#lang planet wrturtle/pyret/bsl

# examples/fun.rkt
# Shows the usage of fun

# `fun' in one-line
fun det_one_line(a,b,c): b ** 2 - 4 * a * c

# Should be 16
test: det_one_line(1,6,5) is: 16

# `fun' with local definitions needs more
# than one line
fun det(a,b,c):
  def b2: b * b
  def ac4: 4 * a * c
  b2 - ac4
# Should also be 16
test: det(1,6,5) is: 16

fun det_with_helpers(a,b,c):
  fun b2(b): b * b
  fun ac4(a,c): a * c * 4
  b2(b) - ac4(a,c)

# You know by now...
test: det_with_helpers(1,6,5) is: 16

# Ye olde factorial function
fun fac(n):
  if is_zero(n): 1
  else: n * fac(sub1(n))

test: fac(0) is: 1
test: fac(1) is: 1
test: fac(4) is: 24
test: fac(5) is: 120