Ticket #236 (new enhancement)

Opened 15 years ago

pict-* from scheme/slideshow should combine in the order of the clauses

Reported by: sstrickl@… Owned by: cce
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: cce/scheme.plt Keywords:
Cc: Version: 6.0
Racket Version:


It would be nice if pict-* combined the subpicts in the order they were given, instead of the non-ghost pict always being combined first. That would be useful for #:combining via *-append instead of *-superimpose, and possibly other uses I haven't yet thought of. An small example program is below:

#lang slideshow

(require slideshow/code

(planet cce/scheme:6:0/slideshow))


[a b c]


#:combine vl-append
[(= stage a)

(item (code a))]

[(= stage b)

(item (code b))]

[(= stage c)

(item (code c))])))

(For such uses, allowing a #:ghost keyword that allows overriding of the ghosting behavior may also be useful. That way non-active parts can be greyed or cellophaned out instead.)

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