-syntax-error error-message stx)]
[(kw e1 e2)
(check-indent 'SLGC #'e1 #'kw)
(check-indent 'SLGC #'kw #'e2)
(with-syntax ([lpos (syntax->vector #'e1)]
[rpos (syntax->vector #'e2)])
(syntax/loc stx
(function-name e1 e2 lpos rpos))))]
[(_ e1 e2 e3 (... ...))
(syntax/loc stx
(semantics e1 e2 e3 (... ...)))]))
(define (function-name l r lloc rloc)
[(boolean? l)
[(boolean? r)
(semantics l r)]
(raise-pyret-error (string-append real-name
": the expression to the right "
"should evaluate to a boolean "
(raise-pyret-error (string-append real-name
": the expression to the left "
"should evaluate to a boolean "
(make-binary-op pypar:and pypar:do-and "and" pysem:and MSG-AND-WRONG-ARGS)
(make-binary-op pypar:or pypar:do-or "or" pysem:or MSG-OR-WRONG-ARGS)
(define-for-syntax (make-boolean-binary-arity-error op)
(string-append op ": expected an expression before and after the `"
op "' keyword"))
(define-syntax (make-boolean-comp-op stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ macro-name function-name num-semantics string-semantics op error-message)
(syntax/loc stx
(define-syntax (macro-name stx1)
(syntax-case stx1 ()
(pypar-syntax-error error-message stx1)]
[(_ e)
(pypar-syntax-error error-message stx1)]
[(kw e1 e2)
(check-indent 'SLGC #'e1 #'kw)
(check-indent 'SLGC #'e1 #'e2)
(with-syntax ([lpos (syntax->vector #'e1)]
[rpos (syntax->vector #'e2)])
(syntax/loc stx1
(function-name e1 e2 lpos rpos))))]))
(define (function-name l r lpos rpos)
[(number? l)
[(number? r)
(pysem:#%app num-semantics l r)]
(raise-pyret-error (string-append op
": the expression to the right "
"of the \"" op "\" sign "
"should evaluate to a number")
[(string? l)
[(string? r)
(pysem:#%app string-semantics l r)]
(raise-pyret-error (string-append op
": the expression to the right "
"of the \"" op "\" sign "
"should evaluate to a string")
(raise-pyret-error (string-append op
": the expression to the left "
"of the \"" op "\" sign "
"should evaluate to a number or "
"a string")
(make-boolean-comp-op pypar:< pypar:do< pysem:< pysem:string_lt "<" (make-boolean-binary-arity-error "<"))
(make-boolean-comp-op pypar:<= pypar:do<= pysem:<= pysem:string_leq "<=" (make-boolean-binary-arity-error "<="))
(make-boolean-comp-op pypar:= pypar:do= pysem:= pysem:string_equal "=" (make-boolean-binary-arity-error "="))
(make-boolean-comp-op pypar:!= pypar:do!= (lambda (l r) (pysem:not (pysem:= l r))) (lambda (l r) (pysem:not (pysem:string_equal l r))) "!=" (make-boolean-binary-arity-error "!="))
(make-boolean-comp-op pypar:>= pypar:do>= pysem:>= pysem:string_geq ">=" (make-boolean-binary-arity-error ">="))
(make-boolean-comp-op pypar:> pypar:do> pysem:> pysem:string_gt ">" (make-boolean-binary-arity-error ">"))
(define pypar:= (lambda (o t) (pysem:#%app pysem:equal o t)))
(define pypar:!= (lambda (o t) (not (pysem:#%app pysem:equal o t))))
(provide (rename-out [pypar:not not]
[pypar:and and]
[pypar:or or]
[pypar:< <]
[pypar:<= <=]
[pypar:= =]
[pypar:!= !=]
[pypar:>= >=]
[pypar:> >]))