Custom Query (17 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#35 possible semantic issues with exceptions new defect major dherman/javascript.plt
#38 numbers are unfaithful to spec new defect minor dherman/javascript.plt
#40 over-parenthesization in while-conditions new defect minor dherman/javascript.plt
#120 binding arrows in DrScheme broken new defect major dherman/javascript.plt
#127 errors on initial compile new defect major dherman/javascript.plt
#258 bogon in docs new defect minor dherman/javascript.plt
#285 Fails to compile new defect major dherman/javascript.plt
#34 Function.prototype.toString should produce source new enhancement major dherman/javascript.plt
#41 implement read-only __proto__ new enhancement minor dherman/javascript.plt
#56 parameter for top-level let semantics new enhancement major dherman/javascript.plt
#36 implement JavaScript library fully new task minor dherman/javascript.plt
#39 regular expressions aren't implemented new task minor dherman/javascript.plt
#54 "use lexical scope" pragma new task major dherman/javascript.plt
#99 add an expansion phase to the compiler new task major dherman/javascript.plt
#121 test infrastructure for different compilation modes new task major dherman/javascript.plt
#122 coverage for compiler tests new task major dherman/javascript.plt
#129 audit duplicate-variable errors/non-errors new task critical dherman/javascript.plt
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