#lang scheme/base

  ;; "../"


;; Assembly time evaluation of scat-like code.

;; On top of the generic delayed target-value mechanism this module
;; provides an RPN language called TV, which is used in the MACRO
;; dialect to implement assembler patterns like:
;;        (([qw a] [qw b] +)    ([qw (tv: a b +)]))
;;   * produces target value computations
;;   * takes lexical names as quoted values, and performs evaluation
;;   * takes non-lexical names as functions from the SCAT namespace

;; Wrap parentheses after partial evaluation for unquote-splicing scat
;; source flattener.
(define (wrap-pe-scat expr)
  (let ((thing
          ((target-value? expr) (target-value-source expr))
          ((target-word? expr) (target-word-name expr))
          (else expr))))
    (if (list? thing)
        (list thing))))

;; Wrap scat functions.
(define (wrap-scat fn)
  (match (fn (make-state:stack '()))
         ((struct stack (ctor (list val)))
         ((struct stack (ctor lst))
          (error 'meta/scat-garbage-state
                 "~s" lst))))

;; Create delayed expressions for evaluation and partial evaluation in
;; an RPN dialect which has lexical refs.
(define-syntax (make-target-value-compiler stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    ((_ ae: . code)
     ;; Operate on rpn code body, processing lexical and other variables.
     (let* ((lex-mapper
             (lambda (fn-lex [fn-no-lex (lambda (x) x)])
               (lambda (stxs)
                  (lambda (stx)
                     (and (identifier? stx)
                          (lexical-binding? stx))
                     (fn-lex stx)
                     (fn-no-lex stx)))
                  (syntax->list stxs)))))
                      (lambda (id)
                        #`(quote (unquote (target-value-eval #,id)))))
                    (lambda (id)
                      #`(unquote-splicing (wrap-pe-scat #,id))))
       ;; (pretty-print (syntax->datum stx))

;; The asmexp: language used to be scat: but now it is limited to a
;; small number of expressions such that it can be compiled to
;; external assembler syntax easily.

;; This list has been obtained using the pretty-print statement in the
;; tv: compiler.

;; (define-syntax-rule (asmexp . _) (begin))

;; (asmexp
;;   and or xor pow >>> <<< / * -)