#lang scribble/manual @title{big_bang} Here is an example of a well-formed @tt{big_bang} clause. @verbatim|{ big_bang(init = 2, to_draw = draw_function) }| Semantically, it is identical to the HtDP big-bang. Clause names which formerly contained hyphens have been replaced with names containing underscores (e.g. @tt{to-draw} become @tt{to_draw}). New clauses have been added whenever an HtDP clause accepts multiple expressions. For example, the HtDP @tt{big-bang}'s @tt{to-draw} clause could take one expression (@tt{draw-expr}), or three expressions (@tt{draw-expr, width-expr, height-expr}). To enable this in Pyret, the @tt{to_draw} clause recognizes two @emph{dependent} clauses, @tt{draw_width}, and @tt{draw_height}. Thus, the equivalent of @verbatim|{ (big-bang 2 (to-draw draw_expr width_expr height_expr)) }| is @verbatim|{ big_bang(init = 2, to_draw = draw_expr, draw_width = width_expr, \ draw_height = height_expr) }| Here is a list of the new clause names. @verbatim|{ on_tick tick_rate (dependent on `on_tick`) tick_limit (dependent on `on_tick`) on_key on_pad on_release on_mouse to_draw draw_width (dependent on `to_draw`) draw_height (dependent on `to_draw`) stop_when last_scene (dependent on `stop_when`) check_with on_receive }|