Custom Query (11 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#278 quickstart make-post fails jaymccarthy defect closed major
#504 keyword #:limit of function mongo-collection-find doesn't work jaymccarthy defect closed major
#269 error "make-hasheq: expects no arguments, given 1" jaymccarthy defect closed major
#330 Unable to create unique indices jaymccarthy enhancement accepted major
#331 Struct creation failure leaves orphan document in collection jaymccarthy defect closed major
#413 Querying malformed ObjectId fails to return jaymccarthy defect closed trivial
#293 More examples! jaymccarthy task closed minor
#307 Index for GeoSpatial Queries (fixed report) jaymccarthy defect closed major
#306 Index for GeoSpatial Queries jaymccarthy defect closed major
#270 Error in make-hasheq jaymccarthy defect closed major
#294 #:limit values other than 1 return the whole collection in mongo-collection-find jaymccarthy defect closed minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.