Ticket #104 (assigned defect)

Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

setup fails on hash store; hash-store.plt/1/4/hash-store.ss:9:3: expand: unbound identifier in module in: base64-filename-safe

Reported by: spdegabrielle@… Owned by: eli
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: jaymccarthy/hash-store.plt Keywords:
Cc: Version:
Racket Version: 4.1.1


for jaymccarthy > hash-store.plt > package version 1.4

#lang scheme/gui
(require (planet "hash-store.ss" ("jaymccarthy" "hash-store.plt" 1 4)))

compile: unbound identifier in module
setup-plt: error: during making for <planet>/jaymccarthy/hash-store.plt/1/4 (Hash Store)
setup-plt: compile: unbound identifier in module
. Users/spdegabrielle/Library/PLT Scheme/planet/300/4.1.1/cache/jaymccarthy/hash-store.plt/1/4/hash-store.ss:9:3: expand: unbound identifier in module in: base64-filename-safe

Change History

Changed 16 years ago by robby

  • owner changed from robby to jaymccarthy
  • component changed from _default-component to jaymccarthy/hash-store.plt

Changed 16 years ago by robby

  • status changed from new to assigned

Changed 16 years ago by jaymccarthy

Eli removed the function from base64. I sent him the RFC that defines its functionality. Will wait for him.

Changed 14 years ago by jaymccarthy

  • owner changed from jaymccarthy to eli
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