#lang scheme/base

(require "parse.ss"
         (for-syntax "../tools.ss"

 (all-from-out "parse.ss")
 (all-from-out "parse-tx.ss"))

;; A simple straight line -> nested code transformer producing a
;; lambda expression.

;; This form is used in almost all rpn-based languages.  It takes a
;; list of (form expr) forms and performs a nested expression by
;; creating an expression (from expr p <nest>).  This can then be used
;; to create a ``nested let'' expression, which produces
;; single-assigment code.

(define-syntax (rpn-lambda stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    ((_ . txs)
     #`(lambda (p)
         #,(foldr (lambda (compile expr)
                    (append (syntax->list compile)
                            (list #'p expr)))
                  #'p (syntax->list #'txs))))))

;; Used to pass the dictionary containing a single anonymous entry to
;; a form like rpn-lambda.

(define-syntax rpn:-compile
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ (compile code ...)) ;; single entry
     (compile code ...))))

;; Defining multiple prefix subsitution patterns.
(define-syntax-rule (prefix-parsers namespace ((name arg ...) template) ...)
  (ns namespace
      (define-syntaxes (name ...)
        (values (rpn-syntax-rules () ((_ arg ...) template)) ...))))

;; Like 'prefix-parsers', but translate code using a different
;; compiler and splice it in.

(define-syntax-rule (primitive-prefix-parsers ns lang: (pat code) ...)
    ;; Evaluation the pattern to check if the names are actually
    ;; defined, but that doesn't work because it includes pattern
    ;; names as well..
    ;; (begin (lang: . code) ...) ;; test-eval it
    (prefix-parsers ns (pat (,(lang: . code))) ...)))

;; For console interaction: pass a lexed string to a compiler macro.
(define-syntax (rpn-lex stx)  
  (syntax-case stx ()
    ((_ compile str)
     (let ((words
             (open-input-string (syntax->datum #'str)) stx)))
       #`(compile #,@words)))))

;; With a nested let representation, local values are straightforward
;; to implement.  Values are popped off the stack and bound to
;; intermediate scheme variables.  Then for each variable a wrapper
;; word is created in the proper namespace.  These words load the
;; respective value on the stack.

(define-syntax (rpn-let-locals stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    ((_ (namespace
        (formal ...) p sub)
     (let ((flist (syntax->list #'(formal ...))))
       #`(let-values (((p formal ...) (pop-values p #,(length flist))))
           (ns namespace
               (let ((formal (program: ',formal)) ...)

;; Scheme snarfing

;; Convert a scheme function to RPN form based on 'procedure-arity.
;; Note that this is a dynamic wrapper.  I'm do not know if it is much
;; faster to do this at syntax-time.  The resulting function operates
;; on the argument list as a stack.  For functions with have an
;; arity-at-least struct, the optional arguments are wrapped as a
;; list.  Keywords are obviously not supported.

;; Note:
;;  * automatic syntax-based snarfing is not possible in scheme
;;    without some tricks that provide an instantiated module at
;;    compile time for inspection.
;;  * return values of functions are unknown.  we can dynamicly
;;    capture multiple values though.

(define (rpn-take-reversed n lst)
  (let _take ((n n)
              (in lst)
              (out '()))
    (if (or (zero? n)
            (null? lst))
        (values out in)  
        (_take (sub1 n)
               (cdr in)
               (cons (car in) out)))))

(define (rpn-wrap-dynamic fn)
  (lambda stack
    (define (go n stack [optional '()])
      (let-values (((args stack+) (rpn-take-reversed n stack)))
         (call-with-values (lambda () (apply fn (append args optional))) list)
    (let ((n (procedure-arity fn)))
       ((arity-at-least? n)
        (go (arity-at-least-value n) (cdr stack) (car stack)))
       ((number? n) (go n stack))
       (else (error 'hell-froze-over))))))

;; Doesn't support multiple values.
(define-syntax (rpn-wrap-static stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    ((_ nargs fn)
     (let ((formals
             (build-list (syntax->datum #'nargs) add1))))
       #`(lambda (#,@(reverse formals) . stack)
           (cons (fn #,@formals) stack))))))
;; Might be useful in ordinary scheme code too..
(define (rpn-wrap: . fns)
  (lambda stack
    (foldl apply
           (map rpn-wrap-dynamic fns))))